[2/16] Simpsons v Family Guy

Anderson Searl

Reserve Team Player
Dec 9, 2008
Gonna make this a discussion that will continue on with every week, but this time around it seemed like people think the Simpsons only got attention back by changes and the gimmicks...

When in my opinion, it was funnier and back to the old days.

So, let's get a tally for this week.

Simpsons 1
Family Guy 0
Simpsons in its prime was far better, overall though Family Guy is better, that said though both are class
are you comparing the episodes that were on this week?
I hope you realise it is not the same shit in the US and UK
Peter Griffin v Homer Simpson would be a better thread that would be close
Simpsons, even though I'm not sure if I should answer in the same format as the original poster.
That type of question is like Sophie's Choice. Don't make me do it.
The Simpsons used to make me laugh when I was much younger, but I hardly make a smirk these days when watching it, where as I'm often giggling while watching Family Guy.
Don't think some people got the idea behind this thread.

I would say the Simpsons was the better of the two this week, that said the pasta sauce flashback was terribly lazy writing and almost ruined the episode.

Stewie was uncharacteristically unfunny this week and there wasn't much Brian at all. Highlight was the wheelchair birth by far the funniest joke in the episode I thought.
Stewie was uncharacteristically unfunny this week and there wasn't much Brian at all. Highlight was the wheelchair birth by far the funniest joke in the episode I thought.

I found Bale's rant at Peter well funny.
Overall I'd say Family guy is funnier, but Simpsons is somehow a better show and Homer the most likable character, closely followed by stewie.

As for this weeks episodes, not a clue. I'm not American.
Simpsons (In its Prime) >>> Family Guy (In its Prime)
Family Guy (Now) > Simpsons (Now).
You can't really compare them since The Simpsons is soooo much better.

Family guy is extremly annoying and painfully unfunny. I would rather sit and watch dozens of Married with Children episodes than to watch a single Family guy episode.
You can't really compare them since The Simpsons is soooo much better.

Family guy is extremly annoying and painfully unfunny. I would rather sit and watch dozens of married with children episodes then to watch a single Family guy episode.
I grew up watching The Simpsons and used to think Bart was great, but when I grew up I understood the humour a lot better and realized that Homer was the real star of the show. It used to be an amazing show but it's really declined in recent years and I think it's safe to say that Family Guy has now overtaken it. This weeks episode was quite poor though I thought, especially after waiting so long for it.

Top said:
The Simpsons used to make me laugh when I was much younger, but I hardly make a smirk these days when watching it, where as I'm often giggling while watching Family Guy.

Simpson's last decent season was season 10. After that a load of the writers fecked off. Since then it's been incredibly formulaic and keeps on the same lines.

Homer gets hurt horrifically, Lisa plays the good guy, Marge disapproves of everything, and the storylines just get fecking absurd. The movie was the ultimate bad Simpson's episode. Though there are funny moments, they're subtle. When Simpson's tries to be 'weird' or 'quirky' it tries too hard and ends up being 'wtf?'.

I know it's a cartoon and everything, but it's at its best when it's about normal every day things.
You can't really compare them since The Simpsons is soooo much better.

Family guy is extremly annoying and painfully unfunny. I would rather sit and watch dozens of married with children episodes then to watch a single Family guy episode.

feck me thats mental. Married with bleedin Children over Family Guy? Hmmmmmmmm its peggy's tits isnt it?
Don't think some people got the idea behind this thread.

I would say the Simpsons was the better of the two this week, that said the pasta sauce flashback was terribly lazy writing and almost ruined the episode.

Stewie was uncharacteristically unfunny this week and there wasn't much Brian at all. Highlight was the wheelchair birth by far the funniest joke in the episode I thought.

Thanks for understanding Ivor :lol:

Lazy writing but it delieved when it seemed grim.

Family Guy was good, sort of don't agree with the Stewie part but the rest of it seemed forced, other than the Bale skit which was comedy classic.
Peter Griffin v Homer Simpson would be a better thread that would be close

Not really Peter Griffin was an obvious Homer rip and also Homer was funnier for a longer period without being half as crude.
Family Guy seasons 1-3 were the best

After that the started to include far too many "This reminds me of the time when" and "This is almost as bad as the time when" type jokes, which are shit tbh, they're too easy to pull off, are unrelated to the episode in hand, and are just a bit boring. Lazy, andeasy from the writers I feel.

If you prefer Family Guy to The Simpsons or passing a kidney stone, chances are you're not very clever.

If you prefer Family Guy to The Simpsons or passing a kidney stone, chances are you're not very clever.

Yet from that image you watch South Park and are trying to take some sort of intellectual high ground (from a show that recently had a town infested by giant guinea pigs). You don't have to be thick to find it funny, infact the simpsons has dumbed down considerably since i used to watch every week. I like all three, personally i do prefer South Park just because its completely random, Simpsons used to be entertaining but now its using the same style of comedy as Family Guy and South Park but doing it worse.
If you prefer Family Guy to The Simpsons or passing a kidney stone, chances are you're not very clever.

Ah I love it when people try and use the preference of cartoons as an indicator as to why they're so much smarter than the rest of us.

That's not silly at all...
Early Simpsons seasons were far better than Family Guy.


As it stands now, Family Guy wins. I saw a new Simpsons episode the other day with Lisa and a nerd friend pretending to be in Equalia, some magical land, and it was horribly shit. Didn't make me laugh once which I didn't like to admit because I love the Simpsons.

Seems like they are running out of storylines which is understandable after so long.

Saw one yesterday where Artie Ziff lives in their loft which was great though :lol: 'Squirt squirt'.
Yet from that image you watch South Park and are trying to take some sort of intellectual high ground (from a show that recently had a town infested by giant guinea pigs). You don't have to be thick to find it funny, infact the simpsons has dumbed down considerably since i used to watch every week. I like all three, personally i do prefer South Park just because its completely random, Simpsons used to be entertaining but now its using the same style of comedy as Family Guy and South Park but doing it worse.

The same style of comedy as Family Guy and South Park? Those 2 shows are nothing alike. South Park is just about the most satirical show on TV, it's important, it's sharp and it's well written. The jokes are at the mercy of the storyline, not the other way around. They still have nonsensical episodes but unlike every Family Guy episode ever these are funny.

As for The Simpsons copying Family Guy....
Ah I love it when people try and use the preference of cartoons as an indicator as to why they're so much smarter than the rest of us.

That's not silly at all...

Far as I'm concerned it's about something a whole lot bigger. It's about the importance of originality, breaking new ground, keeping a cartoon interesting for 22 years.
I for one would be surprised if they didn't show The Simpsons 24/7 at Mensa.