Television The Propgropthrop

I've actually been thinking Seth could do a heel turn for old times sake or something daft like that.

Makes some degree of sense for him to.

By focusing solely on Roman, Cody essentially told him his title is shit, which is more motive than he's sometimes had to turn on someone in the past.
Yeah seems like Rock and Reigns will win the tag match and will be all the smoke and mirrors you could possibly imagine on Night 2
I am all for all the shenanigans. Im hoping they do a repeat spot of last years main event ending, but after Solo spikes him and roman spears him, Cody either kicks out himself or that could be the point the Rock stops it from happening and drives away Solo and Jimmy.
Brock Lesnar would have been a great option to induct him.

Vince McMahon too.

Great company Heyman kept.

Maybe Rob van damn or tommy dreamer? Punk?
Yeah seems like Rock and Reigns will win the tag match and will be all the smoke and mirrors you could possibly imagine on Night 2

Totally agree. They will have Rock 'prove' his Bloodline loyalty on night one by hitting Cody with a chair and pinning him. The next night, The Bloodline will be destroying Cody with no one allowed to even the odds due to Rock's TKO power. Maybe even in a Hell In A Cell. Finally, just when it seems that Cody will finally be done, Rock will turn on Roman and help Cody to win. Boom.
Revolution was a solid A overall and a couple of top fights including a FOTY contender (or two?)

Literally everything on the card was good to top notch.

Great start to 2024 for AEW.

I like it, it shows respect for a true wrestling legend, without question one of the true all time greats. It's fun having rivalry between companies, but this level of respect is the right thing to do. The fans enjoyed it, and I bet Sting would have been moved by the gesture. Thanks for the memories Sting! I used to love watching him back in the late 80's early 90's when WCW had a one hour show on late night ITV in the UK.
Totally agree. They will have Rock 'prove' his Bloodline loyalty on night one by hitting Cody with a chair and pinning him. The next night, The Bloodline will be destroying Cody with no one allowed to even the odds due to Rock's TKO power. Maybe even in a Hell In A Cell. Finally, just when it seems that Cody will finally be done, Rock will turn on Roman and help Cody to win. Boom.

No way Rock should be turning on Roman during Mania - they've got to get to the Cody vs. Rock singles match before they turn him

I think Cody wins on Night 2 even with all the shenangians... Jey, KO and Sami will all get involved to even the odds or something like that, maybe Seth too, but that wouldn't make much sense if he loses to Drew.
No way Rock should be turning on Roman during Mania - they've got to get to the Cody vs. Rock singles match before they turn him

I think Cody wins on Night 2 even with all the shenangians... Jey, KO and Sami will all get involved to even the odds or something like that, maybe Seth too, but that wouldn't make much sense if he loses to Drew.

I agree that it makes for a more compelling feud if The Rock "turns" on Roman by essentially calling him shit for losing and saying he's not fit to lead The Bloodline, rather than hitting Jimmy and Solo with Rock Bottoms, although that's the way I think it's going to go.
Seth shouldn’t have been the 4th one in this feud for a number of reasons.
Seth shouldn’t have been the 4th one in this feud for a number of reasons.

It works for me only if Seth loses everything as a result. He has to lose both nights and come away from Mania with nothing, with Drew having his belt and Cody having won the title off Roman.

The "I told you so" promo from Drew and his shit-eating grin, plus Seth having resentment for Cody will make it all worthwhile.
It works for me only if Seth loses everything as a result. He has to lose both nights and come away from Mania with nothing, with Drew having his belt and Cody having won the title off Roman.

The "I told you so" promo from Drew and his shit-eating grin, plus Seth having resentment for Cody will make it all worthwhile.
Agreed. :lol:
WWE have been better at adapting and following through on their longer term stories for the last year or two. Id be willing to see where it goes without criticizing early. Drew defo deserves his moment and win at Mania. Theyve tangled a few stories within which is always fun.

Also for night 1, the tag match makes sense as main event given it has the Rock. Without that match, my choice would have been Bayley/Iyo. The other rumble winner, and their story has been going on for a long time and some of the best stuff too. even though Rhea/Becky is a bigger match.
I think if The Rock isn't sticking around after Mania, then the most logicial finish is for The Rock to cost Roman the title to set up a match for Mania next year (not that it needs setting up, but I just can't see Rock sticking around long enough to feud with Cody as well).

It just makes more sense I think for The Rock to disappear as a face again ready for next years Mania build, and can see something like a massive Bloodline beatdown during the match, after winning on night 1, and The Rock suddenly has a change of heart after Cody withstands a match of getting absolutely destroyed by the Bloodline - the old classic sympathy turn.
I think if The Rock isn't sticking around after Mania, then the most logicial finish is for The Rock to cost Roman the title to set up a match for Mania next year (not that it needs setting up, but I just can't see Rock sticking around long enough to feud with Cody as well).

It just makes more sense I think for The Rock to disappear as a face again ready for next years Mania build, and can see something like a massive Bloodline beatdown during the match, after winning on night 1, and The Rock suddenly has a change of heart after Cody withstands a match of getting absolutely destroyed by the Bloodline - the old classic sympathy turn.

I think maybe they win the tag match then Roman turns on Rock as he doesn't need him anymore and resents him being the centre of attention. Then the next night Rock either interferes to cost Roman or has the opportunity to stop Cody winning but chooses not to.

Although it doesn't really work with Rock running the whole "I'm the boss" angle, because he could just fire Roman or take the title off him if Roman betrayed him. That more leans to an Austin interference but I don't like that purely because it doesn't really go anywhere afterwards and turns the main event into effectively Auston vs Rock.

There are a few different ways they could go which at least adds some unpredictability into it.
Yup, me too. It only made sense to caress Hunters ego and flip the bird to the old WCW crew. Probably one of the most upsetting and disappointing results I can remember tbh.
especially with Stings next match appearance making him number one contender to Seth. I think Stings only win was in a tag match but he had a record like 1-2 when leaving.
His AEW run however was very fitting and glad it went the way it did.
Revolution was really great. Up there with the very best AEW PPVs and therefore the best North American shows ever.

I would have liked to see the Bucks go over at the end. I suppose they are heels though and ultimately only lost in a match were Sting had the help of no less than four people from outside the match. They can always get their heat back by winning the vacant titles. As someone who never watched WCW and only ever saw Sting mired in TNA's crap, overbooked main event scene, I've appreciated his AEW run, although I'm glad to see it brought to a conclusion in good time. If you are never going to beat him, then there's not much else you can do.

Very glad they did the Hangman and Swerve double turn. Hangman being heel has good possibilities with the Bucks having also turned. Swerve winning the title and being the first African-American world champion for the company should be a big deal and shouldn't be overshadowed by another main event. Joe deserved at least one PPV defence, but Swerve should get the title in a main event singles match later on this year.

Glad Cassidy dropped the title. One of those guys who needs to observe the mantra that we cannot miss you unless you are ever gone. Would like to see him have a break and then come back with a new twist.

The women's division has a lot of interesting pieces, but it needs a couple of workhorse to really deliver high quality matches. It still really misses Jamie Hayter.

Excited to see where the promotion goes next. There's a good possibility we get the double-tap debuts at the big show next week.
Is he even a wrestler really? He's like a Jackass character (showing my age...) doing a big stunt cameo in every match.

Orton's reversing Theory into an RKO on Smackdown was a bigger "Wow!" spot, to be honest.

Also, Eddie Kingston continues to be the worst thing in wrestling.
Haven’t seen much, but what I’ve seen I wish I could forget
The Bucks suspending Hangman makes me think he’s going full Steve Austin. Their angle with Okada had me really excited and far more intrigued than just having another great worker joining the roster otherwise would.

Great episode of Dynamite. Danielson vs Osprey soon too? So much to look forward to over the coming weeks and months. The company now really feels as if it has reached a new, third phase, after the original and then Punk eras.
The Bucks suspending Hangman makes me think he’s going full Steve Austin. Their angle with Okada had me really excited and far more intrigued than just having another great worker joining the roster otherwise would.

Great episode of Dynamite. Danielson vs Osprey soon too? So much to look forward to over the coming weeks and months. The company now really feels as if it has reached a new, third phase, after the original and then Punk eras.
Hope not. Not in a shady way but I hope for something more original that fits 2024, not a 1997 tribute.
Hope not. Not in a shady way but I hope for something more original that fits 2024, not a 1997 tribute.

Depends how they do it IMO. AEW does a lot of stuff that potentially could be really good but then it always seems to kind of lose its way.

Glad they're getting their act back together a bit though. When AEW is on song its really fun, and different enough from WWE that I don't feel like I have to pick one or the other.
The Bucks suspending Hangman makes me think he’s going full Steve Austin. Their angle with Okada had me really excited and far more intrigued than just having another great worker joining the roster otherwise would.

Great episode of Dynamite. Danielson vs Osprey soon too? So much to look forward to over the coming weeks and months. The company now really feels as if it has reached a new, third phase, after the original and then Punk eras.

Didn't think they'd go so big with Ospreay straight after joining, but that's one of the few matches they could do that makes a PPV an instant buy for me.

It is sad that they're still in half empty arenas though, the full house at Revolution was a reminder of how important the crowd is in a wrestling show, missing so many people is hurting the shows.

The quality of the program seems to be picking up a bit again, so hopefully that'll help with the crowd situation.
Didn't think they'd go so big with Ospreay straight after joining, but that's one of the few matches they could do that makes a PPV an instant buy for me.

It is sad that they're still in half empty arenas though, the full house at Revolution was a reminder of how important the crowd is in a wrestling show, missing so many people is hurting the shows.

The quality of the program seems to be picking up a bit again, so hopefully that'll help with the crowd situation.

Hopefully but losing Punk hurt in that respect, and now Sting will soon be gone, Jericho is less of a draw, Edge isn't even called Edge, Cody ironically is a bigger draw in WWE than he was in AEW, etc.

Don't know how practical or even possible it would be but maybe they should aim for slightly smaller arenas. Can't see them increasing the live audience that drastically without having some way to appeal to casual or WWE fans.

WWE is wary of them now which makes it harder. E.g. when they packed all their Wrestlemania level stars onto a completely illogical episode of NXT just to try and bury an AEW show. They wouldn't have bothered 2 years ago.
I'm not familiar with this Cody Rhodes character but The Rock deserves to get whatever he wants. Amazing on the mic.

Just heard Sting retired. One of my faves of all time. Some of my fondest memories of wrestling were with him Vs NWO.
The Bucks suspending Hangman makes me think he’s going full Steve Austin. Their angle with Okada had me really excited and far more intrigued than just having another great worker joining the roster otherwise would.

Great episode of Dynamite. Danielson vs Osprey soon too? So much to look forward to over the coming weeks and months. The company now really feels as if it has reached a new, third phase, after the original and then Punk eras.

Yeah Ospreay really is that guy. Best wrestler I've ever seen live. Glad to see he's using the hidden blade more as his main finisher as well. I think it's brilliant.
Depends how they do it IMO. AEW does a lot of stuff that potentially could be really good but then it always seems to kind of lose its way.

Glad they're getting their act back together a bit though. When AEW is on song its really fun, and different enough from WWE that I don't feel like I have to pick one or the other.
Agree with this.
Romans a trend on tiktok right now. Not sure how or why it's happened but the reach hell be getting right now will be nuts.