[2/16] Simpsons v Family Guy

Far as I'm concerned it's about something a whole lot bigger. It's about the importance of originality, breaking new ground, keeping a cartoon interesting for 22 years.

Which unfortunatly its failed to do for the last 10 years. Simpsons used to be brilliant, but since the turn of the century its really failed to better itself and the writing has dipped massively. I still watch the first 5 season and love it to bits, but the current ones are incredibally unfunny.

Whereas at least Family Guy has that negative attitude with brilliant sarcasm that we Brits love. I guess Family Guy has a rather dry sense of humour, I didn't enjoy it when it first came out, but 3 years ago I made the effort to rewatch season 1 and loved it.
Zing! You should write for Family Guy.

I know, unfortunately we can't all be as intelligent as you, Elliot, I do after all only laugh at Family Guy.

But I really want to be intelligent, so go on, lecture me some more, what, besides watching The Simpsons, is a symbol of intelligence? Eating fish sticks with a fork?
The same style of comedy as Family Guy and South Park? Those 2 shows are nothing alike. South Park is just about the most satirical show on TV, it's important, it's sharp and it's well written. The jokes are at the mercy of the storyline, not the other way around. They still have nonsensical episodes but unlike every Family Guy episode ever these are funny.

As for The Simpsons copying Family Guy....

Important it is not, it's a cartoon. Well written? Yeah it's funny but it's not exactly Frasier is it? The gags are at the mercy of the storyline, but as i pointed out the storyline is usually about stupid Jews, zombie homeless and guinea pirates with, insert balls joke here, added in. Yeah that's intelligent writing there. Bunny popes, giant turds (oh yeah that episode was very intelligent with the oh so subtle hint that Bono is a shit), etc, etc.

Now don't get me wrong i like South Park but to say it's intelligent humour is an interesting way of putting it.

And the Simpsons obviously didn't copy Family Guy i never said that. I just meant they seem to be changing their style of humour to more gag driven rather than story driven.
Important it is not, it's a cartoon. Well written? Yeah it's funny but it's not exactly Frasier is it? The gags are at the mercy of the storyline, but as i pointed out the storyline is usually about stupid Jews, zombie homeless and guinea pirates with, insert balls joke here, added in. Yeah that's intelligent writing there. Bunny popes, giant turds (oh yeah that episode was very intelligent with the oh so subtle hint that Bono is a shit), etc, etc.

Now don't get me wrong i like South Park but to say it's intelligent humour is an interesting way of putting it.

And the Simpsons obviously didn't copy Family Guy i never said that. I just meant they seem to be changing their style of humour to more gag driven rather than story driven.

Really? Cause you seem to be missing the point a lot. The social argument in The Passion of the Jew is obvious. Fantastic Easter Special is about the commercialization of Easter, not a bunny in a pope hat. Etc.

Not great now, but in its prime (seasons 3-9) it was the best thing on TV, let alone the best cartoon

Whadda the scores George Doors?
A nonsensical question to start, a host of confused replies, manatees as a euphemism for stupidity, arguments and a points tally that seems devoid of any mathematical logic.

Great thread.

3:16...for god so loved the world...
Really? Cause you seem to be missing the point a lot. The social argument in The Passion of the Jew is obvious. Fantastic Easter Special is about the commercialization of Easter, not a bunny in a pope hat. Etc.

So is South Park not meant to be funny then? Shit i thought it was a cartoon where Mel Gibson shat on peoples faces and two canadians fart on each other, not a beacon of truth that i should watch and study for the deep and meaningful message. Do you even laugh at the episodes or are you too deep in thought with your notebook out searching for the meaning behind every line?

Anyway i tire of this, and somethings kicked off at work so you can reply and have the satisfaction of thinking you're better than i am. Bye.
I didn't find Family Guy that funny. I've seen about five episodes and most of the jokes are just random and have nothing to do with the plot.The Dad character says "that reminds me of the time when" followed by some weird surreal visual gag. It's entertaining enough, but nothing special.
For this one reason alone, Family guy will always win. Simpsons has never ever created a scene as funny as this one. For a matter of fact, no other sitcom has...ever...

Ladies and gentlemen...

Simpsons old > Family Guy > Simpsons now

At its best Simpsons is the best show I've ever seen. Classic Homer is the greatest character ever.
It is up in the air imo, the best FG eps are the best Ive seen
The Simpsons

I really like Family Guy, but if we're talking overall and both at their best then it has to be The Simpsons.
I just finished watching the new episode of Simpsons (S20e11)

And my god, what a load of bollocks. I was actually bored during it.

Family Guy > Simpsons, any day of the week.
American Dad has me in stiches all the time, pure genius
I get the feeling that anyone who says Family Guy > Simpsons is not over 15 and should be slapped...Hard.

The Simpsons in its prime was more satirical, witty, clever, informative & touching in 20 minutes than the enitre opus of Family Guy

Admittedly now The Simpsons is a pile of poo. But like an old Mohammed Ali loosing to a younger, fitter & hungrier Larry Holmes, it doesn't change the fact that Ali was better... miles better, than Holmes...

Like people have said:

Old Simpsons > Family Guy > New Simpsons
I get the feeling that anyone who says Family Guy > Simpsons is not over 15 and should be slapped...Hard.

My nephew and his friends who are all around 12 love The Simpsons, and as did I when I was their age.

Doesn't really matter though, it's a bit like those stupid arguments between Xbox/PS3 users, and Mac/PC.
Why is family guy only like once a month, I hate it. I need my FG once a week.
The Simpsons, in its first 6 seasons or so, was untouchable. In a whole other league to Family Guy. The fact that they've kept going for another 12 seasons or whatever means there's a lot of shit to sift through now, but early days, that show was on a different level of funnyness. Family Guy is decent enough, but nowhere near the Simpsons used to be.
Simpsons ahead of Family Guy any day really. I find FG a little bit silly to be honest.
Simpsons......mainly because Family Guy is a ruder cruder version without the subtlety and therefore appealing to the MTV moronic generation.

And of course, Family Guy seems to be a rather obvious clone of the Simpsons.

One big fat guy with blue trousers with a functional wife.
One big fat guy with green trousers........etc etc
Family Guy seems to be the most blatant piece of plagiarism since......well I dont know any obvious breaches........

Family Guy is never off BBC 3 and two channels that are numbers 164 and 165...dont ask me what they are called cos I dont know.
And the Simpsons have built an entire world around Springfield with minor characters well written and important.
The Simpsons has about 80 characters
By contrast Family Guy only has about 20 characters...its effectively a series of sketches with no plot.

And just how many Family Guy episodes are there? There only seems to be TWO of them.
Simpsons......mainly because Family Guy is a ruder cruder version without the subtlety and therefore appealing to the MTV moronic generation.

And of course, Family Guy seems to be a rather obvious clone of the Simpsons.

One big fat guy with blue trousers with a functional wife.
One big fat guy with green trousers........etc etc

Family Guy seems to be the most blatant piece of plagiarism since......well I dont know any obvious breaches........

Family Guy is never off BBC 3 and two channels that are numbers 164 and 165...dont ask me what they are called cos I dont know.
And the Simpsons have built an entire world around Springfield with minor characters well written and important.
The Simpsons has about 80 characters
By contrast Family Guy only has about 20 characters...its effectively a series of sketches with no plot.

And just how many Family Guy episodes are there? There only seems to be TWO of them.

Do you even watch Family Guy?

It has had 7 seasons. Which by contrast isn't a shade on Simpsons 20 seasons, but I can honestly say that 7 seasons of family guy have been far superior to the last 10-15 seasons of Simpsons.

If Simpsons and Family Guy are so similar, why is the only comparison a fat guy? Where is the evil baby who plots to take over the world in Simpsons? How does Lisa compare to Meg?? And how does Bart compare to Chris!?
Also, wheres the talking dog in the Simpsons?!

Family guy has enough characters to keep it fresh, without over doing it. Simpsons has far too many characters, which have been introduced to prolong the series into the 20th season. Which is blatently too much because its running a bit dry now.

Family guy addresses current issues and in doing so can remain relevant whereas Simpsons struggles to rekindle any humour it once had, its base characters lack the necessary humour to keep somebody entertained for 20-30 minutes.

There is as much storyline in Family Guy as there is in Simpsons, your post just emphasises how little Family Guy you have actually watched, and therefore your basis for comparison is flawed.
It has had 7 seasons. Which by contrast isn't a shade on Simpsons 20 seasons, but I can honestly say that 7 seasons of family guy have been far superior to the last 10-15 seasons of Simpsons.

But how does the 7 series of Family guy compare to the FIRST 10 seasons of The Simpsons? ... Very poorly in my book

Family guy addresses current issues ....

But how does the 7 series of Family guy compare to the FIRST 10 seasons of The Simpsons? ... Very poorly in my book


I'd have to agree with the 'current issues' thing, FG does....e.g: Christian Bale/Peter stand off...(which was class!)
But how does the 7 series of Family guy compare to the FIRST 10 seasons of The Simpsons? ... Very poorly in my book
Exactly. The Simpsons is such a shadow of its former self the last 8-10 seasons shouldn't even be mentioned. As great as Family Guy is, it doesn't compare to the Simpsons at its best, which will go down as genuinely classic TV that people will still be watching in another 10-20 years, Family Guy not so much.
I'd have to agree with the 'current issues' thing, FG does....e.g: Christian Bale/Peter stand off...(which was class!)

But was it actually dealing with the issues (the way that say, South park does) or merely referencing them in a quick one off sketch that wont be comprehensible in 10-20 years time. There's a massive difference
Do you even watch Family Guy?

It has had 7 seasons. Which by contrast isn't a shade on Simpsons 20 seasons, but I can honestly say that 7 seasons of family guy have been far superior to the last 10-15 seasons of Simpsons.

If Simpsons and Family Guy are so similar, why is the only comparison a fat guy? Where is the evil baby who plots to take over the world in Simpsons? How does Lisa compare to Meg?? And how does Bart compare to Chris!?
Also, wheres the talking dog in the Simpsons?!

Family guy has enough characters to keep it fresh, without over doing it. Simpsons has far too many characters, which have been introduced to prolong the series into the 20th season. Which is blatently too much because its running a bit dry now.

Family guy addresses current issues and in doing so can remain relevant whereas Simpsons struggles to rekindle any humour it once had, its base characters lack the necessary humour to keep somebody entertained for 20-30 minutes.

There is as much storyline in Family Guy as there is in Simpsons, your post just emphasises how little Family Guy you have actually watched, and therefore your basis for comparison is flawed.

Stewie is as blatantly a rip-off of 'Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth' as Peter is of Homer, once again underlining Seth MacFarlane's lack of creative talent.

And to say FG addresses current issues is just nuts. In fact, to say it addresses anything at all is a stretch. Even though they might touch upon a current event in one of the trillion random gags they call an episode, there is nothing satirical about it.
I've noticed they've changed the opening sequence in the Simpsons now to go with HD, looks alright, feels like they've tried to change it too much though rather than just slight changes. The billboard gag opens a few new avenues.
Family Guy is a show created by a self-hating latent homosexual. Nearly every episode has a 5 minute song that was originally performed by Judy Garland (witness the dozen episodes with Frank Sinatra Jr. or whatever, and that "Shipoopi" number in the Tom Brady episode). He tries to distract from the gayness by putting anti-gay jokes and senseless violence against women, but that just confirms the gayness even more (gays are quite misogynist, especially the latent ones in denial). If you enjoy the show, you secretly crave cock. FAHCT.
Family Guy is a show created by a self-hating latent homosexual. Nearly every episode has a 5 minute song that was originally performed by Judy Garland (witness the dozen episodes with Frank Sinatra Jr. or whatever, and that "Shipoopi" number in the Tom Brady episode). He tries to distract from the gayness by putting anti-gay jokes and senseless violence against women, but that just confirms the gayness even more (gays are quite misogynist, especially the latent ones in denial). If you enjoy the show, you secretly crave cock. FAHCT.

The last episode proves my thesis. fecking hell, he's practically screaming for help at this point.

Oh, and Seth Rogen is funnier in 5 minutes than Family Guy's entire run.