Recent content by strongwalker

  1. UEFA Champions League Round of 16 - 4/3/25 - 12/3/25

    we arent in the form or have the quality of 2019/20 - but we may be :D
  2. UEFA Champions League Round of 16 - 4/3/25 - 12/3/25

    i wouldn't mind an Aston in front of my Villa, as long as it doesn't have to be in Birmingham. But if Aston is the best the PL can deliver, i think someone should reconsider whom to bribe at the UEFA
  3. UEFA Champions League Round of 16 - 4/3/25 - 12/3/25

    Funny because the german press hold their feet pretty well. I suspect some bias regarding his heritager or maybe also his dad there? may be wrong, iknow next to nothing about the belgium media landscape. But honestly, there has been next to no rumours about him being on trial around here, and it...
  4. UEFA Champions League Round of 16 - 4/3/25 - 12/3/25

    He still had full support because he has the teams full support and the management likes what they see. He is expected to win the Bundesliga, which they are on a very good path to do. Talking about breathing space is giving the wrong vibes, it ain't as oof he was on thin ice.
  5. UEFA Champions League Round of 16 - 4/3/25 - 12/3/25

    First english player to score 10 in one CL season
  6. Film HEAT 2

    it will contain several hooks that lead toward the blockbuster spinoff streaming series, it will have worse acting, way worse screenplay and way much better visual and sound effects than the original, all CGI of course. All action sequences will be easily reproducable in the accompanying video...
  7. UEFA Champions League Round of 16 - 4/3/25 - 12/3/25

    Leverkusen subbing out Xhaka and Wirtz to avoid 3rd yellows. That is an oath of manifestation if i've ever seen one
  8. UEFA Champions League Round of 16 - 4/3/25 - 12/3/25

    broken watch being right twice a day
  9. UEFA Champions League Round of 16 - 4/3/25 - 12/3/25

    Funnily enough, i'd have taken a 1-0 or even a 1-1 before the game, if someone had offered
  10. UEFA Champions League Round of 16 - 4/3/25 - 12/3/25

    Pen Bayern after VAR. 20/20 so far for Harry.
  11. UEFA Champions League Round of 16 - 4/3/25 - 12/3/25

    Keeper #5 (or #6 - who knows?) of the 7 we currently have under contract. Nothing to see here, move on
  12. UEFA Champions League Round of 16 - 4/3/25 - 12/3/25

    Neuer injured while celebrating
  13. How good was Mario Basler?

    Short update: he is part of the ZDF "FC Hollywood" miniseries. He spent the night before the 1999 final at the hotel bar, drinking and smoking. In ihis own words, Hoeneß found him there. "Mario, you're way past curfew" - i know boss, i'll just finish my beer". But the beer was tasty, so i had...
  14. Diego Armando Maradona

    i forgot that :D At that age, I was focussed on our team and thought we should have won against that fat little ****.... Unfortunately, I only started keeping my tickets a bit later and I didn't keep it up, either. Still, some good ones survived :)