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Marcus Rashford England flag

2023-24 Performances

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4.3 Season Average Rating
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Full Member
Mar 10, 2013
England UK!
I love this club, it’s a big part of me and who I am. My whole childhood was literally United and playing football. I’ve felt every single emotion known to man through supporting this club. It means a lot. Like it does to many of us. There are plenty of people that united is all they have. It’s their one bit of joy amongst the monotonous day to day.

we just want to see players that play like they understand this. We want players that get it. We don’t expect perfection, we just want maximum effort and application. Run like you mean it. For 90 minutes just try. Really try. Let your feet do the talking. Don’t worry about addressing the press/social media through words, it means NOTHING. Let your feet do the talking. That’s all we ask. All we want.

If a player is struggling, fine. It’s better to be honest and not play until ready to give 100%. Somethings are bigger than football that’s that’s perfectly ok. But don’t bring it on the pitch. Deal with the root cause and come back feeling ready to give everything because we can’t afford to have players trudging around the pitch. If you want to leave, again, be honest about it and leave. That’s fine too.

Rashford needs to sort this out. He needs to look at why fans are booing him? Why they are critical of him? He needs to hold himself accountable and be fecking honest. Something has to give because it’s not good enough. Whatever is happening is affecting United and that comes first, before any player, any individual. We can’t have a player like this at this club, in the dressing room. Time for a long hard look in the mirror and a decision. If you are not happy and it’s making you miserable, it’s probably time to leave. It’s not good for anyone and he really needs to find happiness again in football, he’s too talented not to.


New Member
Feb 18, 2016
I'm still holding out hope for Rashford, he played through a fractured back for us, he was carrying around a machine to heal his back, that's insane so I'd give me another season to prove himself in hopefully a better team next season.
Do you remember a few seasons back he put surgery off so he could go to the Euros and play for England where he sat on the bench most of the time and played 83 minutes the whole tournament?

You know that season where he missed the first 7 premier league games, never played a full 90mins until mid December, never played another full 90minutes until April, missed 2 x Champs League games and the EFL where West Ham beat us in the 3rd round.

Valencia Shin Crosses

Full Member
Sep 30, 2015
"Martial...He's isolated Skrtel here..."
I really don't think you can construe the totality of posting about Rashford here or elsewhere as "criticism". A good deal of it is way beyond reasonable, and "abuse" is a pretty fair description.
Not a single message posted about a player on “RedCafe” is fecking abuse and I’m tired of people saying it is. Unless Rashford purposefully is creating an account and logging into his Player Performance thread to see “Valencia Shin Crosses” call his performance utterly useless, he’ll never see a word of what I might say about him.

Now littering someone’s mentions, DMs, harassing them publicly IS abuse.


New Member
Jan 3, 2014
Clearly he hasn't been the same player as he was last season. I suspect there is stuff going on we don't know about but when he stood and watched Ross Barclay run rings around him, literally, I thought that was the end for him as a first team shoe in. He has the right to complain about being booed as much as fans have the right to boo him for the poor attitude he displays during games plus the Belfast saga hangs over him. Times up, best if he leaves.


Full Member
May 15, 2008
I'm still holding out hope for Rashford, he played through a fractured back for us, he was carrying around a machine to heal his back, that's insane so I'd give me another season to prove himself in hopefully a better team next season.
4 years ago.


Full Member
Apr 24, 2013
Too early to give up on rashford but I how to God we bring in some competition on the wings. Be it olise or anyone else.

Great if he is on form and starts but should be left out and forced to pick up his game if not.


Full Member
Oct 25, 2013
Ye he really needs to get of it, Twitter in particular

Very weird for a high profile player to be quoting some random small account in the middle of the night

He's obviously not in a good place at the moment sadly
He/his team done exactly the same thing after the fallout of his hand gesture. Some random account explained it was clearly a message to the media, Rashford replied 'thankyou for clarifying this'. Like he couldnt have clarified it himself


Full Member
May 11, 2017
Too early to give up on rashford but I how to God we bring in some competition on the wings. Be it olise or anyone else.

Great if he is on form and starts but should be left out and forced to pick up his game if not.
How would Olise be competition for him?


Last Man Standing 3 champion 2019/20
Jan 4, 2014
I think things have to be questioned when one of your top earners of all time has way more bad games than good ones. It’s not a small sample size either.

The performances would be bad enough, but he isn’t putting in the effort, visibly. The fanbase have been patient with him, and it’s understandable why match going fans are starting to turn.

He needs to realize that the PR and comments don’t help.


Punched the air when Liverpool beat City
Dec 7, 2011
Right now? You.... You are assuming when they say "abuse" that they mean "criticism"
It's pretty transparent. Off the back of the Coventry game where he was again ineffectual and there were articles and videos like these around the internet, it is an attempt to get certain sections of the fan base to back him, and help him survive a potential clear out and survive yet another managerial casualty.

It's already begun. I'd be backing him, even with the performances he's put up, if he'd at least put in the effort on the pitch. Seriously. I've found myself defending Antony at times when my friends have been making fun of him, because you can see he tries his hardest out there.

Katy Cat

New Member
Aug 16, 2023
It's fascinating to read some of this stuff about Rashford, in what it says about the hype, the brand and the collective neediness for him to come good.

Honestly, stepping back, being objective, being rational even, there's nothing here to suggest much will change. He's always been a streaky player, really only effective in a counter-attacking set-up, and always lacking in any footballing intelligence. There quite possibly is stuff going on off the pitch - that may very possibly link into his friendship with Sancho - but he's been consistently terrible for a long time and shouldn't be anywhere near the starting line-up.

He's going to lose his England place and a replacement for ETH is surely going to have to drop him - he needs to go if there's a chance of that happening. It's better for everyone.


OMG socks and sandals lol!
Nov 24, 2013
I could excuse the lack of quality if he was trying (much like McT or Maguire) they aren’t good enough and have suffered abuse, Maguire had some horrible stuff aimed at him he literally became a meme yet they turn up and put in a shift each week and turned it round. McT is one of our biggest goal threats and top scorers and Maguire has been solid and reliable for some months now.

I could excuse Rashford for the same reason but he makes absolutely zero effort, is greedy in possession offers nothing offensively and defensively.

I really hope we part ways with him and the circus he brings on himself.


Full Member
Oct 20, 2008
Do you remember a few seasons back he put surgery off so he could go to the Euros and play for England where he sat on the bench most of the time and played 83 minutes the whole tournament?

You know that season where he missed the first 7 premier league games, never played a full 90mins until mid December, never played another full 90minutes until April, missed 2 x Champs League games and the EFL where West Ham beat us in the 3rd round.
So because he wanted to play for his country at an international appointment, that means he doesn't care about United? Plenty of players, including many you admire I'm sure, would do the same.

4 years ago.
It don't think he has truly changed that much as a person or at least I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. When the team is playing well, he is class. It seems like he doesn't perform well when others aren't and that is a flaw but I'm sure there are so many top top players who are similar but because they're in the right situation, it's not a factor. I just hope we can get to that level.


Full Member
Aug 28, 2018
Throughout his United career I’ve been more frustrated than pleased with him. His debut was wonderful, and he’s had some wonderful spells and played amazing football. But countless times I’ve seen him sulk, make poor decisions, run the ball out of play, not eager to get the ball and make a difference. He’s certainly very talented but I’m not even sure he enjoys playing football, like his heart isn’t in it. Just a lad who happens to be good at football and treats it as nothing more than a job, doesn’t try to do more than what’s expected of him except when he gets a sudden boost to his motivation. Everyone who play at this level will (unfortunately) get abused if they don’t live up to the standard. Maguire has been abused for years and he doesn’t complain, just tries to get better, which is the mental resilience you need in this day and age. I reckon Rashford feels the abuse isn’t warranted because in his point of view he is just doing his job, whilst we all expect more of him.

it’s a shame because if he really put his heart into it he could’ve been a great. Perhaps a change of scenery is what he needs, for his own sake.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
Reminds me of this post from some random handsome bastard in January 2022.

This is a public service announcement to some users who can't do anything other than make glib posts about how this and that are "useless" or "lazy". I noticed it a lot tonight regarding Rashford, as many people let out their frustrations. There's a lot of decent comments on this forum but to be honest after reading some of the things in the match thread ("he's a brainless idiot", "he's a diva" etc) I'm not surprised Rashford's head isn't in the right place.

He's suddenly gone from being the golden boy at United, lauded for his off field activities, into the center for a whole list of insults (not to mention the disgusting shite he had to put up with after the Euros).

Do you know what's wrong with him? He's probably mentally fecked or depressed. We actually NEED players like him at the club - United lads who actually have some interest putting our jersey on. Is he monumentally shite at the moment? Without a doubt. He needs hauled off and actually coached through his problems. But the same applies to most of the team.

And before anyone comes in and says "well, he should just toughen up. He's paid loads". Feck. You. It's easy to say when your every waking action isn't dissected, and you're in front of 70,000+ playing like shite for a team that have zero fire. A stiff upper lip only goes so far. If I see one more lazy comment that doesn't actually say anything else other than "he's downed tools" or "has no respect for the badge" I'll unshackle Damo and give his primary weapons systems an extra 2 amps to play with. Anyone who has worked or lived in an environment where everything seems to always go wrong knows that you don't just snap out of that attitude overnight, especially when things continue to go wrong.

The players are mentally weak, but they've been shite for ages. Of course they're mentally weak. Even Sir Alex, the master of the hairdryer treatment, knew when to put an arm around his players. His teams weren't just technically sound - they had drive and determination and ran through walls until the last minute. And if you want players that are emotional like that, it swings both ways. Treat them like shit when they're at their weakest and they'll just crumble.

I know it's frustrating. It's been frustrating for years! And the players are shite. But don't mistake it for not giving a shit - they're just clueless, and need a kick up the arse but not ones that resort to hurling insults.

Why does any of this matter? Analysis of why we're playing poorly is important, and it's the core of this forum. But the childish moaning doesn't do anything other than fuel further moaning. And eventually that feeds into the larger media narrative as a whole, and the atmosphere in the stadium.

Anyway, feel free to call me a cnut. Oates does it twice a day.


Full Member
Jul 3, 2018
Anyone else think Rashford is well down that path Lingard has gone down?

His decline this season has been shocking, and his lack of effort/attitude towards it to has been just as shocking. I honestly feel like its past the point of no return. he has shown zero interest in sorting it. He scores one goal and goes billy big balls gesturing people to pipe down, as if he has proved everyone wrong, has a go in an interview telling people not to question his commitment, and since then, he's done sweet feck all, and arguably had even worse an attitude. Im genuinely enraged yet embarrassed watching him most of the time.

Its like he's just biding his time hoping another manager comes in and he gets a clean slate. Which actually makes me even more angry if thats the case. Its would be a shocking attitude to have, and exactly what is wrong with this group of players. Plus the last thing i want is any of these players getting yet another clean slate under yet another manager, because you'll just see the same result 12-18 months done the line


Full Member
Jun 6, 2017
He's too old to get another clean slate. If we get a decent offer this season we should take it. Decent being north of 60m


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Too early to give up on rashford but I how to God we bring in some competition on the wings. Be it olise or anyone else.

Great if he is on form and starts but should be left out and forced to pick up his game if not.
Too early indeed. We should wait until he’s 31 and nobody wants him.


Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
Just please part ways this summer for the love of god

It will benefit both parties, we need to start a fresh with the money he'll bring, and him finding a new club may revitalise his career

If he continues, something will be rotten from our side and his side. We are not keeping him as a backup, he's on far too much money and he's not the one to take us forward anymore.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Reminds me of this post from some random handsome bastard in January 2022.
Do you know what's wrong with him? He's probably mentally fecked or depressed. We actually NEED players like him at the club - United lads who actually have some interest putting our jersey on.
Based on what? Everyone else works harder to him despite getting paid less. We don’t need just because he’s homegrown. He needs us to keep playing / paying him while he barely bothers.


Full Member
Jul 3, 2018
I love this club, it’s a big part of me and who I am. My whole childhood was literally United and playing football. I’ve felt every single emotion known to man through supporting this club. It means a lot. Like it does to many of us. There are plenty of people that united is all they have. It’s their one bit of joy amongst the monotonous day to day.

we just want to see players that play like they understand this. We want players that get it. We don’t expect perfection, we just want maximum effort and application. Run like you mean it. For 90 minutes just try. Really try. Let your feet do the talking. Don’t worry about addressing the press/social media through words, it means NOTHING. Let your feet do the talking. That’s all we ask. All we want.

If a player is struggling, fine. It’s better to be honest and not play until ready to give 100%. Somethings are bigger than football that’s that’s perfectly ok. But don’t bring it on the pitch. Deal with the root cause and come back feeling ready to give everything because we can’t afford to have players trudging around the pitch. If you want to leave, again, be honest about it and leave. That’s fine too.

Rashford needs to sort this out. He needs to look at why fans are booing him? Why they are critical of him? He needs to hold himself accountable and be fecking honest. Something has to give because it’s not good enough. Whatever is happening is affecting United and that comes first, before any player, any individual. We can’t have a player like this at this club, in the dressing room. Time for a long hard look in the mirror and a decision. If you are not happy and it’s making you miserable, it’s probably time to leave. It’s not good for anyone and he really needs to find happiness again in football, he’s too talented not to.
this pretty much 100%^^

If theres personal stuff behind the scenes thats not allowing you play to anywhere near the best of your ability, then your more than likely a hinderance to the team... you shouldnt be playing.
If your form is simply miles off the boil, your more than likely a hinderance to the team... you shouldnt be playing.
If your attitude stinks and you make zero effort in games, then you are def a hinderance to the team... you shouldnt be playing.
If you have not shown the overall effort in training and how you carry yourself representing the club, you a hinderance to the team... you shouldnt be playing.
and so on...

This should go for every single player, and be clear for every single player. Set down a marker, let everyone know, from the kids to the veterans, they all fall under the same rules.

But as we have seen in the past, Manchester United doesnt work this way (im hoping it does soon under INEOS)

And with Rashford, if he is fit for the final few few games (& FA cup final) he'll walk straight into the team regardless of all the above, with pretty predictable and inevitable results. Ten Hags insisting with sticking players in awful form will be the end of him. simple as,


Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
Based on what? Everyone else works harder to him despite getting paid less. We don’t need just because he’s homegrown. He needs us to keep playing / paying him while he barely bothers.
I agree
Homegrown privilege is ridiculous, why we keep McT longer than he should, why we kept Lingard for longer than he should have been.

The standards we've had since SAF retired has been shocking. Give me a Ji Sung Park any time of day who wasn't what was considered a top footballer but gave it all and wasn't homegrown. Homegrown players are not the only type of people who 'understand' united, it's a myth. We're not living in the same generation of the youth back in the 90s


Correctly predicted Portugal to win Euro 2016
Oct 31, 2012
Reminds me of this post from some random handsome bastard in January 2022.
I agree with pretty with a lot of this, but I think at this point the best thing for all parties is to call it a day. Unless the whole INEOS/new backroom staff + manager situation drastically changes everything real quick, I don't see the Rashford situation changing in any way any time soon.

Rashford moves elsewhere, ideally abroad away from the media and general moody cloud surrounding him here, we get a fresher new winger who (hopefully scouted correctly) hits the ground running.

Time passes and we all look back fondly on Rashford as the youth player who broke through, bagged on like every debut, and ended his career here on 150+ goals and assists in all competitions.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
People say stuff like "things would be okay if he tried more....."

Would they though? It's a lovely thought but I reckon he'll get rinsed same way. Anyone that is won over by it will be drowned out by the bulk of this neverending negativity....

He should try more, but let's not pretend that's changing anything on here or on social media. The only thing that fixes this is good form, goals, assists..... If I were him, that's all I'd concentrate on.

Get off social media, keep a low profile, and try to get back to some form.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
Based on what? Everyone else works harder to him despite getting paid less. We don’t need just because he’s homegrown. He needs us to keep playing / paying him while he barely bothers.
I agree with pretty with a lot of this, but I think at this point the best thing for all parties is to call it a day. Unless the whole INEOS/new backroom staff + manager situation drastically changes everything real quick, I don't see the Rashford situation changing in any way any time soon.

Rashford moves elsewhere, ideally abroad away from the media and general moody cloud surrounding him here, we get a fresher new winger who (hopefully scouted correctly) hits the ground running.

Time passes and we all look back fondly on Rashford as the youth player who broke through, bagged on like every debut, and ended his career here on 150+ goals and assists in all competitions.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I don't think all of it applies now. I just felt it was relevant due to some of the chat about mental health going on in the last couple of pages.

But, yeah, it's time for him to move on for everyone's sake.


Fun sponge.
Sep 1, 2014
You guys are fecking unhinged
Are you not triggered by a book coming out after a season has ended?

It would be really good to have player threads where we could actually discuss player performances and how the team could evolve to get more out of them, but instead people just do this.


Full Member
Apr 24, 2019
Just please part ways this summer for the love of god

It will benefit both parties, we need to start a fresh with the money he'll bring, and him finding a new club may revitalise his career

If he continues, something will be rotten from our side and his side. We are not keeping him as a backup, he's on far too much money and he's not the one to take us forward anymore.
I feel the same. Quite honestly I don’t see the debate here. Sell him. Far finer footballers have left the club in the past.

We’ll get a good fee and both parties can go on with their business. Easy decision :D


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
Anyone else think Rashford is well down that path Lingard has gone down?

His decline this season has been shocking, and his lack of effort/attitude towards it to has been just as shocking. I honestly feel like its past the point of no return. he has shown zero interest in sorting it. He scores one goal and goes billy big balls gesturing people to pipe down, as if he has proved everyone wrong, has a go in an interview telling people not to question his commitment, and since then, he's done sweet feck all, and arguably had even worse an attitude. Im genuinely enraged yet embarrassed watching him most of the time.

Its like he's just biding his time hoping another manager comes in and he gets a clean slate. Which actually makes me even more angry if thats the case. Its would be a shocking attitude to have, and exactly what is wrong with this group of players. Plus the last thing i want is any of these players getting yet another clean slate under yet another manager, because you'll just see the same result 12-18 months done the line
Lingard had way more of an excuse for messing his career up. He had far less talent to begin with, less molly coddling and protection by the media, and more responsibilities with his siblings and mum to take care of/worry about.

Think two things you have to consider with Rashford. Firstly is that his closest two friends in the United squad have been Lingard and Sancho. Which isnt a great reflection on where his priorities might be.

And the other obvious red flag is that every manager he's played under has been thrown under the bus and used to scapegoat underperformers via leaks, via player PR, and via their friends in the press, and he's now the only common denominator left.


Full Member
Oct 25, 2013
Anyone else think Rashford is well down that path Lingard has gone down?

His decline this season has been shocking, and his lack of effort/attitude towards it to has been just as shocking. I honestly feel like its past the point of no return. he has shown zero interest in sorting it. He scores one goal and goes billy big balls gesturing people to pipe down, as if he has proved everyone wrong, has a go in an interview telling people not to question his commitment, and since then, he's done sweet feck all, and arguably had even worse an attitude. Im genuinely enraged yet embarrassed watching him most of the time.

Its like he's just biding his time hoping another manager comes in and he gets a clean slate. Which actually makes me even more angry if thats the case. Its would be a shocking attitude to have, and exactly what is wrong with this group of players. Plus the last thing i want is any of these players getting yet another clean slate under yet another manager, because you'll just see the same result 12-18 months done the line
Remember years ago when Lingard was being a court jester and people said he would be a bad influnce on a young Rashford? The focus was become rich and famous, and the club loved it


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
Are you not triggered by a book coming out after a season has ended?

It would be really good to have player threads where we could actually discuss player performances and how the team could evolve to get more out of them, but instead people just do this.
fecking loons..... but what can you do? Gotta be a certain type of player to thrive here, with our fans, under this climate.

If it turns out that's not Rashford then fair enough, but I won't join the pile on and I don't think he deserves abuse for any of it.

It's mostly a load of moany feckers in their feelings over inconsequential bollocks who would stfu as soon as he hit form again anyway - apart from the unhinged of course... but feck them and all that.


New Member
Feb 18, 2016
So because he wanted to play for his country at an international appointment, that means he doesn't care about United? Plenty of players, including many you admire I'm sure, would do the same.
Going to a tournament injured and playing those 87mins for England were worth ruining the following season?

That season where he scored 6 goals and got 2 assists.

So yes, United aren't his priority then are they?


Fun sponge.
Sep 1, 2014
fecking loons..... but what can you do? Gotta be a certain type of player to thrive here, with our fans, under this climate.

If it turns out that's not Rashford then fair enough, but I won't join the pile on and I don't think he deserves abuse for any of it.

It's mostly a load of moany feckers in their feelings over inconsequential bollocks who would stfu as soon as he hit form again anyway - apart from the unhinged of course... but feck them and all that.
Maguire threads were the exact same last season. Character assassination and outright scorn if you dared suggest that he was a lot more proven in the PL than some of the shinier new toys. It will be someone else next season. Was Pogba two years ago.


Full Member
Aug 19, 2015
I think he just needs a fresh start, too much drama around him and United in recent years.

Lingard and Sancho were close to him, both were moved on. Pogba was probably someone he looked up to, similar interests etc, he was also moved on. The people he was close to are not around anymore.

It feels like the fire inside him isnt the same anymore. If we can get anything close to £60m, take it. Best option for everyone.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
Maguire threads were the exact same last season. Character assassination and outright scorn if you dared suggest that he was a lot more proven in the PL than some of the shinier new toys. It will be someone else next season. Was Pogba two years ago.
Count on it. It's been happening for years but it seems to get worse and worse as so many people normalise it.....

Valencia Shin Crosses

Full Member
Sep 30, 2015
"Martial...He's isolated Skrtel here..."
Based on what? Everyone else works harder to him despite getting paid less. We don’t need just because he’s homegrown. He needs us to keep playing / paying him while he barely bothers.
Exactly. People keep giving him chances because of the romanticized aspect of him being a local who came from the academy, but the truth is if he came from France and was constantly being questioned with effort season after season people would have been clamoring to sell him years ago.

He’s selfish in game and doesn’t work hard/leave it all on the pitch unless it suits him at the time. Thats not an opinion, it’s fact at this point. No amount of “backing him” changes that fact and it’s the core issue around those of us that would prefer we sell him