The Human Centipede | Sequel banned by BBFC

Couldn't agree more. Scream a load, look horrified, job done. Saw V was probably the worst film I've seen in my life. Laughable plot.

Christ, if that's what I'm thinking of (baby rape?) that should just never have been made.

I don't quite get THC series. Let's stitch people up and have them eat each other's shit, then vomit it back into their arsehole? Just typing that sentence out felt wrong, at what point does someone concoct such an idea, and make it into a film? If a film could go viral, that's almost the perfect example of it.

By the way Cider, can we have some more reviews please? Don't think I've got a good enough gauge on the film.

Probably. I've never watched it. I've just heard crazy things about it, the trailer looks pretty crazy.

I agree with you on shite such as Saw, it's really horrible. Horror movie these days is just about torture and shitty. I've got plenty of time for older horror movies where it was more than just sudden screams or as much pain as possible.
Absolutely, The Exorcist is fantastic. The Shining's very good too.

By the way, on the topic of horrors, has anyone watched Salad Fingers? Literally the strangest, creepiest short films (5 minutes?) I've ever seen. Youtube it. Or not. Yeah, probably not.
Probably. I've never watched it. I've just heard crazy things about it, the trailer looks pretty crazy.

I agree with you on shite such as Saw, it's really horrible. Horror movie these days is just about torture and shitty. I've got plenty of time for older horror movies where it was more than just sudden screams or as much pain as possible.

Saw 1 wasn't a gore movie... it was more of a thriller if anything.

The rest of them did go off in that direction though, which is why they're shite. I've got a lot of time for the first movie though.
Yeah the first Saw was great at the time, but Cider put it perfectly when he said they just kept upping the gore and torture in order to get people coming back for more.
fecking hell, I just read the parental advisory section on IMDB for this, it actually sounds worse than A Serbian Film
These shock horror movies are just plain shite. It’s not that I can’t watch due to how grotesque they are, simply because they are poor movies. I watched part one when it was on nearly every night on one the FX channels on Sky. Watched more out of sheer curiosity. But very poor film.

The Saw series with the exception of the 1st are woeful, again they don’t shock me at all. Just bad movies. Seen most of them, again because they are repeated so often on Sky.

I read the synopsis of this, what is the baby crushing scene like?
I haven't seen the second one, but I enjoyed the first.

I thing about the first one is that although the twisted concept itself, they kept it mostly watchable without trying too much to include the shock factor. As a film itself I think I more enjoyed it in a 'so bad, it's good' sense, but I enjoyed it either way.

The second seems to aim for the shock factor, so i'll just avoid it as to not waste my time more than anything.
I found the first HC boring to be honest with woeful acting. Serbian Film is too and obviously so far fetched it is ludicrous.

For all the people up in arms about the baby 'scene', while I don't care for or buy into the supposed political allegory (ie the government rapes its citizens from birth), yuo just see a guy take a newborn baby off camera- that's it.

Wouldn't rush out to see either if you haven't already. Both are ultimately poor and you are much better watching the original Last House of the Left or Straw Dogs.
I found the first HC boring to be honest with woeful acting. Serbian Film is too and obviously so far fetched it is ludicrous.

For all the people up in arms about the baby 'scene', while I don't care for or buy into the supposed political allegory (ie the government rapes its citizens from birth), yuo just see a guy take a newborn baby off camera- that's it.

Wouldn't rush out to see either if you haven't already. Both are ultimately poor and you are much better watching the original Last House of the Left or Straw Dogs.

The baby scene in HC2 is miles better than that.
I read about the baby scene in HC2

Do you actually see the baby getting crushed? Or does it just suggest?

The remake of hills have eyes has a baby scene which amounts to nothing in the end, but I will admit I was hiding behind my hands.
They're the natural progression from the now dated concept of the slasher movie. People got bored with the old Chase/Kill formula of the Halloween or Scream style movies when movies such as Saw and Hostel showed audiences more personal and psychological violence in the form of protracted torture and mutilation; it was no longer just Chase/Kill, now it would be Chase/Torture/Kill. The entertainment aspect comes in seeing all the original, graphic and gruesome forms of torture that each subsequent movie depicts, each trying to outdo the last just like the slashers did time and time again - and then thinking to yourself, "feck, now that'd fecking hurt!"

The filmmakers are kind of goading you into watching the latest instalment. "I liked Saw, some of the torture scenes were really sick!" - "You fecking baby, you think that was sick?! You don't know what sick is... watch THIS if you want sick!" It's not that the people enjoying these films are all perspective serial killers either, rather, the audience is invited to put themselves in place of the victim; we want to know our pain threshold, we want to know how we'd react to such an extreme and violent situation as being relentlessly tortured, and through such films one can almost imagine oneself in such a traumatic situation.

Movie audiences love extremes of emotion, and how much more extreme can you get than having your body mutilated by some cnut whilst you hang helpless from a meat-hook stabbed unceremoniously into the skin of your back? Again, just like the slasher movies, these films have a kind of audience participation aspect to them, in that, the viewer is constantly asking themselves, "Hmm what would I do?" - "I'd grab that wrench and try and hit him with it... yeah but my arm's broke innit... I know, I'd go in that door and hide in a cupboard..." that kind of shit that just keeps the viewer involved. There're are always fit birds with their tits out knocking about too, which is never a bad thing.

Why would anyone want to know how they'd react in an extreme and violent situation, never mind imagine oneself in that scenario? How I'd react is obvious and I have absolutely no desire to spend an evening imagining myself being tortured. Seems like a shit way to spend 90 minutes.

As for extremes of emotion, I can think of a whole bunch of different ways to trigger emotional extremes without any need to sit through poorly made movies, intended to repulse the viewer.
Why would anyone want to know how they'd react in an extreme and violent situation, never mind imagine oneself in that scenario? How I'd react is obvious and I have absolutely no desire to spend an evening imagining myself being tortured. Seems like a shit way to spend 90 minutes.

As for extremes of emotion, I can think of a whole bunch of different ways to trigger emotional extremes without any need to sit through poorly made movies, intended to repulse the viewer.

I did actually like Hostel- it is a good, well-made film and quite atmospheric. Head and shoulders above the rest of them. Can't say I saw it as preparation for being tortured or whatever.
Hostel actually had a decent plot, compared to some of these others.

Watched the first HC this morning out of curiosity, thought it was crap.
Why would anyone want to know how they'd react in an extreme and violent situation, never mind imagine oneself in that scenario? How I'd react is obvious and I have absolutely no desire to spend an evening imagining myself being tortured. Seems like a shit way to spend 90 minutes.

As for extremes of emotion, I can think of a whole bunch of different ways to trigger emotional extremes without any need to sit through poorly made movies, intended to repulse the viewer.

Physical torture is a somewhat fascinating subject I suppose, simple as that. Why would we watch anything but happy, cosy, carebear movies if no entertainment can realistically be found in stories of negative emotion?

As for being poorly made, HC2 is actually rather stylish in it's direction and the body effects are excellently executed.
Physical torture is a somewhat fascinating subject I suppose, simple as that. Why would we watch anything but happy, cosy, carebear movies if no entertainment can realistically be found in stories of negative emotion?

As for being poorly made, HC2 is actually rather stylish in it's direction and the body effects are excellently executed.

Bit of a leap between your first two sentences there.

Since when are films divided into two categories?

A. Torture Porn
B. Happy, cosy, carebear movies with no negative emotion whatsoever

As for physical torture being a fascinating subject, I'd say that very much depends on the individual. Personally, I find it as fascinating as the contents of the average human colon. And about as entertaining to watch.
I wouldn't say it's a leap at all.

You asked why anyone would want to know how they might react in an extreme and violent situation; I told you that it's simple curiosity; fascination, entertainment.

If you can't understand why a movie audience might find entertainment in empathising with a character being tortured then how can you explain such an audience finding any entertainment in any movie containing negative emotion? There are some really 'depressing' films out there (non-horror genre) which viewers enjoy watching and are entertained by; so why should the empathy inherrent in watching a character get physically tortured be any less entertaining than the same feeling of empathy for a character in some morose drama who has, for example, lost his wife to cancer or is slowly dying of alcoholism or something or something else?

The fact is, TV and the movies isn't real life; a viwer can watch, enjoy and be entertained by extreme negative emotions portrayed on TV without any effect on their own general wellbeing. In a sense, one can experience great pain and loss through the characters on-screen without ever having actually experienced any great pain and loss oneself, and that can be very entertaining. It's no coincidence that many of the greatest acting portrayals in movie history, many of the greatest, most moving and memorable scenes of all time have all involved extremes of negative emotion; because when it's on the television, pain, loss and outright despair can be, and often is, thoroughly enjoyable.

It's all a form of escapism; only sometimes, escaping to hell can be just as exciting as escaping to heaven - if not more so.

Human torture can be a fantasy for someone , mostly sexual fantasy, I believe there are quite a mainstream of SM play on the internet and stuff to know that they exist.

Seeing movie with porn and gore with a well known actress satisfy this fantasy up to a stage, and they can safely hiding behind "Cult favorite" for their abnormal fantasy. I don't honestly believe people searchs for "Ultimate extreme emotion" when they're watching Hostel.

It's just guilty pleasure.

Seeing hostel and stuff doesn't freak me out , because they're MOVIE afterall, it's all fx and script. Seeing a real life violence on the other hand, no matter how small it is compared to movie can be trauma inducing for me.

Last I saw the mexican drug cartel torture / execution shits and it still lingers long after I saw it, because they fecking happen in the real life. That's the scary part
That's a complete intellectual cop-out though. You can't say that the audience watching these films are all a bunch of perverts with sexual fantasies of being tortured, that's nonsense. Perhaps some feel that way but they're in the minority.

You might not believe it, but it is indeed the extremes of negative emotion that attracts viewers to enjoy films filled with such emotion; not just body-horror movies, but any movie with a sad, violent or otherwise negative aspect to it. That doesn't make everyone a masochistic pervert with cravings for pain and sorrow; the very notion of that being the primary reason for people enjoying horror movies is absurd.
That's a complete intellectual cop-out though. You can't say that the audience watching these films are all a bunch of perverts with sexual fantasies of being tortured, that's nonsense. Perhaps some feel that way but they're in the minority.

You might not believe it, but it is indeed the extremes of negative emotion that attracts viewers to enjoy films filled with such emotion; not just body-horror movies, but any movie with a sad, violent or otherwise negative aspect to it. That doesn't make everyone a masochistic pervert with cravings for pain and sorrow; the very notion of that being the primary reason for people enjoying horror movies is absurd.

Not saying all, but imo that's one of the aspect the film maker trying to catch, probably not so much on the big budget blockbuster (saw n hostel), but all the slasher gory indy shits are probably made with soft corn porn fantasy as target audience
Cider is right. The fact is though, is that we all have our individual limit of what we can stand to watch and this film appears to be beyond that limit for many people, quite understandably.