Frenkie de Jong | The last muppeting lap

Frenkie to United?

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Mes que un muppet!
May 23, 2014
Justified concerns are justified. But Frenkie would be joining us primarily for ETH because of his previous relationship with him. I don’t think he would come if Erik
wasn’t there at this point, it’s not just phoning it in for the money because he doesn’t really want the move.
Trusting the manager at this point is the correct way forward. We agree on that.He
He'd be joining a manager he likes and trusts, playing in a position he favours, week in and week out with no real competition.
He'd be an automatic starter under ten Hag i'd imagine too. Sport are just full of shit saying he's reluctant to join, because they've ran with the narrative that he's absolutely dead set against joining United, so to do a 180 and say he's absolutely willing to join would be pretty ridiculous for them


Full Member
Jan 5, 2019
The Arena of the Unwell
You guys don't get it. It has nothing to do with Barcelona keeping up this deal, De Jong simply doesn't want to leave. There's no poker to be had here. De Jong stays and they'll pay an insane amount of wages, paying him 17m to leave as an alternative is quite straightforward. The transfer isn't going through because De Jong doesn't want to leave. And why would he? Dream club, insane wages, and now their squad can compete for major trophies. He's not coming. If you guys don't get this by now, maybe you'll get it when he's playing for Barcelona on the 30th of August.
And how exactly are they going to register their players? They have an agreement to sell him, were trying to create a bidding war with Bayern and Chelsea and are quite clearly trying to force him out of the club.


Gomu Gomu
May 9, 2013
We're unstable yet his dream club have quite literally had a club president and the man who signed him arrested during his time at the club...
But that was the old regime, don’t you know? Well, we have a new CEO too, but I’m sure there is a succinct way to say that their president, who is asking players to make sacrifices, while making none himself in terms of the number and caliber of players bought is infinitely better than our guy, who is apparently happy to rule over the shambles left by his predecessor and is not learning from the mistakes of said former chief, thus keeping us unstable or making us worse. Mes que something, something, I believe.

Fanta Stick

Full Member
Feb 13, 2021
It's alright, I'm from the country.
What is wrong whit what I said? If you have watched spanish league and Barcelona you would say, why are we paying this much attention to this player.

DeJong is not a star. He is good fotballer but it is far from being a star. For me star is someone who is above lot of players. He isn't. He is not even best midfielder in Barcelona. Good player and thats it. If he was that good why isn't it more interest from other clubs for him.
Michael Carrick wasn't a 'star' but he is the type of player our dysfunctional midfield is crying out for.


Shame we’re aren’t more like Brighton
Jun 23, 2020
Carpark and snack area adjacent to the abyss
What is wrong whit what I said? If you have watched spanish league and Barcelona you would say, why are we paying this much attention to this player.

DeJong is not a star. He is good fotballer but it is far from being a star. For me star is someone who is above lot of players. He isn't. He is not even best midfielder in Barcelona. Good player and thats it. If he was that good why isn't it more interest from other clubs for him.
At Barca he is played out of position. Look at his performances for the Netherlands NT and for Ajax to understand the excitement surrounding this signing.
This guy will transform our play out from the back. His passing breaks the lines and beat the press. He is exactly the player we need and he is available in a summer when nobody else really needs a player in his position.


Full Member
Aug 9, 2018
Alabama but always Wales in my heart
You guys don't get it. It has nothing to do with Barcelona keeping up this deal, De Jong simply doesn't want to leave. There's no poker to be had here. De Jong stays and they'll pay an insane amount of wages, paying him 17m to leave as an alternative is quite straightforward. The transfer isn't going through because De Jong doesn't want to leave. And why would he? Dream club, insane wages, and now their squad can compete for major trophies. He's not coming. If you guys don't get this by now, maybe you'll get it when he's playing for Barcelona on the 30th of August.
I think you don't get it. You say paying him 17M to leave is straightforward and it is but so far they have offered him 3.5M and have now begrudgingly increased that to 7M. That still leaves 10M reasons not to leave none of which has anything to do with him not wanting to join United.


Shame we’re aren’t more like Brighton
Jun 23, 2020
Carpark and snack area adjacent to the abyss
Fair enough if he joins for ETH. The second bolded bit about whether he does or doesn't want to move we really can't say, the only thing we know for sure is Barca want to get rid of him.
I just have a really hard time believing we would still be chasing if he had categorically told us he didn’t want to come here. It would be monumentally stupid!


New Member
Apr 22, 2022
Real Madrid
I wonder what Real Madrid management and fans are thinking? Or they are just expecting all this to end badly in the short term?
We don’t care because our transfers have been excellent. Last season we were a bit short at CB during the last quarter of the season and we didn’t have a legit Casemiro replacement either. This year both those issues have been resolved early in the season. We have also gotten rid of many players who didn’t contribute last year. Maybe we should invest in an attacker but it’s not crucial.

In terms of Barca’s financial stability, everything is just speculation. Surely the buyout fund who invested in them, would have made sure that they are investing in a solvent company.


Mes que un muppet!
May 23, 2014
I just have a really hard time believing we would still be chasing if he had categorically told us he didn’t want to come here. It would be monumentally stupid!
It wouldn't happen i don't think. Ten Hag wouldn't push for a target he wasn't sure we'd be able to get, and to push hard enough for us to actually go over to Barca to get a deal agreed with them, we wouldn't do that if we weren't absolutely certain he wanted to come.


New Member
Aug 16, 2021
Barcelona, Celta de Vigo
I understand you buy into the Barcelona can do no wrong narrative, but as a fan you must at least have some concern for the future of the club. Your financial situation is dire but you act as if its fine. I don't get it
I know perfectly well how Barcelona are doing and what they are doing.
And the future of the club does not depend on this market or these levers. It will depend on the management they do each year.
And if a year they have losses they will not be able to register for the FFP. That is its purpose.

Raiden Shogun

New Member
Jun 21, 2022
FC Barca
Yeah United are unstable... that's how you know its utter BS. Chelsea and Bayern have no interest in him, its Barca trying to get more money or more bids in for him and it won't work
I think it's more likely his agents trying to drum up interest from Chelsea and Bayern than Barca. Sure you can blame us for many things but we agreed a fee with you already, Barca want him gone and don't really care where he goes.

Fanta Stick

Full Member
Feb 13, 2021
It's alright, I'm from the country.
You guys don't get it. It has nothing to do with Barcelona keeping up this deal, De Jong simply doesn't want to leave. There's no poker to be had here. De Jong stays and they'll pay an insane amount of wages, paying him 17m to leave as an alternative is quite straightforward. The transfer isn't going through because De Jong doesn't want to leave. And why would he? Dream club, insane wages, and now their squad can compete for major trophies. He's not coming. If you guys don't get this by now, maybe you'll get it when he's playing for Barcelona on the 30th of August.
Nobody here is stating that he does not want to leave but that doesn't mean that FDJ does not recognize that he may have to leave.


Mes que un muppet!
May 23, 2014
I think it's more likely his agents trying to drum up interest from Chelsea and Bayern than Barca. Sure you can blame us for many things but we agreed a fee with you already, Barca want him gone and don't really care where he goes.
Well the agents attempts at drumming up interest is falling on deaf ears, as i'm sure Bayern have ruled him out and Chelsea have more pressing matters to deal with rather than yet another midfielder to add to their bulging collection


Aug 5, 2011
Stuttgart, Germany
Karlsruher SC
Well the agents attempts at drumming up interest is falling on deaf ears, as i'm sure Bayern have ruled him out and Chelsea have more pressing matters to deal with rather than yet another midfielder to add to their bulging collection
While that's true, it doesn't stop Mendes for example


Site admin. Manchester United fan
Jun 1, 2000
Dublin, Ireland
What is wrong whit what I said? If you have watched spanish league and Barcelona you would say, why are we paying this much attention to this player.

DeJong is not a star. He is good fotballer but it is far from being a star. For me star is someone who is above lot of players. He isn't. He is not even best midfielder in Barcelona. Good player and thats it. If he was that good why isn't it more interest from other clubs for him.
Why does he have to be a “star”?
he’s a player that the coach believes will fundamentally change the way we play. Isn’t that good enough?


Mes que un muppet!
May 23, 2014
It's just a matter of time fellow muppets, he's ours.
Another week or so i'd say until this is sorted and done. Barca are getting impatient and it seems we are too if (and it's a very very very big IF) Sport are telling the truth (which i'm sure they're not).

lex talionis

Full Member
Jul 25, 2017
The sum of what we’re hearing and reading strongly suggests Frenkie coming in, but I do have one concern: whether the wages we’d be paying him would unsettle the squad.

Random Task

WW Lynchpin
Feb 7, 2010
What is wrong whit what I said? If you have watched spanish league and Barcelona you would say, why are we paying this much attention to this player.

DeJong is not a star. He is good fotballer but it is far from being a star. For me star is someone who is above lot of players. He isn't. He is not even best midfielder in Barcelona. Good player and thats it. If he was that good why isn't it more interest from other clubs for him.
ETH identified FDJ as his most wanted acquisition for this window, and the club's doing everything in their power to make that a reality.

We'll drop the whole idea when/if ETH decides FDJ isn't worth the hassle. But as things stand, we're still very much all aboard the FDJ train.


Full Member
Oct 27, 2011
Could someone do an analysis and show if it is the same set of people repeating the same pro and anti stances all through the 1000 odd pages? Or whether the names have continued to change every 100 pages or so?


Statistics Wizard
May 10, 2013
Bielsko Biala, Poland
I just have a really hard time believing we would still be chasing if he had categorically told us he didn’t want to come here. It would be monumentally stupid!
Well it doubt it's black and white like that.
I wonder if we need to offer him that high wages, since he's being pushed out of Barca and nobody else seems to be interested in buying him.
Also, if he's willing to stay and Barca being played at CB, this "he's coming for ETH" is just a PR spin to cover us paying him insane wages.
I just hope he's playing his cards to get what Barca owns him, but yeah, I'm not so sold on this idea of offering him high wages - we might get stuck with him just as Barca now. We've made that mistake quite a few times already.


Full Member
May 13, 2013
Could someone do an analysis and show if it is the same set of people repeating the same pro and anti stances all through the 1000 odd pages? Or whether the names have continued to change every 100 pages or so?
it’s pretty much the same although a few muppets have been lost along the way


Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
Jun 1, 2014
As 'reliable' as Sport are, I really hope we aren't doing this otherwise what was the point of the brinkmanship?
Why on earth would we pay him 17m more than he'd be getting at Barca? At most it'd be the 450k, which would just repay the 17m.


Full Member
Aug 17, 2014
The sum of what we’re hearing and reading strongly suggests Frenkie coming in, but I do have one concern: whether the wages we’d be paying him would unsettle the squad.
Initial reports way back when we agreed the fee with Barca were around 320k p/w for him (which is around what we offered Pogba as well). I don't think we'll bear the brunt of Barca's errors. Barca and FdJ will reach some compromise and it'll hopefully be a fresh contract for us going forward.

90 + 5min

Full Member
Aug 8, 2019
Michael Carrick wasn't a 'star' but he is the type of player our dysfunctional midfield is crying out for.
DeJong is not Michael Carrick. DeJong is not what I would say we need right now.

At Barca he is played out of position. Look at his performances for the Netherlands NT and for Ajax to understand the excitement surrounding this signing.
This guy will transform our play out from the back. His passing breaks the lines and beat the press. He is exactly the player we need and he is available in a summer when nobody else really needs a player in his position.
Playing well in national team and in a league that is beyond top leagues is not measurement of how good a player is. In Barcelona, he hasn't show anything extra for me to say that he would makes us lot better. I am actually happy that we got Eriksen who is above DeJong in football quality although they don't play exaclty in same position.

Why does he have to be a “star”?
he’s a player that the coach believes will fundamentally change the way we play. Isn’t that good enough?
He don't have to be a star. That was not point. Lot of players that have come to us are not stars and became great players and very useful. What I was saying with that is that money and time we are putting into it is like he is big star that would make us win everything instantly. I always said that I hope I'm wrong if he comes and he is all that. But I can't see that looking at what he has done in Barcelona shirt.


Mes que un muppet!
May 23, 2014
DeJong is not Michael Carrick. DeJong is not what I would say we need right now.

Playing well in national team and in a league that is beyond top leagues is not measurement of how good a player is. In Barcelona, he hasn't show anything extra for me to say that he would makes us lot better. I am actually happy that we got Eriksen who is above DeJong in football quality although they don't play exaclty in same position.

He don't have to be a star. That was not point. Lot of players that have come to us are not stars and became great players and very useful. What I was saying with that is that money and time we are putting into it is like he is big star that would make us win everything instantly. I always said that I hope I'm wrong if he comes and he is all that. But I can't see that looking at what he has done in Barcelona shirt.
So who DO we need right now then?

Please don't say Neves, Ruiz or Tielemans. They seem to be the go to guys for anyone who's saying walk away from de Jong
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