
We're gonna need a bigger ship

And yes, exactly where did the remaining ships go?

I think they said "plane". Yes, one of the few attempts at humour.

The rest of the ships can be found with the missing horses from Return of the King. And the missing barrels from The Two Towers.
You quoted me faster than I could edit. Yes it was plane. There's a site that highlights movie plot errors can't quite remember what it was.
Why couldn't they take better and more well known actors?

I mean if you are spending so much on special effects why not a little more on actors?
Yes aside from Cushack and possibly Glover and Harrelson, the remainder of the actors were poorly casted.
so were there 7 ships or 3 ships ?

I think they was 7 ships, 4 were finished, One of which got damage when earth shifted. The other three were still being built as they had to adjust the timescale about 45mins into the movie.
It was SHIT

very very disappointed.

Its like he spent all his budget on effects and the lead actor then..

acting in places was very hammy, the Russians in it were very annoying, too many 'crying Armageddon' type scenes..

Woody H, how the hello could you!?

No idea why you even bothered it. It was always going to be shite.
Just got back from watching it. Im not going to spoil it by saying what happens, but this is my honest review.

I think it was heavily over-hyped for what it is. Its not a bad film like people are saying, but its not a blockbuster either. Like people have said, some good acting especially by Woody Harrelson and Danny Glover. I'm not a big fan of Cusack, but he was ok in this. The CGI is fantastic and probably over done at times. They could and should of made a few more deaths, but that would of put up the rating. Yes it is a long film and some parts should of been edited. The main story could of been altered too to make it abit better. If you have seen Deep Impact, its just that type of film. Disaster film, but doesn't get you sitting on the edge of your seat.

Worth going to cinema and watching it? Maybe. If you've got nothing to do, then yes, go and see it.

Would i buy it on DVD? No

Would i watch it on Sky? Yes, but i wouldnt be giving my whole attention for the whole film as ive already seen it.
maybe we should all go and see it, that way we can prepare for the end
It was SHIT

very very disappointed.

Its like he spent all his budget on effects and the lead actor then..

I agree. Saw it last night.

The special effects were pretty amazing but became repetitive up to the point of being boring towards the end. Likewise, the film spent too long showing the effects of the meltdown as opposed to showing how mankind would reacted in such a situation. I think had they spent more time on the human part of the story, then it would have been very poignant. But as you say that would have required some actual acting!

As an aside, the cinema was PACKED! Have not seen it sooooo full since a long long time ago. The makers have missed an opportunity here.
Why was the plane in LA unable to climb and avoid all that shit flying around?

I presume he was trying to do that but they made the point that he wasn't an experienced pilot.

Not very well.
Dumpstars post has been deleted and an infraction given

Regardless of what he said, that's always a good move.

Going to see this on wednesday after the interview hell is over. Expecting a shit plot, just hoping the effects can sustain us for the two and a half hours.
Really? This is shit??

From the guy who brought us such classics as Independence Day, Godzilla and 10,000 BC ?

I am surprised...
Really? This is shit??

From the guy who brought us such classics as Independence Day, Godzilla and 10,000 BC ?

I am surprised...

That’s what I said in a previous thread. Director is shit. But everyone seemed to love Independence Day and Day After Tomorrow. (Both could have been a million times better if done properly)

My opinion; all his movies sound great in the build up to release. They all then either fall short or fail horribly (sounds like every Michael Bay movie too). He has turned at least 5 potential classic disaster/Sc Fi movies into poo.

He must be stopped.
He certainly knows how to create a spectacle but he really needs to wind his ego in and hire a proper screenwriter.

Same as the that goon you mention, Michael Bay.

Their movies are the equivalent of a really sweet dessert. Nice for the first few bites but then you start to feel sick and regret that you didn't just have the cheese & biscuits.
I keep thinking this is a prog rock thread but then I remember that is 2112
How fecking handy was it that the continent of Asia shifted just right so that the very area where the arks were built was on the flight path of Cusack and co?
Did the Mayans predict a black president in 2012? We're fecked if they did.

The chaotic destruction scenes are very TDAT. Makes me not want to see it.
How fecking handy was it that the continent of Asia shifted just right so that the very area where the arks were built was on the flight path of Cusack and co?

Exactlly, Grinner - it spoil it, because the rest of was totally believable.
Saw it last night. Wasn't any more or less than expected really. SOme of the dialogue was so bad it was just funny

This one's going on my chat up line list:
"My father, used to bring me a box of books every week. I got an ice cream for each book I finished. I was a very fat kid"

*pours tea into cup* "Your mind is like this cup, full of opinions and possibilities. In order to see the truth, you must first empty your cup"
Saw it tonight. Decent flick. Acting certainly didn't give me the impression the end of the world was upon them. They seemed quite calm, as if knowing when the scenes for the day were finished, they were all going back to their respective trailers for a hot Starbucks and some hot food. The escape from destruction scenes were ridiculous. No chance in hell that giant plane would have managed to climb after falling off the runway. Many other things come to mind but I'll just leave it that.
I'm so sick of that girl screaming "daddy".

And what was with their multiple references to Caltech?

And how the hell did the father get out of the campervan at Yellowstone?
Am I the only one who thinks this has little to do with actual 2012 mayan's prophecy and that? It was just like an extended The Day After Tomorrow, but with Cushak running all over.
Well at least I thought it was actually going to be about the 3 days of darkness and that kind of stuff, the mayan's prophecy.
Let's be honest, it is a shite film. However, pretty entertaining at the same time :lol:
The CGI was great at some points, terrible for others (when he's running after the plane it's like a comedy sketch).
The plot was ridiculously predictable....
- Annoying kid hates Dad, Dad wins over kid, called it from the start
- Step Dad dying, called it from the start
- Getting back with his wife, called it from the start
- Russian guy dying, called it, but his two shitty little kids would survive, called that too
- Was also pretty obvious the Russian pilot was going to die and that he was fecking the blonde bird
I literally leant over to my mate and said these things were going to happen. Does that mean I can predict the future better than the Mayans?
It's all a paradox.

What the Mayans actually saw - somehow - was clips from this movie. They had no such thing as tv and cinema at the time, so obviously thought it was the future.

Then the movie was made based on the Mayan prediction.