Westminster Politics


Full Member
Jul 13, 2013
weve not had a payrise so why the feck are the traindrivers complaining and striking for?, heard that a lot on radio 5 this morning, this kind of attitude is why we have the fecked up leadership we do and they just laugh at us. when us, i mean them, the great unwashed.


Full Member
May 18, 2012
Yes they will, a) when enough of his fellow Tories fear losing a GE and ditch him; b) or at a GE, when hopefully Labour has eventually found its way out of the paper bag and can mount a real political challenge, with game-changing policies (please just 1 will do!!), to win over enough support, in both England and Scotland; remember without sufficient Labour MP's in Scotland, they have no chance of power at Westminster!

In the interim, with an 80 seat majority a man like Boris is virtually fireproof. The continual focusing on partygate, something that is beyond repudiation now, and that Boris has now admitted and apologised for... and paid his fine. Something that lots of people around the country are feeling perhaps a bit sheepish/guilty about themselves, because they broke the rules too, and don't want reminding everyday.

The raging rises in the pipeline on the cost of living should be in Labours sights now, morning, noon and night, nothing else should deflect them, ditch the so called Labour inclined 'press comforters' and get after the political left wing journalists to do their job!

You can mount a constructive argument against Boris but only when the whole country is behind you (i.e. not half feeling guilty themselves about breaking lockdown rules) and you are continually on his back over both the cost of living explosion and also asking what will happen to his 'levelling -up' agenda now!

If, Boris and the Tories get their 'second wind' on dealing with the cost of living rises and they are slowly looking like they might just eventually stumble on something that sounds as if it might actually work, especially for those who are hardest hit and in the meantime Labour is still blithering on about partygate, then all is lost for a generation at least.
So do you think when the inevitable government u-turn on a windfall tax happens (a Labour policy), it will be of any political benefit to Labour? Because I really don't think it will at the moment.


Go on Didier
Aug 28, 2018
Bristol Rovers
Of course he is not going to resign after the damning Sue Gray. Report. Because he still doesn't understand the reality of his actions. And he never will.
It is everyone else fault.
No Morales.
No standards.
No ideas.
No respect.


Hates Beyoncé
Apr 22, 2014
weve not had a payrise so why the feck are the traindrivers complaining and striking for?, heard that a lot on radio 5 this morning, this kind of attitude is why we have the fecked up leadership we do and they just laugh at us. when us, i mean them, the great unwashed.
Or maybe, everyone should follow their lead and strike also?
This type of attitude, "I didn't get that, so why should you" is exactly what keeps the Tories in power, it's a crabs in a bucket mentality that ensures the super rich continue to reap the benefits, and everyone else scraps for... scraps.

The ideal is everyone should be striking & protesting instead of being annoyed at the very few who have the balls to do it.


aspiring to be like Ryan Giggs
Apr 20, 2000
midtable anonymity
Of course he is not going to resign after the damning Sue Gray. Report. Because he still doesn't understand the reality of his actions. And he never will.
It is everyone else fault.
No Morales.
No standards.
No ideas.
No respect.
But that all doesn’t matter because Boris is getting on with the job, you know like stopping immigrants steal our jobs and raping our women. Oh yeah, and there’s a war on don’tcha know?!. Oh and that Statmer geezer was also drinking a beer without a mask so investigate him.


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
The ideal is everyone should be striking & protesting instead of being annoyed at the very few who have the balls to do it.
Indeed. I have complete support for any service when it comes to strikes, be that firemen, nhs staff, bus drivers to train drivers. Wish more would do it in all honesty, too many people moan on social media than actually going out and doing something about it.

Ekkie Thump

Full Member
Mar 9, 2013
Leeds United
But at what point do the British public wake up and say enough is enough. There isn't one subject he hasn't lied about, whether it's partygate, brexit, vaccines, lockdown, investment, everything is a lie. Forget Labour, why do the British people want to be lied to?
At no point Paul. Smile at us, pay us, pass us etc.


Go on Didier
Aug 28, 2018
Bristol Rovers
But that all doesn’t matter because Boris is getting on with the job, you know like stopping immigrants steal our jobs and raping our women. Oh yeah, and there’s a war on don’tcha know?!. Oh and that Statmer geezer was also drinking a beer without a mask so investigate him.
All very true.
And there are those who still believe that he is doing a good job...
At what, I am not clear. And neither are they I suspect.


Full Member
Jul 13, 2013
Indeed. I have complete support for any service when it comes to strikes, be that firemen, nhs staff, bus drivers to train drivers. Wish more would do it in all honesty, too many people moan on social media than actually going out and doing something about it.
Twas always thus, the establishment and upper classes will always stoke the fires and set the working classes against themselves whilst scaring the middle classes into line.


Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days

Lefty rag… err.. Daily Express… with a “should Boris resign poll”.

Nearly 9000 responses, 97% say yes.


Full Member
Aug 8, 2016
weve not had a payrise so why the feck are the traindrivers complaining and striking for?, heard that a lot on radio 5 this morning, this kind of attitude is why we have the fecked up leadership we do and they just laugh at us. when us, i mean them, the great unwashed.
Media conditioning for a race to the bottom.


Full Member
Mar 8, 2010
But at what point do the British public wake up and say enough is enough. There isn't one subject he hasn't lied about, whether it's partygate, brexit, vaccines, lockdown, investment, everything is a lie. Forget Labour, why do the British people want to be lied to?
Going off some of the interviews I have seen today there are still groups of people who will stand by him, we are just a gullible nation who will lap up what shit he serves.


I ❤️ moses
Aug 22, 2013
Tories will win the next election with an even bigger majority. People in this country are too dumb to give a feck

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
Going off some of the interviews I have seen today there are still groups of people who will stand by him, we are just a gullible nation who will lap up what shit he serves.
What really gets me is people lapping up the "You need me to get you through this, we are in the worst war in Europe in 70 years" people ignoring the fact that nearly all the problems the UK has is because of how he's handled the problems. It's really beyond belief looking in from the outside. How will the world survive without Boris? Answer, - Considerably more easily. People seem completely brainwashed.

The Corinthian

I will not take Mad Winger's name in vain
Dec 10, 2020
A Free Palestine
Tories will win the next election with an even bigger majority. People in this country are too dumb to give a feck
I’m genuinely considering moving away for a few years. We did try last year actually but the wife couldn’t secure a job when we were looking.


Too Boring For A Funny Tagline
Nov 3, 2011
I’m genuinely considering moving away for a few years. We did try last year actually but the wife couldn’t secure a job when we were looking.
If I were single I'd have gone ages ago. Genuinely not sure what's worth sticking around for?

The Corinthian

I will not take Mad Winger's name in vain
Dec 10, 2020
A Free Palestine
If I were single I'd have gone ages ago. Genuinely not sure what's worth sticking around for?
This is exactly it. I have family and friends here but other than that what else is keeping me here? We have a baby on the way, and with spiralling costs and inflation, energy crisis, food prices, a war in Europe and a govt that hold us in contempt, I feel like I should just get out, at least for a few years. And I truly understand my position of privilege that I’m able to do that when many people cannot.
We want to do the same but have no idea where would be a good place to go. :lol:
So, the line of work I’m in it’s quite easy for me to work in the Middle East. I’ve had offers from both the UAE and Saudi. Benefit is it’s all tax free income and they really roll out the red carpet for Western educated expats…on the other hand it is UAE and Saudi. :lol:
:lol:I did it last October.
How are you finding it? I think you’ve moved to Singapore right? Glad you made the move?


Full Member
Oct 6, 2004
I'm stupid, when I saw that headline I genuinely thought it must be about Johnson's (barely an) apology. Why show that pic rather than the one with him toasting a drink ffs.
Because, as the propaganda wing of the Tory Party it was the least damaging photo they could use.


Full Member
Aug 8, 2016
I'm stupid, when I saw that headline I genuinely thought it must be about Johnson's (barely an) apology. Why show that pic rather than the one with him toasting a drink ffs.
The headline certainly shows why some are "bored" with this story. They are being told it is "nothing" and it's "time to move on". The Daily Mail isn't the only media outlet doing this.
Last edited:


Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
How are you finding it? I think you’ve moved to Singapore right? Glad you made the move?
It's really good thanks. You miss family and friends, but I'd highly recommend it. The travelling opportunities being based here are amazing too, eg been to Korea and Vietnam already and Australia next month, plus Japan, Thailand and Malaysia later in the year.

We're in the middle of fecking heatwave though, which is the last thing Singapore needs:lol:


Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
The hwadline certainly shows why some are "bored" with this story. They are being told it is "nothing" and it's "time to move on". The Daily Mail isn't the only media outlet doing this.
Their scummy website was leading on the drinking pic, as was every news outlet for ages. It certainly got toned done for the print issue with their best efforts to undermine the report. More promising lead on the Tel with two more Tories saying he must quit.

Working in media in Singapore, people here are envious of the 'free press' in the UK, with the local Straits Times considered a mouthpiece for the government. It takes a while to explain it really isn't like that.


Too Boring For A Funny Tagline
Nov 3, 2011
It's really good thanks. You miss family and friends, but I'd highly recommend it. The travelling opportunities being based here are amazing too, eg been to Korea and Vietnam already and Australia next month, plus Japan, Thailand and Malaysia later in the year.

We're in the middle of fecking heatwave though, which is the last thing Singapore needs:lol:
Was it easy enough to secure work out there? And was it hard to obtain a visa?


Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
Was it easy enough to secure work out there? And was it hard to obtain a visa?
It wasn't too bad. We were lucky that my wife and I both had the chance to move over with our existing employers though. She sailed through the process cos she there's a salary threshold above which it's just rubberstamped basically. I was sadly below that level but took about a month to get my employment pass.

They've tightened the rules slightly over the last year, but if you can get here. depending on your line of work, there are a lot of opportunities. I've been approached three times by others in six months. They're all ok with sponsoring employees too.

EDIT: I did consider the potential for going freelance, but that is very difficult.


Too Boring For A Funny Tagline
Nov 3, 2011
It wasn't too bad. We were lucky that my wife and I both had the chance to move over with our existing employers though. She sailed through the process cos she there's a salary threshold above which it's just rubberstamped basically. I was sadly below that level but took about a month to get my employment pass.

They've tightened the rules slightly over the last year, but if you can get here. depending on your line of work, there are a lot of opportunities. I've been approached three times by others in six months. They're all ok with sponsoring employees too.

EDIT: I did consider the potential for going freelance, but that is very difficult.
Interesting! Id be very interested in this, thanks for the info!


Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
I guess if the Telegraph deems this government 'centre right' then Starmer is the new Corbyn.

Tory Britain faces extinction at the hands of a radical hard-Left alliance

Wake up, Tory loyalists, for time has almost run out to save the Conservative Party from its drift into incompetent, unprincipled oblivion, and prevent the nightmare of a hard-left Government. If a general election were held tomorrow, Boris Johnson’s Tories would be toast, the thrashing more severe even than that meted out to their Australian counterparts last weekend.


Full Member
Dec 17, 2012
What really gets me is people lapping up the "You need me to get you through this, we are in the worst war in Europe in 70 years" people ignoring the fact that nearly all the problems the UK has is because of how he's handled the problems. It's really beyond belief looking in from the outside. How will the world survive without Boris? Answer, - Considerably more easily. People seem completely brainwashed.
Yeah that, and the fact that the quickest way to move on would have been for him to just resign straight away.