The special effects certainly won't be in doubt.

"Brought to you by the director of Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow" e.t.c. e.t.c.

Looks decent, one i've had marked out for a little while.
Either you've accidentally been given some kind of mod powers (though obviously still inferior to mine), or you're in the same room as me, right now
When I click on people's profile's I can see what threads their viewing, which is kind of cool. I thought everybody could do this? If not please don't take it away from me.

Actually that was a lie, your cat is a spy and is feeding me information.
So what you're saying is, you sit there refreshing my profile at 04:30 in the morning, so you can tell which thread I view on redcafe?

You've been spending too much time around Weaste
Looks like it could be good , but they dont always live up to the hype.
There is a few films about 2012 about at the momment and most if not all are rubbish , I watched one called 2012 Doomsday and is by far the worst film I have ever seen.
I must admit the thoery behind the films is scary and when you read some proper stuff about it send a chill down your spine.
It's made by Roland Emmerich. It will be dire.

I mean fecking hell, why are they still giving this guy big budgets?
If you pay money to see this movie you're probably insane.

Even if you download it for free you're still on pretty loopy ground.
It's because they stuck a trailer in the middle of X-Factor.
I need a third vote.

It was SHIT

very very disappointed.

Its like he spent all his budget on effects and the lead actor then..

acting in places was very hammy, the Russians in it were very annoying, too many 'crying Armageddon' type scenes..

Woody H, how the hello could you!?
It was SHIT

very very disappointed.

Its like he spent all his budget on effects and the lead actor then..

acting in places was very hammy, the Russians in it were very annoying, too many 'crying Armageddon' type scenes..

Woody H, how the hello could you!?

The acting of that Russian pilot was cringeworthy to say it least!
I'm guess
a) lots of expensive special effects
b) lots of manipulative emotive moments
c) negligible plot

I'm hoping that it will be fun on that basis.
a) Yes
b) Yes but not quite on Armageddon or TDAT scale
c) There was a plot, it can be summarised by one word - woah.

I was expecting it to be shit, and it was. I wasn't expecting it to be so fecking long. It must have been 2h40m

5 minutes of footage in that thread. I agree with everyone though, it will be crap. We'll have 30 - 40 minutes of the world being destroyed then another 2 hours of dross afterward, just like all of Emmerichs movies.


That's exactly how the movie was like. The action-sequences was great, but the rest was very poor. I'll say The Day After Tomorrow is better, and that says something.

And that.

Watched this last night. It had a great action sequence towards the start of the movie that lasted a few minutes (it seemed) but after this it really was utter garbage.

Was the same shit over and over, the acting was cringe worthy and all too predictable. Day After Tomorrow was much much better on all fronts.

Only go and pay to see this film if you want to see action scenes and special effects on a larger than normal scale, a divx download won't do them any justice.
So once again Gambit gets it right. Now this I reckon will be worth waiting for
It was fun/entertainment - never going to win any awards for the acting, but I doubt it was meant to. The special effects are very good.

It was pure cheese, but I didn't go expecting anything different.

It lacked humour. A lot of these movies do have some cracking one liners, but this one was basically quite depressing really.

Were the Russian twins going to be part of the Curtis family? They obviously didn't have anyone else, and one of them said to the little girl that the dog could be hers too.
so were there 7 ships or 3 ships ?


No. 3 was damaged, but according to the numbering, there should have been three more than there were at the end.