Television The Propgropthrop

Aew defo should do smaller arenas for their weekly shows. Packed crowds can make a huge difference, 3-4k sold out in an intimate atmosphere can sound awesome compared to 8k in a 15k arena

I was just watching a few videos of wrestlers breaking character and these two had me rolling around laughing.

Why is Sammy Zayn not a part of this faction anymore? He is so fun :lol:
There are different ways wwe could go at mania. One is the obvious one where rock costs cody the match, the only issue I have with that is cody may come across as weak. The other way they can go is cody wins irrespective and then on smackdown Roman snaps on Rock and beats and injures him. Rock can take and you have a babyface rock again who can return sometime in summerslam.or later and cost Roman a title rematch or something.
There are different ways wwe could go at mania. One is the obvious one where rock costs cody the match, the only issue I have with that is cody may come across as weak. The other way they can go is cody wins irrespective and then on smackdown Roman snaps on Rock and beats and injures him. Rock can take and you have a babyface rock again who can return sometime in summerslam.or later and cost Roman a title rematch or something.

Nah Rock is costing Roman at WM without a doubt
There are different ways wwe could go at mania. One is the obvious one where rock costs cody the match, the only issue I have with that is cody may come across as weak. The other way they can go is cody wins irrespective and then on smackdown Roman snaps on Rock and beats and injures him. Rock can take and you have a babyface rock again who can return sometime in summerslam.or later and cost Roman a title rematch or something.
Rock needs to stay heel. No present WWE superstar comes close to him as heel.
There are different ways wwe could go at mania. One is the obvious one where rock costs cody the match, the only issue I have with that is cody may come across as weak. The other way they can go is cody wins irrespective and then on smackdown Roman snaps on Rock and beats and injures him. Rock can take and you have a babyface rock again who can return sometime in summerslam.or later and cost Roman a title rematch or something.

I can see Seth turning on Cody to add a surprise to the mix.
Rock is just going for it as a heel.

His promos on social media are amazing. Free reign.

Also love mania season. Not everything hits but you always get one or two at minimum great moments and stuff.
Hope she does well, hope she succeeds in what's she's set out to do, elevate that woman's division.

One day, is we'll get the four horsewomen fatal fourway at mania. And itll slap. And Bayley will win it.
Never really got the hype. Good wrestler, painful on the mic and never really tried to develop different characters like Becky and Bayley. 3rd best horsewoman.
First half of dynamite was great. Loved the MM debut opening, Okada being a dick, Ospreay playing to the crowd and the mini banger between Jay and Darby (glad they've stopped that scissor bang nonsense) but then Jericho comes on and completely kills the crowd and mood. He really needs to step off and take a role in the back now or something. He's got nothing left to do in the ring and anything he does attempt now is a complete downer on any card or event.
Never really got the hype. Good wrestler, painful on the mic and never really tried to develop different characters like Becky and Bayley. 3rd best horsewoman.
Interesting, shes dead last for me.
Charlotte is worse than Sasha on the mic for me.
I think Bayley is the best overall taller but Becky always been my fav on the main roster (even though I preferred bayley down in nxt)

Sasha/Bayley had the best women's match though imo
Sasha was my favourite and she’s completely wasted in that clown show AEW .

On the plus side, she’ll appreciate WWE a lot more and stop complaining when she’s back
Sasha was my favourite and she’s completely wasted in that clown show AEW .

On the plus side, she’ll appreciate WWE a lot more and stop complaining when she’s back
Shes already said one day she will be back.
And the bolded part is a weird statement.
Shes already said one day she will be back.
And the bolded part is a weird statement.
I recall her constantly complaining and trying to leave. Like she felt the grass would be greener. I’m sure she’s finding it isn’t and will appreciate it more when she’s back. Like CM Punk probably is
I recall her constantly complaining and trying to leave. Like she felt the grass would be greener. I’m sure she’s finding it isn’t and will appreciate it more when she’s back. Like CM Punk probably is
I dont get this whole argument though.

There is nothing wrong with people 'complaining' if they feel they arent being used right, arent being paid market rate / their own value, etc.

There is nothing to suggest Mone is hating where she is at right now either. She hasnt really blasted WWE either since leaving.
Shes got Mandalorian going on for her, shes part of AEW which allows her to still do other companies (namely Japan). Her complaints at the time were valid given how the womens tag titles were used. If anything leaving was the best thing because it allowed her to demand more money which AEW has given her (another reason I dont understand people who want AEW to fail).

WWE seem to value people who leave and do other stuff more than those who stay (unless youre one of the big big names). Its a two way thing.
Sasha/Mercedes, Will and Okada and still AEW pulls no rating, only 627k viewers by the main event.

When is TK going to realise it doesn't matter who he signs it's his booking that is the issue only no one is likely going to tell him and nothing will change.
Think Roman stabs rock in the back.

If they're going long-term to have Roman/Rock next year, I think it makes the most sense to have them go over Cody/Seth night one, but have Roman lose night 2 despite the help from Rock/Bloodline.

That way the story can be Rock saying Roman isn't fit to be "head of the table" and essentially kick him out of the group. A year of Roman trying to prove him wrong culminating in a match next Mania for the mantle.
If they're going long-term to have Roman/Rock next year, I think it makes the most sense to have them go over Cody/Seth night one, but have Roman lose night 2 despite the help from Rock/Bloodline.

That way the story can be Rock saying Roman isn't fit to be "head of the table" and essentially kick him out of the group. A year of Roman trying to prove him wrong culminating in a match next Mania for the mantle.
I think they go this way, I also don’t think they haven’t been laying some groundwork to Rock and HHH power struggle for no reason.
Same as I said a few weeks ago. Would make sense given he’s held that title for years and The Rock comes back for a few weeks and steals the limelight. It’s an easy write

Only way I can see this working is during the tag match in a "I don't need you" sort of capacity.
However they do it with Rock and Roman, Cody has to win the belt clean
I just tuned in January so don't know why Cody is so popular but his promos have literally been "story story story story story". It is not really that compelling but I haven't watched rest of his run so don't have the full picture.
If Roman loses off a Rock Bottom after three years of defences they can feck off tbh
It will ultimately be the crossrhodes finisher.

If rock is taking time off after mania, him being beaten down by reigns badly on a SD would be a good way to write him off for a while and keep some heat on reigns after losing the title.
Also they gotta go back to the point that solo was sent to help reigns by the family rather than reigns calling him.

It’s going to be a mess. Think Bad Bunny v Priest (which was actually fun).
Or carlito v santos on SD for anybody who saw it.

I'm also all up for chaos which can give Roman v Cody 3 some juice (I'd hold it off until summerslam tbh)

There's several ways they can go. Even having Seth get involved if he loses both mania matches including his title
Sasha/Mercedes, Will and Okada and still AEW pulls no rating, only 627k viewers by the main event.

When is TK going to realise it doesn't matter who he signs it's his booking that is the issue only no one is likely going to tell him and nothing will change.

Not sure Sasha is a draw to the casual audience. I'm probably heavy casual and I wouldn't be more likely to watch AEW just because she's on it. I found her annoying in WWE. Much prefer the current top card wwe women.

Think this is AEW's problem. There's very few active wrestlers who are a big enough draw on their own to be difference makers. WWE holds all the cards in terms of main stream audience. There's probably more people who know who The Rock or John Cena are than have ever heard of AEW

I just tuned in January so don't know why Cody is so popular but his promos have literally been "story story story story story". It is not really that compelling but I haven't watched rest of his run so don't have the full picture.

That's basically it. There isn't really a story other than he wants to win the title because his family or something. Really hated his crying promo on Raw as well. He's already over with the fans so why go full on with the sympathy angle?

Not sure why he's so popular either. Think it's partly that Reigns has just had the title FAR too long.

Although I do like Cody. His matches are usually pretty good and he does pretty good work on the mic too. Was s optical at various points since he's gone back tk WWE but he keeps making it work.

Problem I can see is the whole story thing only works until he wins the title, and now the fans have forced the narrative around that so itsgoing to feel botched/forced.

As soon as he's champ he's basically Cena circa 2010. The underdog who isn't the underdog and has no other purpose other than being booked as superman.
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Imagine starting the week with the Cody promo on Raw getting everyone eating out of the palm of his hand, and ending it on SD with the Rock upstaging him and the crowd wanting Rocky to whip the shit out of Cody with his belt.

Absolute nonsense booking really.
So the Rock is face again? Why the hell he put himself over with the crowd for the first 5 minutes before cutting a promo on Cody's mama?