Club Sale | It’s done!

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New Member
Oct 28, 2021
The market thought it was up for full sale too though. There's been extensive briefing going on and they have bids in for a total sale. If they were to turn around and use this purely to sell shares and keep their majority position then they'd leave themselves open to a lawsuit quite easily.

Having said that, the Glazers are idiots so it's quite possible that this was their primary strategy.
There was never any briefings that ruled out minority investment though - plenty of the briefings actually explicitly mention it as a possible outcome. I honestly can't see a case for market manipulation because they've been clear from the outset that they'd welcome minority investment bids as well as full sale ones. I don't see how they wouldn't be on safe ground legally to accept a minority bid when they've been transparent in asking for both types of bids.

It isn't really their fault that others have mishandled their understanding of the whole process.
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Full Member
Dec 27, 2013
I think the green light being given to raise season ticket prices after a decade is a pretty clear sign that they are off. They've been held for a long time to placate season ticket holders. People will be pretty pissed off if they now stick around and start squeezing the fans for more.
Having thought about it, this is a good point and comforting in a way (I hope!)

The Glazers would know it would be pretty toxic as it is if they decided to stay but to then put season ticket prices up for the first time in 11 years would just be asking for trouble. You are probably right in that it may signify they are on their way out. Hope so!


New Member
Oct 28, 2021
Has Miguel Delaney responded to the Evgeny Lebedev charges of hypocrisy btw?

It really is a check mate riposte.


Full Member
Dec 27, 2013
The market thought it was up for full sale too though. There's been extensive briefing going on and they have bids in for a total sale. If they were to turn around and use this purely to sell shares and keep their majority position then they'd leave themselves open to a lawsuit quite easily.

Having said that, the Glazers are idiots so it's quite possible that this was their primary strategy.
Not only that, the news of them staying would probably send the stock price plummeting to below the November levels which would be a drop of over 50%. The markets will already be aware of how shite the Glazers have run the company so far, there will be zero confidence in stock investors having any hope in them doing any better going forward.

Sauxees Moi Hui

Full Member
Feb 16, 2005
Nos vemos en Hell
Let me tell you all what's really going on.

The original press release stated that the Glazers are exploring strategic alternatives, including but not limited to the full sale of the club. The reality is that this is a play to give the Glazers exit liquidity to an oil money owner. They know that they have no idea how to manage the footballing side of things and stand to make a lot of cash in what is otherwise a very difficult market for M&A. Why wouldn't they want to sell at this point? The language about strategic alternatives was to give the board maximum flexibility, while also telling the markets that they don't HAVE to sell if they don't want to - negotiating leverage.

This means that, if the Glazers receive an absolutely silly bid for a minority stake in the club from someone like Elliott, then, yeah, they'll consider it. But there is absolutely no chance that offer will be able to best a fully motivated oil money owner (Qatar) that wants full ownership.

Why are the Glazers telling bidders to stop making public statements? Again, it's about negotiating leverage. The Glazers don't want to end up in a place where the fan base falls in love with Qatar and basically decides to revolt against any other ownership - whether current (Glazers) or another bidder (Ineos, etc.). It's much easier to negotiate the Stock Purchase Agreement with Qatar if the Glazers can say: "well, if you don't like this provision, then maybe we'll get it from Ineos, or maybe we don't even have to sell the club at all, so you figure out how important it is for you to win this bid", as opposed to knowing that, in the fans' mind, any option other than Qatar is co pletely unacceptable going forward - which gives leverage to Qatar in these negotiations.

TL; DR - calm down. This is all most likely negotiating/posturing.


Wants players fined for winning away.
Jan 25, 2015
There was never any briefings that ruled out minority investment though - plenty of the briefings actually explicitly mention it as a possible outcome. I honestly can't see a case for market manipulation because they've been clear from the outset that they'd welcome minority investment bids as well as full sale ones. I don't see how they wouldn't be on safe ground legally to accept a minority bid when they've been transparent in asking for both types of bids.

It isn't really their fault that others have mishandled their understanding of the whole process.
I've tried to mention this a few times but people just don't want to hear/read it.

Economically, it doesn't make sense for the club if the Glazers stayed but they just dgaf.

Also, when Sky ambushed Avram when he was going in for some kind of a dinner (Thanksgiving I think) to ask him about the leak and possible sale, he was at great pains to emphasise that it was a process that could go either way.

So, basically, they've got their arses covered in case they find a fool to give the money to raise the company's price by another cool billion or two with a new stadium.

This is without considering even the slim possibility of the Super League coming back and them making a total killing.

I still think the Qataris will make an offer they cannot refuse but I would not remove the Glazers' stubbornness out of the equation just yet.


Shame we’re aren’t more like Brighton
Jun 23, 2020
Carpark and snack area adjacent to the abyss
I don't think anyone is stupid enough to think this is done (or even close to done) - if it were, the club would be obligated (under NYSE reporting and disclosure rules) to announce it publicly.
I’ve seen a few so called ITKs on twitter suggesting the deal with Qatar is done and Manchester United are 100% Qatari already. I just presume it’s posturing, especially since 100% of the club isn’t available at this point.


New Member
Oct 28, 2021
I've tried to mention this a few times but people just don't want to hear/read it.

Economically, it doesn't make sense for the club if the Glazers stayed but they just dgaf.

Also, when Sky ambushed Avram when he was going in for some kind of a dinner (Thanksgiving I think) to ask him about the leak and possible sale, he was at great pains to emphasise that it was a process that could go either way.

So, basically, they've got their arses covered in case they find a fool to give the money to raise the company's price by another cool billion or two with a new stadium.

This is without considering even the slim possibility of the Super League coming back and them making a total killing.

I still think the Qataris will make an offer they cannot refuse but I would not put it past the Glazers' stubbornness out of the equation just yet
Yeah, you would think that if the Qataris fail to acquire the club now it would be a huge embarrassment for them having gone public with their bid.

Going public was a very significant moment for this reason.


Full Member
Oct 27, 2012
I’ve seen a few so called ITKs on twitter suggesting the deal with Qatar is done and Manchester United are 100% Qatari already. I just presume it’s posturing, especially since 100% of the club isn’t available at this point.
Yeah its done. they are arguing or negotiating (a more refined term) for the last 5%.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
Not only that, the news of them staying would probably send the stock price plummeting to below the November levels which would be a drop of over 50%. The markets will already be aware of how shite the Glazers have run the company so far, there will be zero confidence in stock investors having any hope in them doing any better going forward.
You sound like you know more than I do so I'll do what I do at work; nod my head and say "exactly!"


Full Member
May 4, 2010
left wing
I’ve seen a few so called ITKs on twitter suggesting the deal with Qatar is done and Manchester United are 100% Qatari already. I just presume it’s posturing, especially since 100% of the club isn’t available at this point.
Those people are simply lying. Probably for notoriety, possibly because they are bored children on half-term week. Liars one and all, though.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Sep 10, 2010
People are just getting fooled by Ogden and his doom speech every night.

There’s not a chance in hell the Glazers go this far to ask for bids to sell the club if it’s not actually going to happen.

Do you think these rich business men are going to entertain something like this if it wasn’t real? if they backed out now they’d be the laughing stock of wall street.

it’s happening. They’re obviously haggling for as much as they can get, I suspect it’ll end up with Qatar as they’ll stretch the extra mile.


Full Member
Jun 18, 2011
If the American fund take over with the Glazers staying then we’re completely done.


Full Member
Dec 1, 2016
Glazers don't have the means to manage a lesser debt so how is taking an even more burdensome debt supposed to work out? This Elliot group are either idiots or have a genius plan to make money off of the Glazers defaulting.


Full Member
Feb 4, 2013
It's gonna be Elliot with the money suckers staying on, isn't it? We are so fecked if that happens.


Full Member
Dec 27, 2013
You sound like you know more than I do so I'll do what I do at work; nod my head and say "exactly!"
It is a big factor and an important one because right now the “valuation” of Utd based on the stock market price is currently the highest it’s ever been since it floated. It’s currently around $26 dollars which it has only been there once before in 2018.

It was only July last year that the stock price had dropped to its lowest ever to $10 which was lower than the price it was at IPO initial offering when Utd floated.

So the truth is there has never been a better time than now for the Glazers to sell than there has been since they took over. We know the Glazers are greedy but I’m certain they aren’t stupid either. Yes they could gamble and hope the value increases further down the line and they get even more but that’s a risky exit strategy in my opinion.

If they do declare they will be staying in the coming days/weeks, I can genuinely see the share price drop beyond the $10 it hit last year. Confidence in the stock would be shot with the Glazers track record of running the club. It would effectively more than half the valuation of the club at that point and make it very difficult to get anywhere near the price they are looking for.

The only reason the stock price has more than doubled since November is because the expectation of the sale of the club has already been priced in. It shows the market has confidence in better times for the stock once it leaves Glazers hands. If it transpires the Glazers will be staying, that confidence will rapidly convert to fear.

I’m not convinced a plan of getting financial backing with Glazers remaining will do anything to prevent that crash.

If anything, both offers on the table are great considering they are higher than the inflated valuation which has the price pump already factored in.

I genuinely believe the Qatar bid will ultimately prevail simply because they will put an unmatched offer on the table no matter what it takes. Even if it means £500m more than the current bid. They are probably looking at an expenditure of around £10bn when factoring in the additional spend that will be required. I don’t see them walking away because of a 0.5-1 billion variance in valuations. Their determination to buy a premier league, and Utd at that will mean the money will be no object in my view.


New Member
Jun 24, 2013
The glazers obviously need bidders to believe they are also in a position to decline to sell.

They want improved offers in the next round of bidding, the first round was just to establish interested parties with the means and give them access to the financial deep dive.

£4.5bn opening offer will probably end up anywhere up to £5.5bn


Thinks the caf is 'wokeish'.
Dec 27, 2009
Hell on Earth
It is a big factor and an important one because right now the “valuation” of Utd based on the stock market price is currently the highest it’s ever been since it floated. It’s currently around $26 dollars which it has only been there once before in 2018.

It was only July last year that the stock price had dropped to its lowest ever to $10 which was lower than the price it was at IPO initial offering when Utd floated.

So the truth is there has never been a better time than now for the Glazers to sell than there has been since they took over. We know the Glazers are greedy but I’m certain they aren’t stupid either. Yes they could gamble and hope the value increases further down the line and they get even more but that’s a risky exit strategy in my opinion.

If they do declare they will be staying in the coming days/weeks, I can genuinely see the share price drop beyond the $10 it hit last year. Confidence in the stock would be shot with the Glazers track record of running the club. It would effectively more than half the valuation of the club at that point and make it very difficult to get anywhere near the price they are looking for.

The only reason the stock price has more than doubled since November is because the expectation of the sale of the club has already been priced in. It shows the market has confidence in better times for the stock once it leaves Glazers hands. If it transpires the Glazers will be staying, that confidence will rapidly convert to fear.

I’m not convinced a plan of getting financial backing with Glazers remaining will do anything to prevent that crash.

If anything, both offers on the table are great considering they are higher than the inflated valuation which has the price pump already factored in.

I genuinely believe the Qatar bid will ultimately prevail simply because they will put an unmatched offer on the table no matter what it takes. Even if it means £500m more than the current bid. They are probably looking at an expenditure of around £10bn when factoring in the additional spend that will be required. I don’t see them walking away because of a 0.5-1 billion variance in valuations. Their determination to buy a premier league, and Utd at that will mean the money will be no object in my view.
I suspect the Qataris have some plan to recover some of the money back -- a bunch of United-themed development in Qatar -- without taking out money from the United books.


Full Member
Aug 17, 2014
The Glazers shares are primarily B shares i believe with each B share being worth 10 votes per share and the A shares which are traded on the stock exchange being worth one vote per share.
Woodward apparently has one B share worth 1.5m
Wait flip it around. I thought class A had voting rights and class B had none and class B were listed on the exchange.

I think / hope all the shares with voting rights will be bought out.


Full Member
Sep 7, 2019
That’s probably because they’ve heard the majority of fans slag off state and especially ME state ownership for 15 years, and probably because they saw how we all reacted and ridiculed Newcastle celebrating being taken over by the Saudis.
Those same fans now have the hearts & minds won by state ownership, so yeah, not hard to understand the “hard time”, think they fully expected United, after all that and the Murdoch protests to be the one club to say “feck off” to that model.
Beause we've suffered for years with debt and the only option (we know of) that doesn't include debt is the Qatari one.


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
Not only that, the news of them staying would probably send the stock price plummeting to below the November levels which would be a drop of over 50%. The markets will already be aware of how shite the Glazers have run the company so far, there will be zero confidence in stock investors having any hope in them doing any better going forward.
The glazer. Business wise is making a sound investment.

1bn purchase becomes 5bn in just a matter of 15 years. Not using a penny of their own money.

Great businessman


Full Member
May 13, 2013
The glazer. Business wise is making a sound investment.

1bn purchase becomes 5bn in just a matter of 15 years. Not using a penny of their own money.

Great businessman
sorry to be pedantic but they put around 300m in

not that it makes much difference to how great a business deal it was


Full Member
Dec 27, 2013
I think that’s what ETH’s preference would be. I think ETH would work his magic with promising talents and not really desire superstars. We all know ETH wants hard working and high pressing forwards. It’s normally difficult to get that kind of work rate from super star egos.


Full Member
Sep 7, 2019
I’m almost 60 years old and I want what’s best for the club from a financial standpoint.

That means no debt. No dividends. A owner who owns 100% of the club and see this as a long term investment. A owner with visions about our academy, men and women’s team and a detailed plan regarding building a new stadium and invest in our infrastructure.

With that in mind only one bid is attractive and the second bid is frankly underwhelming and bad from so many perspectives.

Everything I read about Ratcliffe turns me off.

He just seems like a greedy businessman with questionable morals and a person who has a history of being not trustworthy. Living in Monaco and talking about Manchester back to Manchester United is what a real hypocrite does.

From everything I read and understand the bid from Qatar is by far the best from a financial perspective. There’re issues regarding how they look at our HBQTI community but on the other hand if we look at PSG then this questions shouldn’t be a problem.

We can’t expect every citizen in Qatar to be hold accountable for their country’s history and laws. We don’t expect that from ourselves. We have no idea where they stand in these questions. Let’s wait and see how they answer all the critical questions that will follow if they end up as new owners. After that we can judge them.

My vote goes 100% to Qatar. Not even one second of hesitation.
I'm 60 and in total agreement with this (unless there are other bids we don't yet know about).


Talent Spotter
Oct 5, 2013
I think that’s what ETH’s preference would be. I think ETH would work his magic with promising talents and not really desire superstars. We all know ETH wants hard working and high pressing forwards. It’s normally difficult to get that kind of work rate from super star egos.
This is a different group to the one running PSG. I do expect them to run the club differently and I think they will have looked at how City have developed the youth and the football side of the club via Brian Marwood and taken note.


Full Member
Sep 7, 2022
Qatar PR team knows what to leak. PSG is being used as a metric to judge them so all these snippets of “significant but not crazy”.
That guy practically outed himself the other day being in direct contact with the qataris.

The biggest critisms they get apart from the sport washing stuff is that they have run PSG like a circus. They've seen the comments about that and are now using their mouth pieces to counter it.


Thinks the caf is 'wokeish'.
Dec 27, 2009
Hell on Earth
I'm 60 and in total agreement with this (unless there are other bids we don't yet know about).
Same here -- there seems to be a sandwich. The older fans are pragmatic about the direction esp when we have a longitudinal perspective. The Gen Zs don't care. It's the folks in the middle that are in an uproar.


Full Member
Sep 7, 2022
This is a different group to the one running PSG. I do expect them to run the club differently and I think they will have looked at how City have developed the youth and the football side of the club via Brian Marwood and taken note.
I've read a lot of your posts and your analysis on the structure of football clubs and backroom politics is genuinely insightful. So it would be good to know the reasons why you think it would be any different here?

I'm happy to admit I am highly skeptical they would run us any differently to PSG. The Abu Dhabi lot had to turn City from a mid-table club to a top one. They've made them a household name.

The qataris don't have the luxury of turning us into a top team because we are already there (despite our recent struggles). They have to stamp their brand on us somehow.
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