Oscar Bonavena
Full Member
Sick of this lad now. He's taking the piss. Maybe he's thinking Ten Hag is out the door soon so he can do whatever he wants.
Yeah that's the mind boggling part. This guy is 26, has achieved feck all in his footballing career and yet he is the face of the club and it's highest paid player.This is the end of the Disneyland Woodward brands era, the club created these media monsters. Remember the club still offered pogba 300k to stay. I fail to see how he has so much muscle at the club, it's madness for such an unreliable player. Looking forward to the end of it, which the new regime has stated things will be football first again
2 week fine apparently
Didn't he have like almost 2 wks to get pissed if he wanted to? We did he do it closer to the game is a mistery.
2 week fine apparently
Shame we didn't cash in but instead renewed, the abuse for even implying he should have been sold when his stock was high was real here.
Yup. That should teach him.
The gf excuse has been over used to explain Rashford’s behaviour.
Just show up to work and do what you are paid 300k a week to do ffs.
It’s different now. Rashford doesn’t notice, but the football structure is changing. It will - under this manager or another - work its way down to the dressing room. Great to see Sancho gone. Rashford may as well pack his bags. The difference with him was the level of patience people had, fans and managers, as he seemed willing to sort his problems. Now he will have to do that somewhere else.
Agreed. Feels like we don't have a choice. If we don't clamp down on stuff like this as a club where does it end? Players will feel (even more than some already seem to do) like they can get away with anything. I liked Rashford ever since he made his debut and he it was great to see him go up against politicians to fight for the local community during COVID but since then things have taken a turn for the worse. Don't know what's going on with him but his performances have been off basically since he signed his new contract, playing like he doesn't care anymore. Now this? Honestly feel like if he doesn't respond well to this we should be looking to sell him come summer.That's probably the limit of disciplinary action we can take legally
We can also obviously not play him in football games, which I imagine will happen vs. Wolves.
Stop fecking using how much they're paid as if it magically solves everything. As a raw example, when I was suicidal, I wanted to off myself and nothing else, 300k a week wouldn't have solved that issue and that's that. Money isn't magic, you can't spend away your problems and feelings and it smacks of pure spite, jealousy and complete simple mindedness to ignore the fact that these people are exactly that, people. Human beings just like the rest of us. Whatever's going on, it's affected his attitude which then affects him doing his job, just like every other fecker on the planet. End of. He should be more professional but it's fecking hard if your head is completely fecked and he looks every inch like his head is completely fecked.
For the top 1% or earners out there, take for example your CEO's of multi million companies, top surgeons, top finance guys, your Wall Street Investment Bankers, the people who are truly gifted and at peak performance in their craft... do you actually believe they have in anyway normal lives?Imo football players can absolutely have lives. I'm not sure why only English, Manchester United players are supposed to be bloody monks, but that seems to be where we're at. Remember famously shy Sergio Ramos winning everything at Madrid? Or how Pique never went out with Shakira during the season? Or how Ibra kept to himself in every major city he toured in his career? Of course not.
What Rashford does in his spare time doesn't matter to me at all (well as long as he's not hitting any women.ugh.) What does matter is his ability to play football for this club.
I do not believe a single night out is the reason for his relative malaise for a year. So why does it matter? The fascination speaks to a much larger social issue, some kind of weird virtue signalling: if I were a pro football I'd make my body a temple, read inverting the pyramid every night before bed after studing youtube videos in my clockwork orange chair for all the hours after double-training sessions. It's ridiculous.
I get tired of reading the mental health rhetoric on the RedCafe...it's a football forum at the end of the day, it really shouldn't be this deep!
99% of modern day footballers would not survive any other industry in a comparable, high-paying job. They would crumble with the demands of working a six-figure a year job, never mind six-figures a week.
Exactly. The bollocks about "money doesn't exempt you from problems" like that is so magic wisdom. Of course it doesn't but it helps with a hell of a lot of them. He will also have access to the best help and care that money can buy. The club would help and defend a player to the hilt if they didn't act like a twat. In almost any other super well paid jobs these guys would have been out on their bums years ago. Been a footballer is a massively privileged life and the way too many of them behave is a joke.
Footballers these days are basically trust fund babies. They have had so much money and hot air blown up their bums since a young age that they have egos the size of elephants. The idea of mental health being some catch all to excuse shitty behaviour needs to stop. You say those 2 magic words and suddenly anyone who would dare suggest they harden up a bit is a monster.
I feel for the guy trying to keep his head above water, look after his family and work 40 hours a week in a badly paid job who has mental health issues. Not the 26 year old man baby who takes the piss at every opportunity despite earning more in a day than most earn in a year.
Remember a few years back people were saying he needs to get away fom Lingard. Here we areI would like him gone tbh. I see him as part of a group of players who have cultivated a toxic culture of unseriousness in our club in the last decade.
It's like the drinking culture of the 80s that Fergie had to eradicate.
Like a poster from WWE.That photoshop![]()