Maroon Lucifer
Full Member
"Brent's too big for the gloryhole and that's why we love Brent". Brilliant
But was it actually dealing with the issues (the way that say, South park does) or merely referencing them in a quick one off sketch that wont be comprehensible in 10-20 years time. There's a massive difference
Does anyone actually like the interminable Conway Twitty sequences in Family Guy? They must confuse the feck out of their homophobic chav demographic.
I prefer American Dad to both of these shows at the moment. Although obviously old Simpsons is superior to most anything.
I love that the Simpsons gets slated for going on for too long yet Family Guy doesn't get any hate for it's quality dropping MASSIVELY the second it returned. It was probably a bigger drop than the Simpsons, and the Simpsons was hugely superior in their peaks and had a peak that lasted longer than what? 50 episodes?
So yeah, Simpsons all ends up. Family Guy was the better show when it started and it was airing with Simpsons fading off initially, but overall it's not close.
I hate Family Guy. Clips from it out of context can be funny, but the style of it - "That reminds me of the time when...*parody of TV show or film*" every minute really gets annoying.
I would advise everyone to watch the premiere episode of Season 9 of Family Guy.
Its brilliant and an hour special. Murder mystery !