Erik ten Hag vs Sancho


binary bot
Jul 14, 2010
I hate the glazers as much as the next cafe member but I would say this transfer malaise is more on Edwards than the Glazers themselves. The policy of renewing players on massive contracts to protect value has massively backfired. His desire to sign massive names and his statement that we can do things in the transfer market other clubs can only dream of was just idiotic.

I admit the Glazers appointed him but they never had another trusted advisor during that period other than him. They don't know football. Their problem was trusting the wrong people ("their people"?) and not getting a good quality executive leadership in from another club that had proved themselves capable elsewhere. I am pretty sure they are now learning but very slowly. Not sure Muthough/Arnold have ever run a club elsewhere, but they're on an upward trajectory from Woodward only because he was so bad.

Unfortunately we will still be spending income from the next 2-3 years unpicking these contracts to get rid of these guys, part paying these players at other clubs.
We're still buying players and handing out contracts in the same way. The vicious circle has life in it yet


Full Member
Nov 4, 2010
Good. Need to keep reaffirming who’s in charge, we’ve had too many players through the door who reckon they’re bigger than the club, and sancho has never done enough to justify any kind of petulance,
I hope Bruno tears him a new one


Just in case anyone missed it. I don't like Mount.
Feb 11, 2014
Very good decision by the club. We just cannot go on with players taking the piss. ETH protected last season and this is how he repays him?
We're going to be in for a tough season, but it's essential that we have a disciplined team. We will just have to grit our teeth.

Going forward, I hope the club has a thick folder detailing a prospective player's whole damn life story before we put a bid in for them. Sick of these people coming to our club, getting paid and then taking the piss.


New Member
Oct 23, 2016
90m for Sancho and 70m for Antony down the drain, fecking literally.

It's the start of the season and we're already without both because of them being babies. As if being awful footballers wasn't enough.


Full Member
May 28, 2011
Another waster to get rid of.

The mentality a lot of these players have is half the reason we are where we are.


Full Member
Aug 20, 2013
Andrei Kanchelskis made me fall in love with Unite
Sancho must be incredibly thick. Regardless of how he feels about ETH and his situation, surely he realizes that he is ruining his standing within the game, his reputation with fans and also with prospective future clubs. I guess if you're pocketing 300k a week you may not care though.


Searches for nude pics of Marcos Rojo
Mar 16, 2013
Is nobody on Team Sancho?
Why would anyone be? He's come out and publicly undermined his manager by essentially insinuating he lied, he is lazy on the pitch and has consistently underperformed.


Full Member
Dec 26, 2012
Another disaster of a signing that we will probably try and sell in January for a fraction of what we paid for him.

Mike Smalling

Full Member
Jan 27, 2018
Is nobody on Team Sancho?
The guy has delivered next to nothing for us, and just last year was granted a months long break to work on personal/mental stuff or whatever. Meanwhile we know from Rashford’s case that what ETH isn’t unreasonable. You just follow the rules. Apparently Sancho can’t do it.

We will be better off. Get him off the payroll.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Who has played it out in the media? Sancho? It's been an international break and the media have just been releasing clickbait articles or Sancho leaking stuff. This isn't a one off issue. This isn't an issue that can be solved with a slap on the wrist. Sancho thinks he's being unfairly treated, he thinks he should be playing more. Ten hag is saying he's shit in training and besides that, isn't deserving of more minutes. It's a simple case of the manager and him either agree on his minutes, or if Sancho disagrees, then nothing changes and he's not part of the group. The media stuff is irrelevant, what is relevant is their direct discussion and clearly there was no common ground found, there is no role that they agreed on and it was left in a position where Sancho isn't part of the group until we can sell him.
TenHag, then Sancho and now the club. Bunch of drama queens. Keep their mouths shut and keep it all private.

This club is a shit show right now. And we're two £80m right wing options down in as many weeks, with the possibility that neither will play for the club again. That's the most relevant takeaway for me from this farce being played out in the media.

We should have had 6 options for the front 3 going into this season, looks like we're down to 3, Garnacho, Rashford and Hojlund. 4 if you count Martial, I don't personally.

Sancho thinks he's being unfairly treated, he thinks he should be playing more.
Given the dogshit form of Antony for the best part of a year and despite that him still being first choice, can you blame him for thinking that?

Rockets Redglare

New Member
Jun 23, 2015
The guy has delivered next to nothing for us, and just last year was granted a months long break to work on personal/mental stuff or whatever. Meanwhile we know from Rashford’s case that what ETH isn’t unreasonable. You just follow the rules. Apparently Sancho can’t do it.

We will be better off. Get him off the payroll.
Make that three months.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Sancho being out doesn't change much to be honest. Just an extra body.
Yeah but at some point we'll run out of bodies. I'd rather have had Sancho as an option for the rest of this season than not with the shit going on with Antony.


Full Member
Jul 13, 2015
United States
Should have done deeper research in to his personality when scouting him 'why didn't his teammates go to his birthday party'
This all day long. Who was scouting this guy? I heard we were told he would be late to meetings and practice but come game time he was ready... That screams entitlement and laziness....

Our talent scouts are shit! They should be identifying these character flaws.


Full Member
Feb 22, 2013
Is nobody on Team Sancho?
I don't think so. I haven't been his biggest defender but I've often backed him to come good, perhaps just ignoring some of the character issues seen at Dortmund and England. I think even if ETH had been harsh and he trained okay, to come out with that statement, to double down on it and have it pinned for ages and to not even apologise in order to resolve the situation is stupid. Even if he released the statement and deleted it after a couple hours, that would still be stupid but I don't see how anyone can back him in this situation.


Full Member
Jul 13, 2015
United States
Is nobody on Team Sancho?
The wages alone that this guy is on is reason enough to be furious with him. He lives a dream that most people on this forum would give anything to live.. .and he doesnt give two shits. He doesnt battle. He doesnt hustle... and he is late to meetings and practice.
I want players that want to play and give their all for the badge. This guy doesnt want that. he is selfish and while it does suck that he has mental health issues, he is no different than most others in the world and most others dont get roughly 300K a week to piss around with.


Full Member
Mar 17, 2014
Another 5 month holiday while he just does some running in an empty stadium in Holland somewhere while he waits for Ten Hag to get sacked and he can come back.

This is his idea of ‘fighting for the badge’. The guy is not only full of shit, he’s a massive prick as well.
Well if he seriously believes that he will get away with it under ETH’s successor he’s likely to be disappointed. Murtough and Arnold might not be great, but they aren’t bringing Vibes FC back.

Plus the “club statement” makes it look like it’s not just ETH that he’s pissed off but the higher-ups as well.

Massive prick? Not sure about that. Massive idiot? Certainly.