After being banned by the BBFC the director said he was "delighted and flattered by this most expected reaction from the faraway country, since the film is an honest conscientious work, made sure to upset the so-called moralists."
See, this is what I don't get. What point are you trying to make here? How are "so called moralists" people who object to seeing extreme and sadistic torture?...Basically, he made it just to get people really annoyed by it, which he knew would happen, which then allowed him to be pious about it. That's a terrible reason to make any film. This is precisely the kind of attitude I don't like and suspect of a lot of supposedly arty torture porn. Why? OK you're a bit of a prick? Well Ok then fine, but don't claim you're somehow inherently superior to people because you were willing to make it. Just say you quite like that sort of thing. Justifiying it as a superior trait is just...I dunno, ever so slightly the mentality of a physco.