Club Sale | It’s done!

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I know next to nothing about the stock market. Is it actually significantly affected by shite posted on twitter?

Shares can spike on awful news sources. Any sensible traders won't do it but doesn't stop others who are desperate. Share price means nothing, it doesn't indicate anything.
Shares dont mean a thing. You all hooked on the news like its over.
We’ll let’s assume that 31% who have no controlling b shares decide to keep their shares until next week ad SJR wins with a 60% buy out, the share value will fall from $25 to less than $17 over night, how do you think The major share holders like Lindsell Train LTD and Ariel investment are going to behave, these companies are huge hedge funds that have invested into the Glazers businesses previously or bought their shares so the Glazers could raise cash. Multiple court case on route, inside trading potential law suits, if it’s all a hoax then the club should come out and. Deny it outright with an official statement
It’s all going that way. You move with the times or regress. Simple
I'd prefer to see us regress than get taken over by a state. I'd still follow this club through relegation if Sir Jim took over, but I think I'll lose all interest if the Qatari bid succeeds.

Success is far less important than "connection" to the club.
If the Qataris buy the Glazer shares they will own all the voting rights and the majority of all shares, the percentage they need depends on whats in the club's articles of incorporation, but they can then force the rest of the shareholders to sell at fair price if it comes down to it.

edit: fair price is not the same thing as market price. I'm not a lawyer but the price would be decided by lawyers. Probably somewhere between the Glazer price and the market price at the time.
Two things here for me.

The Qataris have always maintained they want the whole club and their valuation is consistent for ALL shares. Which means the NYSE folks get to cash in at the same valuation as the Glazer rats. This means that if you believe the news, you buy the stock now while the public valuation is below the rumoured purchase price and you make bank on the incremental increase.

As to why Qatar might want the whole club, it's very simple. Being a publicly traded company in the US comes with very strict disclosure responsibilities (think of all that social media hype in quarterly meetings from that moron Woodward). Getting rid of that allows you to do virtually whatever you want if it's within the law in the UK and maybe some funny business City-style.

All in all, Qatar's strategy has been clear since the start - they want to emulate City's business doings. It's Ratcliffe that has been avoiding the detail from the beginning on how he'll run the club
Nothing being reported here in the Irish news this morning and nothing substantial from the UK media. It’s the usual suspects reporting like Ben Jacobs and that chancer from Talk Sport, who I think hasn’t got a clue about anything.

Strap in ladies and gentlemen, today’s going to have lots of highs and lows depending on what side of the fence you’re sitting on.
The 'owner being apart from the club' doesn't apply to United, who have protested eighteen years of Glazerite rule. We'll likely find such sentiment in your posting history. If we don't, it certainly applies to your advocates.

What you suggest is indicative of sportswashing:

Denying what is directly in front of you because now the club can buy its way to the top.

Other examples include arguing into the night it's not a state bid, 'yeah, but the media' and other associated false equivalences (Tony Blair is a good one).

Seriously sad this is happening to United.
Beacon of morality or just a keyboard warrior wanting pats on the back?
Ben Jacobs is the biggest bullshitter out there, it's quite clear he has zero sources and twists every bit of information in a way that every outcome is covered. If you follow his tweets from the last few weeks you can clearly see he's just jumping on news trains without adding any significant inside knowledge or bits he might have heard himself. Just a great representation of those "journalists" out there who very likely have little to no sources in this sale process.
Maybe I’m reading into this too much. I feel like he’s hinting it’s true without actually saying it is (as with the radio silence from UK news they’re not allowed yet?)

Yeah I interpreted in a similar way,interesting to see Jacobs tweet neither bidder has heard if successful yet
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