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Now I'd see that movie.
...Exactly. Damn, I could've used far less sentences to make that point.
How the feck did Charlie Sheen get involved in something like that and yet no-one even seems surprised.
Sheen-Gibson-Gazza Dream Team.
There's a difference. When I know something is completely fake it's very hard for it to have an affect on me.
I'm pretty confident I could watch A Serbian Film without it leaving a scar but I would be very bored throughout it all since almost all horror films are very boring stuff to watch.
However, I've seen a security camera of a car hitting a person (the person lived and from the camera you couldn't see blood) and that was way more shocking than any movie.
He's definitely joining the list.
The question is though, is did Charlie Sheen honestly think that he was the first person to view that film, and if not, then all these other people saw it, and kept their mouths shut about a Japanese snuff film, encase the murderers came over and killed them?
The question is though, is did Charlie Sheen honestly think that he was the first person to view that film, and if not, then all these other people saw it, and kept their mouths shut about a Japanese snuff film, encase the murderers came over and killed them?
To be fair Charlie sheen is a legend, in an interview this week he said he's given up drugs because he got bored of them. Is that even possible?
And did these people take us much drugs as mr Sheen? Charlie Sheen is the type of man who makes Pete Doherty jealous..Absolutely. Happens to most normal people a good decade or two younger than it (allegedly) happened to Charlie Sheen.
Saw this on Syfy last night, really fecking strange film, the ending was a bit crap though, I mean
Why did the Japanese guy kill himself when he was just about to go one on one with the scientist bloke? It was even more stupider then when he just left the scalpel in the dudes leg and decided to bite him...I mean really, come on!
Or when the chick tried escaping, instead of running to get help she decides to go back on her own for her friend when she clearly didn't have the strength or energy to do so...stupid bitch.
I spent most of last night trying to get people to read the synopsis for A Serbian Film. Loads of people are pissed at me now![]()
Apparantly he thought he deserved his fate because of how he had treated his family before he came over here. He saw it as his fate and accepted it etc.
Yeah, but it didn't match with what had been going on prior to that, one second the mentality is lets bite the guys neck, lets break this window open, hey look the mentalist is back lets kill him with this shard of glass and then it's just oh wait, I deserve this, i'm going kill myself because you are a god.
It just felt really stupid and unnecessary
I'd say this is like Teletubbies compared to A Serbian Film.
Why would you want to watch it? Why would anyone want to watch it?
Why would you want to watch it? Why would anyone want to watch it?
I found the first one to be a tough wank but I persevered and got there in the end.
I actually enjoyed The HC I, but The HC II was terrible. It was strange, you knew what was going to happen and it was digusting. Wrrrrrrrr.
Six is currently working on The Human Centipede 3, which he claims will make the second installment "look like a Disney movie".
It's boring, you know what is going to happen, because you have probably already watched HC I. It's in black&white and, in my opinion, it makes the film more disgusting. And I mean disgusting, not 'an interesting horror'.Judging by Relevated's posts, this guy must be his dad.
How bad is HC 2 then? I've seen a fair share of thee types of films through curiosity and haven't really been effected. Had the odd "da fuq" moment though. Is it bad all the way through or fairly bad with massive bad bits?
Rather than trying to entertain us, director Tom Six goes all out in an attempt to make us sick, to offend our very sensibilities. He has succeeded. And screw him for that.
Excruciating and horrendous...
The enormous shift in stylistic focus between [Six's] first and second film and the technical skill he displays (notably in his superb sound design) suggests he has much to offer beyond the self-imposed limitations of his bum-to-gum oddities.
I'll grant benefit of the doubt. Right before I huddle in the fetal position and ease my fractured soul with a few hours of Fraggle Rock.
Six is playing it smart...Instead of trying to rewrite history or reverse the condemnation, he's purposefully playing into the hands of the hysterics.
It would be unfair to say the film is completely without merit, but what little there is is drowned out by its blaring vileness.
The film is reprehensible, dismaying, ugly, artless and an affront to any notion, however remote, of human decency.
It's not just graphic; it's contemptuous.
Uses its status as a meta film to comment on the contentious argument that violence in cinema can somehow can be blamed for violence in real life.
Full Sequence could be considered an interesting counterpart to Gus van Sant's Elephant... But what it lacks in the subtlety of van Sant's film, it makes up with scenes of genital mutilation.
monochrome mise en scène and surrealist flourishes more reminiscent of Eraserhead and Bad Boy Bubby than of anything in conventional horror.
It shifts effortlessly between a twisted study in obsessive psychosis and barbed sardonic satire.
Perhaps the most vile, repellent, repulsive, depraved, degraded, debased and plain ugly movie I have ever seen.
A heady blend of the stupid and the sophisticated, the sordid and the surreal. (Uneasily) funny, too.
If you can tune into its warped, droll humour and excessive brutality, this is one hell of an experience you are sure not to forget.
It's clear what director Tom Six considers the movie: an endurance test, to be tolerated by the loyal and condemned by the ignorant and the feeble.
a fiendishly clever self-homage that tackles the 'HC' phenomenon head-on ... Embracing his critics, Six posits the question: What might the world's most insatiable 'HC' fan be like? Scary.
Make no mistake, this little cinematic burst of savagery and bathroom pornography is as balls-out as its predecessor was comparatively restrained.
Imagine the most vile, disturbing, disgusting, atrocious, violent, appalling, sick, twisted, sadistic, horrifying, lifeless, vomit-inducing thing you can think of.
I'm striving to maintain a neutral tone here because I think that's the best way to deflate this silly, clever, disgusting and ultimately meaningless project to a reasonable scale.
Depraved and disgusting but intellectually active, The Human Centipede 2 never fully coheres as a movie but works incredibly as a screed of cultural critique.
Dismal, nauseating and yet bizarrely artful...
Six has in essence backed himself into a rhetorical corner, leaving as perhaps the only option for his next stunt something in which the filmmaker Tom Six winds up with his mouth ********ly attached to his own anus.
It is profoundly unpleasant and, unfortunately, part of a trilogy.
With this second film, the outline of an extended, deadpan provocation begins to take shape.
You're kidding, right?
The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence) could be the sickest B movie ever made. But that's why you may feel gripped by the horror of what you're seeing and the terror of what's coming.
This is surely hell, as a godless Dante or Bosch might paint it.
The movie is a reductio ad absurdum, a sick joke taken to extremes, beginning with a goof on the notion that horror movies inspire copycats and ending with a test to determine whether some people will watch anything.
Like the original, the most shocking aspect comes from the revelation that Six can actually tell a story.
How bad is HC 2 then? I've seen a fair share of thee types of films through curiosity and haven't really been effected. Had the odd "da fuq" moment though. Is it bad all the way through or fairly bad with massive bad bits?
It's boring, you know what is going to happen, because you have probably already watched HC I. It's in black&white and, in my opinion, it makes the film more disgusting. And I mean disgusting, not 'an interesting horror'.
Just watch the last 15 minutes or so.
The action is boring. The black&white suits it, but I'm not a fan of such mental films (but I really liked HC I).I didn't find it boring, more fascinatingly insane. The black&white really suits it and the baddy is on par with, if not better than, the bloke from HC1 (and he himself was awesome). The whole thing's just amazingly mental.
Can someone explain the point of these types of films? I just don't get the fascination with and popularity of gore porn. It doesn't offer anything artistically or story. Just people being tortured or mutilated. I'm not saying it should be banned, but why does it exist?
Can someone explain the point of these types of films? I just don't get the fascination with and popularity of gore porn. It doesn't offer anything artistically or story. Just people being tortured or mutilated. I'm not saying it should be banned, but why does it exist?
I think they're disgusting. Horror movies in general are shit. Most awful acting and no plot. Pretty much all the same to be honest. Some are awful which others like this are just disgusting.
I plan to watch these at some point along with A Serbian film, should be a cracking film night.