US Politics


Dec 19, 2011
Can't Biden just officially steal the elections now. He can order any ballots destroyed. He can stop the count anywhere he wants. Seems an easy win if Biden understands what's going on.
The ruling does not give the president power infinite power, just that it saves him from possible prosecution. So he can order ballots destroyed, but that doesn't mean that the ballots will get destroyed considering that people in charge of election do not work for the president, thus have no reason to listen to him (same as they do not listen to Trump). However, while before 'ordering the ballots being destroyed' was a good way of getting yourself in jail, now he is immune.

Which brings us to the main elephant in the room. He can actually order the assassination of SCOTUS and Trump, and regardless if the army/secret service/whoever listen to him, there is no ground now to prosecute him. He can actually do it in TV too. Which is almost funny.


enjoys sex, doesn't enjoy women not into ONS
Oct 9, 2011
What a great opportunity for me to yet again recommend the podcast series The Land That Never Has Been yet by Scene on Radio. It's season 4. The website seems to be down right now, but it's on all the podcasty places.

They just started season 7, which is about Capitalism.
I'd like to recommend this as well. And the new season sounds promising so far too.


Full Member
Sep 22, 2013
What were the Democrats thinking, when they pursued a disgruntled and obviously aged and 'dool-ally', and quite orange man, even after he left office and relinquished power?
You want to blame Democrats for this ruling too?! Is there anything that Democrats are not guilty of? Just wondering.


Full Member
Sep 22, 2013
Which brings us to the main elephant in the room. He can actually order the assassination of SCOTUS and Trump, and regardless if the army/secret service/whoever listen to him, there is no ground now to prosecute him.
The Supreme Court of the United States has created a kingdom, almost 248 years to the day after the Declaration of Independence of the British King.

This was by far the worst day for the system of checks and balances in the history of the country.


Full Member
Nov 8, 2018
You want to blame Democrats for this ruling too?! Is there anything that Democrats are not guilty of? Just wondering.
This ruling would never have been made except for the Democrats seeking their revenge...whats the old saying..when you set out to kill someone, you should dig two graves?


Full Member
Jun 21, 2017
I've been watching some reaction/interpretation to this ruling. The worst part of it seems to be, if an act is initially deemed as "official", then the president cannot even be investigated or asked questions about the discussions had to make that decision. Even though Barrett sided with the majority, she actually dissented on this part because the inability to even scrutinise the discussions or actions between a president and the DOJ means that "unofficial" acts in the pursuit of official ones can never be investigated. So, in theory, there will never be an ability to investigate a President, because even if every unofficial and illegal act is use to achieve the goals of an "official" action, the very nature of it being official means nothing else matters and you can't ask questions and you can never investigate to argue that an "official act" is actually "unofficial".

Once an act is deemed official, there will never be a possibility to hold that person to account.

That is absolutely terrifying.
It is far worse than that. They are just scratching the surface of what it actually means. This is another ruling, in a string of rulings, that fundamentally change the presidency and empowers the office to basically make the executive branch an extension of the presidents personal ambitions with no checks and balances. One step closer to an autocracy.

If all official actions are immune to criminal liability, there is an opening to make the case that all actions by the executive branch overrule settled law. After all, if you are immune to criminal liability, technically you can not break the law. Essentially, what the president orders is legal. Take a step back and look at that within the context of the suggestions outlined by project 2025 and their "unitary executive theory". They argue that in the US constitution the office of the president is the executive branch. The various offices that serve the executive branch are there to essentially provide administrative support for the office. As it is, the administration of which is governed by the law and limitations imposed by it. So what happens if the entire federal bureaucracy is put under direct control of the president?

This is where a new problem opens up. By making a distinction between unofficial acts and official acts, and more or less giving official acts blanket immunity - the office of the president is incapable of breaking the law. With unitary executive theory there is no separation between the federal bureaucracy and the office of the president - essentially what the federal bureaucracy does are official acts of the president. So what recourse does the legislative branch, the judiciary and "the people" have if/when an executive action is illegal? Is Impeachment the only option? Can the government suspend habeas corpus? Muzzle the media? Does it even need congress or can the president just rule unchallenged through executive action now? These are issues they have not even begun to try to answer.


More sheds (and tiles) than you, probably
Feb 12, 2014
This ruling would never have been made except for the Democrats seeking their revenge...whats the old saying..when you set out to kill someone, you should dig two graves?
Seeking to prosecute a multitude of crimes you mean? i.e. what prosecutors are paid to do.


Full Member
Jun 21, 2017
This ruling would never have been made except for the Democrats seeking their revenge...whats the old saying..when you set out to kill someone, you should dig two graves?
Trump is a chaotic distraction. He has an astonishing ability to make every discussion and issue be about him. For some reason voters are willing to lose their influence over the government and their political rights - often celebrating the fact that they have - whenever his name is invoked. His ability to distract people from the actual consequences of policy and law change is extraordinary. Statements like yours is an example of that. These decisions are far bigger than Trump - the vast majority of the immunity ruling does not even impact the legal issues Trump has(!) - yet once again it is all about Donald Trump.


Full Member
Nov 8, 2018
Trump is a chaotic distraction.
Exactly, ....having once got him effectively/legally ousted as President, (although still not going too quietly) the Democrats effectively relaunched his Presidential prospects for 2024 by making him a martyr to his followers by pursuing him through the courts, which they were entitled to do; however someone in this great plan forgot this was always going to end up at SCOTUS.... where the majority would favour Trump.

Sometimes we get exactly what we deserve!

This next time around poor old Joe Biden is going to have to be the sacrificial lamb, he has to step down as Presidential candidate for the Democrats, or they will have to think the unthinkable, indeed the whole world will!


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010

just mind-blowing how broad and audacious the israel lobby is
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