RedCafe - Minute by Minute

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
The Match-day threads seem to be causing as much controversy as ever and remain, more or less, un-readable due to a combination of:

a) Spastics posting total drivel
b) Sensible posters getting caught up in the heat of the moment and posting drivel. Like spastics.
c) Assorted caftards bickering with those from categories a) and b)
d) Some lad from Singapore, on an incredibly laggy stream posting "Ronaldo!!!" 4 minutes after the goal was scored.

All of which means that one of the main functions of these threads - to provide a running update to those without a working stream/telly - gets lost amongst all the dross.

Dunno if any of you cnuts are familiar with the - "Minute by Minute" - coverage you get on various websites (Grauniad is one of the best) where some, reasonably witty, bloke provides a live precis of what's going on in the game in front of him.

What are the chances of setting up something similar on here? Is it technically possible to set up a "thread" with only one (or, possibly, a select few) person/people posting in it? There are plenty of excellent creative writers amongst the caftard hordes and I, for one, would love to read a sensible Minute by Minute report by some of the better posters in this place, as opposed to whatever other sources out there are doing it. I know it's a bit elitist but it could run in parallel with the, more interactive, standard match-day thread, and anyone who's not interested doesn't need to read it.

If it's done properly, I reckon it could raise the profile of the caf and drive traffic from rival fan-sites over here on match-days, which would be a good thing, right?

Is this a good idea?

Or just a pipe dream?


Company man, hitched.
Mar 19, 2008
punching cats for eggs at a dustbin near you
Sounds like a good idea to me, as you say the threads at the minute are pretty much un-readable. I'd say 5 posters max, so at least theres a spread of opinion and not a one sided view on things. These 5 MUST though be decent posters who won't spoil the thread for those who use it for the main reason you mentioned.

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
Sounds like a good idea to me, as you say the threads at the minute are pretty much un-readable. I'd say 5 posters max, so at least theres a spread of opinion and not a one sided view on things. These 5 MUST though be decent posters who won't spoil the thread for those who use it for the main reason you mentioned.
I'm slightly more inclined to going with just the one person, unless they are very carefully chosen. Even with two quality posters it could quickly regress into a bitter squabble about why Rooney isn't being played in his "preferred position"

Just like to go on the record and say that I am not putting myself forward. Firstly, because it would need to be someone from a country that televises every game i.e. not the UK but mainly because I simply couldn't be arsed (the inherent laziness of the average caftard is the biggest flaw in my genius plan)


Memberus Anonymous & Legendus
Mar 29, 2004
I suppose it could work as an alternative to the matchday thread. I don't think getting rid of the matchday thread is a godo idead though. Restricting peoples rights to express their views, no matter how mongish they may be, kind of defeats the point of a forum really. And I would miss noodles pre-match spaz attack everytime Fergie plays an ever so slightly controversial line up, or John O'Shea.


Can't We Just Be Nice?
Jul 28, 2006
I have no idea either, yet.
I'm slightly more inclined to going with just the one person, unless they are very carefully chosen. Even with two quality posters it could quickly regress into a bitter squabble about why Rooney isn't being played in his "preferred position"

Just like to go on the record and say that I am not putting myself forward. Firstly, because it would need to be someone from a country that televises every game i.e. not the UK but mainly because I simply couldn't be arsed (the inherent laziness of the average caftard is the biggest flaw in my genius plan)
aye but people could put themselves forward in advance ... those without twins who knew they would be able to watch and post - and then we could choose 4 or 5 ?


Full Member
May 19, 2006
The Match-day threads seem to be causing as much controversy as ever and remain, more or less, un-readable due to a combination of:

a) Spastics posting total drivel
b) Sensible posters getting caught up in the heat of the moment and posting drivel. Like spastics.
c) Assorted caftards bickering with those from categories a) and b)
d) Some lad from Singapore, on an incredibly laggy stream posting "Ronaldo!!!" 4 minutes after the goal was scored.

All of which means that one of the main functions of these threads - to provide a running update to those without a working stream/telly - gets lost amongst all the dross.

Dunno if any of you cnuts are familiar with the - "Minute by Minute" - coverage you get on various websites (Grauniad is one of the best) where some, reasonably witty, bloke provides a live precis of what's going on in the game in front of him.

What are the chances of setting up something similar on here? Is it technically possible to set up a "thread" with only one (or, possibly, a select few) person/people posting in it? There are plenty of excellent creative writers amongst the caftard hordes and I, for one, would love to read a sensible Minute by Minute report by some of the better posters in this place, as opposed to whatever other sources out there are doing it. I know it's a bit elitist but it could run in parallel with the, more interactive, standard match-day thread, and anyone who's not interested doesn't need to read it.

If it's done properly, I reckon it could raise the profile of the caf and drive traffic from rival fan-sites over here on match-days, which would be a good thing, right?

Is this a good idea?

Or just a pipe dream?
Good idea and would work well in conjunction with the standard matchday thread. But it would require serious commitment.


Company man, hitched.
Mar 19, 2008
punching cats for eggs at a dustbin near you
I'm slightly more inclined to going with just the one person, unless they are very carefully chosen. Even with two quality posters it could quickly regress into a bitter squabble about why Rooney isn't being played in his "preferred position"

Just like to go on the record and say that I am not putting myself forward. Firstly, because it would need to be someone from a country that televises every game i.e. not the UK but mainly because I simply couldn't be arsed (the inherent laziness of the average caftard is the biggest flaw in my genius plan)
I see your point about the numbers, but if it is just the one person then they'd have to be carefully selected. It'd soon get tedious if the person doing it have a problem with a certain player. But as you say it could get equally as bad with arguements over players too.

Maybe it could be a rota thing, or you just declare an interest in doing a certain game and then other posters vote for who they'd like to cover each game?

I think this idea could work, just needs a bit of thought.


Gentleness adorns everything
Sep 1, 2004
I quite like the emotional part of the match day forum - minus the fake scores. Do we really want a match day thread which lacks emotion of a real fan?

I reckon the thread should characterise a fan sitting at the stadium - not some cold hearted director in the South stand.


Company man, hitched.
Mar 19, 2008
punching cats for eggs at a dustbin near you
I quite like the emotional part of the match day forum - minus the fake scores. Do we really want a match day thread which lacks emotion of a real fan?

I reckon the thread should characterise a fan sitting at the stadium - not some cold hearted director in the South stand.

I don't think it'd be a case of picking someone who lacked the emotions involved in watching the match. Just a matter of having someone who could accurately put across their feelings without being on a wind up or the like.

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
Just to clarify, this thread would run as well as, not instead of, the normal match-day thread. People could flick between the two.

That way folk can follow one thread to see what the feck is going on and another thread to type "GOOOOOOAAALLLLL ROOOOOONEYYYY!!!!!" etc.


Gentleness adorns everything
Sep 1, 2004
I nominate Pogue, and Noods.

With Plech, Sincher as co analysts.

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
I don't think it'd be a case of picking someone who lacked the emotions involved in watching the match. Just a matter of having someone who could accurately put across their feelings without being on a wind up or the like.
Feelings aside, would be good to have someone who could say:

"Ronaldo, with a mazy run down the right wing, whips in a vicious cross, flicked on at the near-post by Tevez and buried by Paul Scholes at the back stick. The ginger ninja is back! etc."

As opposed to


"Wait. Wasn't that Fletcher"

"My stream's down. Can someone PM me a proper stream"

"Why isn't Berbatov playing? Fergie's a MUG"

"feck off Gus"

etc. etc.


Full Member
May 19, 2006
I reckon we need 5 posters or so. It'll be too hard otherwise, there'll be too much pressure on one and he won't even enjoy watching the game.


New Member
Apr 23, 2006
Well this is a forum not a BBC website.

So what you re expecting from a Match thread is completely wrong.

However a separate thread could be a good idea.


Company man, hitched.
Mar 19, 2008
punching cats for eggs at a dustbin near you
Feelings aside, would be good to have someone who could say:

"Ronaldo, with a mazy run down the right wing, whips in a vicious cross, flicked on at the near-post by Tevez and buried by Paul Scholes at the back stick. The ginger ninja is back! etc."

As opposed to


"Wait. Wasn't that Fletcher"

"My stream's down. Can someone PM me a proper stream"

"Why isn't Berbatov playing? Fergie's a MUG"

"feck off Gus"

etc. etc.
I think this pretty much sums up exactly why this is such a good idea. I'd much rather have one quality post describing the goal/talking point trather than 20 odd posts of rubbish!


Company man, hitched.
Mar 19, 2008
punching cats for eggs at a dustbin near you
Well this is a forum not a BBC website.

So what you re expecting from a Match thread is completely wrong.

However a separate thread could be a good idea.

In a way you're right, but i'd much prefer a fans prespective rather than the stuff you get from the bbc or other sites.

A seperate thread is i think what is being discussed rather than a new matchday thread.


Gentleness adorns everything
Sep 1, 2004
Just to clarify, this thread would run as well as, not instead of, the normal match-day thread. People could flick between the two.

That way folk can follow one thread to see what the feck is going on and another thread to type "GOOOOOOAAALLLLL ROOOOOONEYYYY!!!!!" etc.
If the idea was to be given a go ahead. We'd have to create a sub-forum, and only allow access to those chosen on a match by match basis.


Memberus Anonymous & Legendus
Mar 29, 2004
The reason peopel post stuff like 'OMFG Scholes!!' as opposed to a more in depth analysis of the goal is because they are fans, and are subsequently too busy watching their team play than to take minutes for others, which is why I think you will struggle to find peole to volunteer.


Obnoxious, abusive bellend who is best ignored
May 12, 2006
This sounds like a great idea if it could be made to work.

I've often been at work during our matches and would love to have a matchday thread where you get an impression of the game through the eyes of United fans, rather than some journo trying to be sarcastic on the BBC or Guardian match thread.

But the existing matchday threads can be pretty hard to wade through with all the mindless drivel.

You could keep the existing matchday thread, but an alternative thread which only a selected number of caftards could post could be great.

It's surely worth a try. You'd obviously need a large enough number of posters eligible to post so that you always had enough people writing about a game of course.

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
The reason peopel post stuff like 'OMFG Scholes!!' as opposed to a more in depth analysis of the goal is because they are fans, and are subsequently too busy watching their team play than to take minutes for others, which is why I think you will struggle to find peole to volunteer.
<whisper> that's why I withdrew myself from the nominations </whisper>


Memberus Anonymous & Legendus
Mar 29, 2004
<whisper> that's why I withdrew myself from the nominations </whisper>
Heh I guessed. Seriously it is a cracking idea, but I think when people start to realize there is actually a fair amount of work involved in writing the minutes of a fast paced sporting event like football for an hour and a half, and how much of their attention it draws from the game itself, you will be hard pressed to find people wanting to do it. That said I have to admit I would be willing to give one game a go at some point just to see what it's like


Full Member
Jul 4, 2008
its a good idea, but it would be difficult to consistently work throughout the season.

also, how many people here dont have a stream? if youve got the internet, you've got the stream right?


Company man, hitched.
Mar 19, 2008
punching cats for eggs at a dustbin near you
The reason peopel post stuff like 'OMFG Scholes!!' as opposed to a more in depth analysis of the goal is because they are fans, and are subsequently too busy watching their team play than to take minutes for others, which is why I think you will struggle to find peole to volunteer.

You do though get the few posters in the matchday threads who will be quite descriptive and post decent analysis, so i don't think it'd be as hard as you say to find somebody to post. I guess some would see it as a kind of 'challenge' to have a better review than the previous game reviewer etc.

There are efinateley lost of positives in doing this, and thats why i think the only way to make a decision is to try it out over one or two games. Or even just guage interest from members. Obviously if nobody volunteers then the idea has fell on its arse straight away.

I'd gladly do a game but as was said earlier not all games are broadcast live in England so it'd be a struggle!


Memberus Anonymous & Legendus
Mar 29, 2004
You do though get the few posters in the matchday threads who will be quite descriptive and post decent analysis, so i don't think it'd be as hard as you say to find somebody to post. I guess some would see it as a kind of 'challenge' to have a better review than the previous game reviewer etc.

There are efinateley lost of positives in doing this, and thats why i think the only way to make a decision is to try it out over one or two games. Or even just guage interest from members. Obviously if nobody volunteers then the idea has fell on its arse straight away.

I'd gladly do a game but as was said earlier not all games are broadcast live in England so it'd be a struggle!
Aye but I've never seen anyone do a decent analysis throughout a whole game, mainly because most poeple would prefer to have their attention fixed 100% on the match itself. I doubt I could do it for the whole game, simply because I would keep forgetting. I reckon I could maybe do the minutes for a half though, after that I would probably be too drunk to continue anyhow.


Can't We Just Be Nice?
Jul 28, 2006
I have no idea either, yet.
Heh I guessed. Seriously it is a cracking idea, but I think when people start to realize there is actually a fair amount of work involved in writing the minutes of a fast paced sporting event like football for an hour and a half, and how much of their attention it draws from the game itself, you will be hard pressed to find people wanting to do it. That said I have to admit I would be willing to give one game a go at some point just to see what it's like
The better the game the worse the analysis I'd imagine.


Can't We Just Be Nice?
Jul 28, 2006
I have no idea either, yet.
If it pays or comes with any perks I'll volunteer, so long as I can post the minutes after 90 have passed.
I was going to suggest you ... we need someone with your energy levels and you knows your onions ... when you're not in the general or wanting Jose to manage our fine club.:)


Company man, hitched.
Mar 19, 2008
punching cats for eggs at a dustbin near you
Aye but I've never seen anyone do a decent analysis throughout a whole game, mainly because most poeple would prefer to have their attention fixed 100% on the match itself. I doubt I could do it for the whole game, simply because I would keep forgetting. I reckon I could maybe do the minutes for a half though, after that I would probably be too drunk to continue anyhow.

True, i think your probably right with what you say. I think i could have a good go at it, but couldn't do it week in week out.

Would be interesting to give it a go.


Aug 7, 2007
Lake Jonathan Creek
I was going to suggest you ... we need someone with your energy levels and you knows your onions ... when you're not in the general or wanting Jose to manage our fine club.:)
Jose would do well!

True, i think your probably right with what you say. I think i could have a good go at it, but couldn't do it week in week out.

Would be interesting to give it a go.
On a serious note I would volunteer and see how it goes (For a game that isn't televised - which isn't very often!)

Then perhaps members can vote for their favourites or something like that.