Club Sale | It’s done!

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Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
May we please have more morality lessons from people who have never even visited the middle east? Haven't had enough the last couple of pages.
I keep reading this and I'm genuinely interested what the importance of someone visiting the middle east before they can criticise a gulf state is, most of the organizations that report on human rights issues in those countries do visit and investigate.

Would you need to visit Russia or North Korea to be aware that they are repressive dictatorships that trample on their own citizens rights?


The Qatar Pounder
May 8, 2008
Obertans #1 fan.
Principles. Right. Doesn’t apply whilst united being sponsored by Saudi telecom. Just like that Goonerinpeace fella said sponsors not owners. Right?
The principles you showed in these two posts a few months ago.

No it’s not. When you are bidding to host an event on your own for the whole world and after bribing, slavery and whatnot you get the event to host for the whole world then that event is for everyone and you must be welcoming of the situation regardless whatever your religion may or may not allow. The onus is on Qatar to understand it not the other way round.

It’s like begging to hold an event at your home and inviting Multi cultural guests for dinner but telling them to follow your shit bigoted house rules which discriminate towards some guests but you expect them to follow it anyway or there would be consequences. Well in that case, either don’t fecking hold the event or be welcoming for everyone.
It baffles me that some of the genuine issues raised at this world cup has met with whataboutism of the extreme level.

“You have no right to say anything no matter what we do or think about gay people or human rights because you guys did this 100 or 1000 yrs back. You are all Islamophobes or have hatred for Qatar because it’s a Muslim country”

“You can’t even raise your voice because you did this or did that there so keep quiet”. “And If you come to the World Cup you have to adhere to our backward ass laws because they are part of our culture and beliefs which are bigger than human rights itself and if you don’t then you obviously are an Islamophobe and a racist”


Full Member
Dec 1, 2016
Okay, this is good, now we're getting somewhere beyond the illiterate "local lad" nonsense. Follow up needs to be someone asking him how INEOS plans on servicing the debt without straining the club's finances. Their cash flow doesn't exactly seem sufficient.


Full Member
Oct 13, 2003
Sad day. Imagine winning the pl with ETH and the team succeeding against all odds.
I don’t believe them one bit. It’s easy to declare the moral high stand on the Internet but when you are a fan for decades it’s not just easy to quit like who is even keeping an eye on them whether they would support or quit? There is no way to prove otherwise but I bet they would still be watching us and celebrating every goal.
I suspect the fans willing to turn their back at the club after a Qatari takeover have been loosing faith and interest in the sport over years. The insane wages, states buying clubs, the insane transfer fees, the corrupt world cup, the proposed super League, Uefas failed ffp, Fifa corruption, agent fees, prices for watching games at home etc. etc. The game is truly fecked.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
How does this work. Only parties that have submitted bids today can go into the second round?
Yes it's a bit like the Bachelor, in the next round they have to take Avram out to dinner to pitch their takeover of United.


Full Member
Aug 26, 2015
Jimmy Ratcliffe’s press release was unserious. If you can’t that right I’d hate to see what the club becomes under his stewardship.

Sauxees Moi Hui

Full Member
Feb 16, 2005
Nos vemos en Hell

From av few days ago. He's not Glazer 2.0 guys, holy shit
Wait, that just says that Goldman will pay off the existing debt, which is normal when this type of transaction occurs.

I don't think it says that the new debt would not be serviced by money taken out from the club.

I'm not comparing Radcliffe to the Glazers, BTW. I just know that it's typical in many transactions for acquisition debt to be serviced at least in part with money taken out from the company.

Oly Francis

Full Member
Oct 3, 2018
Or, these are very rich people who have spent the last couple of decades one upping each other with the size of their yachts, and now have a new dick swinging contest with football clubs.

Qatar just hosted the world cup. Their reputation is already lily white to the people that matter.
No, because Qatar's plan is to put their country on the map in the long term, and that requires constant PR, the world cup was only a step in the right direction for them. Are you that naive to believe that someone would buy a 5 billion pounds club with no intent to get any money from it as if they were running a charity with no ulterior motive? Come on.

I thought psg has changed the strategy, no? Everything tried in psg will benefit the decision making for manutd if they learn from it.
PSG's owner/management pretend they're changing strategy every year. They don't. Like, any reasonable person would know it's a terrible ideo to extend Messi or Ramos on massive salaries considering how old they are and how unbalanced our team is, and yet they're considering it (actually, it's a fact they want to extend Messi). They don't learn, they just put a board in place that will do whatever they ask them to do no matter how unlogical it is from a competitive point of view.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Sep 10, 2010
if Jim can’t use his own money to buy the club, how is he going to finance a stadium rebuild and fresh training ground?

I’ve been really hoping he will smash it and make me forget about Qatar, but unfortunately today has swung me even more in that direction.

No more bank loans, borrowed debt, false promises.


Full Member
Dec 10, 2020
Okay, this is good, now we're getting somewhere beyond the illiterate "local lad" nonsense. Follow up needs to be someone asking him how INEOS plans on servicing the debt without straining the club's finances. Their cash flow doesn't exactly seem sufficient.
Ineos is a private company so it can do anything as long as the owners all agree. Their net income is 2billion euro a year. Now, it’s interesting If his plan to clear the club debt is true.

Fahad Jawaid

Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
Firstly, why are there no reports of bids from American Consortiums or Saudi Investors, are there only 2 serious bidders?

Secondly between the bid of both potential buyers Qatari bid seems like a dream come true. Existing Debt will be done, no new Debt to obtain Utd, investment in club, transfers and youth and all profits to be reinvested in charity.

Against no new debt will be borne my the club itself, so existing debt will remain, in addition the club will be bought by loans but it will be on the balance sheet of INEOS, but as they say there is no free lunch, we will be servicing the debt obtained by INEOS, in the form of management fees or any other form, otherwise their shareholders/stakeholders would not agree to be burdened with debt of another entity.

Maybe some other entity's bid will be even better as a fan, but between the two there is only one obvious winner, because after all the shit and debt servicing we went through with Glazers, last thing we would want is another owner, who does the same shit just in a different form.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
How anyone could possibly want Ratcliffe in after that statement is beyond me frankly. Has basically confirmed he won't be removing any debt with that won't add any "fresh debt" bs. Anyone hoping for an alternative to the Qataris should be looking elsewhere, with US investors probably being the only realistic alternatives. Otherwise we might as well just be keeping the Glazers
Which statement?

Are you referring to a Tweet?


Full Member
Apr 7, 2011
No, because Qatar's plan is to put their country on the map in the long term, and that requires constant PR, the world cup was only a step in the right direction for them. Are you that naive to believe that someone would buy a 5 billion pounds club with no intent to get any money from was if they were running a charity with no ulterior motive? Come on.
Of course he has an u,terior motive. He doesn't care less about the supporters or the club as an emotional investment as we all do.

They want it for the same reason they spend 3 billion building a new yacht. Its bigger and better than the other guys.


Full Member
Jul 7, 2013
Wait, that just says that Goldman will pay off the existing debt, which is normal when this type of transaction occurs.

I don't think it says that the new debt would not be serviced by money taken out from the club.

I'm not comparing Radcliffe to the Glazers, BTW. I just know that it's typical in many transactions for acquisition debt to be serviced at least in part with money taken out from the company.
Well, if he does, it would be in the top 10 greatest anime betrayals.

Seriously though, INEOS can handle it. They don't need our profits.


Full Member
Apr 7, 2011
Well, if he does, it would be in the top 10 greatest anime betrayals.

Seriously though, INEOS can handle it. They don't need our profits.
They are required by law to maximize shareholder profits.

Debt incurred to buy the club will be paid by the club. Its a leveraged buyout, just like the last one.


Jul 26, 2022
If course it applies, but it's not absolute, there are tipping points. Thats the way humans operate.
Being associated and sponsored by the Saudis, taking money from the same govt. whose head of the state butchered a journalist not so long ago amongst all the other abhorrent crimes every ME state is accused of is not a tipping point? That should atleast put you off a lot if not completely. But now some people decide they are principled.

Look, I’m not vouching for qatar or Qataris either. I’m also not happy with the situation at all but when some decide to declare their support is off like they they are better than the rest because they are highly principled, sorry i just don’t buy their hollow principles and it rubs me the wrong way. Apologies if it offends anyone.


Full Member
Jan 23, 2021
If Ineos take up the debt then it still effects us in some way, no? Like that money would still prohibit spending somewhere? Whether that be on transfers or more likely renovations to the stadium/training ground.

They'll hope for the quickest resolution to that, which surely would be us making them money?

The glazers should be fecking off with that debt, the greedy cnuts.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2014
Taking out the who is behind either bid, if you listed them as bid a (Qatar) and bid b (Ineos) on a piece of paper and asked someone which looks better without saying who bid what Im willing to bet 99% will say bid a.

SJRs bid fills me with zero confidence.
Qatars press release has hit on all the right notes so far.


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Sep 19, 2006
It literally tells you right there, they will buy the club with debt and put that debt in the holding company.

Which is precisly what the glazers did.
INEOS is not a holding company. It’s a large diversified parent co. It is not what the glazers did, it is a completely different type of structure.

I don’t want to be on here discussing corporate finance but some of the stuff I’ve seen tonight…..


Last Man Standing champion 2019/20
Oct 26, 2008
Well, if he does, it would be in the top 10 greatest anime betrayals.

Seriously though, INEOS can handle it. They don't need our profits.
It's not about profits. Do you think Glazers can't handle without our profits? When you are a listed company , you are answerable to share holders. You are basically taking money out of a company I have invested in (for e.g.) and putting billions of money in an entity which I have no interest in.

Not saying its impossible but he would have to explain that on how it's being done.


Full Member
Apr 7, 2011
INEOS is not a holding company. It’s a large diversified parent co. It is not what the glazers did, it is a completely different type of structure.

I don’t want to be on here discussing corporate finance but some of the stuff I’ve seen tonight…..
In terms of the fundementals, they are using debt to buy the club, which will then be paid back. Inios will not just pay off that debt, they will want money from the club to do it.

I was being simplistic, it is a much more stanble approach than anything the glazers did, however the end result, money from the club repaying debt incurred to buy it, is inevitable.


Can't We Just Be Nice?
Jul 28, 2006
I have no idea either, yet.
Being associated and sponsored by the Saudis, taking money from the same govt. whose head of the state butchered a journalist not so long ago amongst all the other abhorrent crimes every ME state is accused of is not a tipping point? That should atleast put you off a lot if not completely. But now some people decide they are principled.

Look, I’m not vouching for qatar or Qataris either. I’m also not happy with the situation at all but when some decide to declare their support is off like they they are better than the rest because they are highly principled, sorry i just don’t buy their hollow principles and it rubs me the wrong way. Apologies if it offends anyone.
Different people have different tipping points. You dont get to decide what is or isn't hollow with no data. If someone is having an ethical dilemma it's a personal thing and is no reason for them to be sneered at or called out. It's none of your business, and if anything as a fellow fan you should have some empathy. That's my only point.


Last Man Standing champion 2019/20
Oct 26, 2008
They are required by law to maximize shareholder profits.

Debt incurred to buy the club will be paid by the club. Its a leveraged buyout, just like the last one.
Exactly. People just think they have 17 billion and will take couple of billions for a sports club.

That's not how corporate Financials work.


Full Member
May 13, 2013
Sprtswashing is a thing.

But Qatar, which just hosted the worlds largest sporting competition, doesn't need it.

They have absolutely no need to bothe rabout what you or I think about them. The peopel that matter love them already.
public opinion matters too

Qatar want to do business with foreign companies which the general public are customers of, so it all counts towards something


New Member
Aug 31, 2022
Well, if he does, it would be in the top 10 greatest anime betrayals.

Seriously though, INEOS can handle it. They don't need our profits.
You really think the loan and profits will be paid off from INEOS? Companies 100 * the size are cutting staff to save money.

The loan will come from United’s revenue


Full Member
Jul 9, 2013
Not that it ultimately matters to the glazers, but if the Qatari PR team comes out with comments backing and keeping ETH....I think SJR's bid will be dead in the water with the fans. The communication so far is so well done by them Qatari's.

SJR needs to release a statement and match them.


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Sep 19, 2006
The glazers should be fecking off with that debt, the greedy cnuts.
If they did, it would be added to the price that the buyers have to pay.
Usually bids are made on a cash free debt free basis and then a ready up is done at closing.
Either way, and whether we like it or not, the debt is charged on United’s balance sheet and has to be repaid for a sale to happen.


Copy & Paste Merchant
Jan 20, 2012
You do realise that every football club is rooted in its locality? That’s the literal heart and soul of the club. So depressing how many fans don’t get this.
Not only that. Many don’t seem to get (or perhaps casually disregard is a better way to put it) why United became a household name in the first place.
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