Ralf Rangnick | ex-interim manager | does anyone rate him?

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Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
Damn, people really lost their shit due United not taking a bitch role like last few participations in CL.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
Rangnick is a huge own goal for United. He is hired as a manager, even though he is over 60 years old and still has not proven himself as a great manager. He does it worse than Solskjær, can not handle the players and clearly can not put a team tactically.

When he finally has to start in his original position, he chooses to take an extra job, which is otherwise usually a full-time job for everyone else. As I see it, his job as national coach is not compatible with the job at United. United need an employee who focuses exclusively on the club and how it is returning to its greatness.
There is no universe where RR did worse than Ole, also trying to compare them out of context is also next level stupid.


Full Member
Jul 21, 2010

Basically a sounding board and contact book in Europe. We were never going to become one of the Red Bull model clubs. Just hope Fletcher, Murtough and Arnold have and will take things on board and are competent.
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phelans shorts

Full Member
Jan 4, 2009
Gaz. Is a Mewling Quim.
I have zero doubt that Ralf has a collection of label printers.
Ralf Rangnick could tell you the specifications of his favourite model of shredder vs it’s competitors.

In fact, maybe Ralf’s role is actually to advise on the club stationary. There’s nobody in the game I’d trust more with such a humongous task.


Jun 24, 2015
I'm so glad he's taken this role. He can feck off to Austria. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up waiting at the end of his phone for United to call him. His consultancy role has been exaggerated beyond belief and has managerial has been a monumental flop. His input will be minimal going forward, which is fine by me.

He was never fully committed to the United gig, so feck him.


makes new threads with tweets in the OP
Oct 25, 2010
Despite the PR I don't imagine Rangnick will have much, if any, role with Man Utd after May.

Claims to the contrary are, in my opinion, just to placate the online fanbase who've taken a shine to Rangnick and want United to function like a Red Bull club.

It is what it is. Personally, I would have liked Rangnick to have a real role at the club. However, its increasingly clear that he won't. 90% of the reason for being happy he was involved with United was because it felt his guidance could bring some structure to our squad building. Him taking this job underlines how much of a write off this season has become...

...Although that was fairly obvious when we had a once in a century battering from Liverpool, in our own bloody stadium.

We'll have to hope people at the club understand how to build a squad around profiles of players that compliment each other, which they have not displayed over the past decade.


Jun 24, 2015
There is no universe where RR did worse than Ole, also trying to compare them out of context is also next level stupid.
There's the multiverse and you must be in an alternate one f you really believe that. Worst points total in the PL era? And worst win rate post Fergie. Facts don't lie.

Tom Cato

Godt nyttår!
Jan 3, 2019
that’s just one possible objective for an interim manager. The other, in this case more probable one, is discussed at length in this thread/this page.
That is make-believe to offer some comfort from the results on the pitch. A "player assessment" could easily be achieved through other means than being responsible for the outcome of the latter half of the season


Full Member
Sep 6, 2014
I'm so glad he's taken this role. He can feck off to Austria. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up waiting at the end of his phone for United to call him. His consultancy role has been exaggerated beyond belief and has managerial has been a monumental flop. His input will be minimal going forward, which is fine by me.

He was never fully committed to the United gig, so feck him.
What on earth is this...?

His coaching is not working because the players have proven over and over again that they are garbage morons that lack any pride or mental strength. They have downed tools over and over again but yes it's the coaching alright.

phelans shorts

Full Member
Jan 4, 2009
Gaz. Is a Mewling Quim.
Cox is a cnut but this is actually spot on.
I mean, it isn’t.

The fact of the matter is we have started a radical overhaul of our recruitment since November. Now, the question obviously is unable to be answered on how much input Ralf has had on that or whether it was Murtough’s plan anyway once Woodward was out of the way, but that has happened. Somebody much more similar to the next manager than Ole is has also “formulated a dossier” for Ten Hag so that he has some foundations and a working understanding of the dressing room before coming in. It’s all positives moves.

Now the obvious negative is that Ralf is a shoddy manager, but his track record told us this so there’s no surprises.


Full Member
Sep 22, 2019
They're deluded mate. :lol: They've been sucked in by his press conference comments. He'll probably spend a day briefing Ten Hag and the board then after that I wouldn't even say one day a week. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a one hour Zoom call a month.
Then why the feck is there so much vile against the man if he's gone in 3 games never to he seen again? The club seem to be ripping up the blueprint of the last decade starting with hiring potentially one of the best up and coming managers around. If Ralf has even a minimal part in getting us back on track then fair play to him. All this feck off Ralf out of my club bullshit is pure agenda driven nonsense covering for the obvious inadequacies from the last manager and the state he left the club in.


Jun 24, 2015
What on earth is this...?

His coaching is not working because the players have proven over and over again that they are garbage morons that lack any pride or mental strength. They have downed tools over and over again but yes it's the coaching alright.
Um, well yeah, that's why managers lose their jobs isn't it? You were happy to see Solskjaer go weren't you? Mourinho got sacked, LVG got sacked. Moyes got sacked. Yet for some reason, it's not Rangnick's fault?


Full Member
Apr 30, 2019
They're deluded mate. :lol: They've been sucked in by his press conference comments. He'll probably spend a day briefing Ten Hag and the board then after that I wouldn't even say one day a week. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a one hour Zoom call a month.
I guess you just don't know what his role is then.

When was it ever mentioned he is going "upstairs"? It was always a consultancy role, I assume you are aware what that means.

His role is to help us change the club culture and structure, he has had 6 months looking at it from top to bottom of how we are run and the playing staff.

He has reviewed it and has said 2 scouts need to go, you need this type of manager and here is a sporting director that can help with recruitment.

I dont see how a consultant needs to be working everyday at the club, his role at the Austrian national team wouldn't involve daily working either.


Full Member
Nov 7, 2021
Very disappointing news. I was hoping he would take up a position with the power to change things inside the club. As it stands, his involvement with the club ends at the end of the season. You don't bring about change to a mess like Manchester United by talking for an hour on TeamViewer once a month. I wonder if he just didn't want a permanent position or the club never offered one.

Tavern in the town

New Member
Jan 31, 2022
His role is to help us change the club culture and structure, he has had 6 months looking at it from top to bottom of how we are run and the playing staff.

He has reviewed it and has said 2 scouts need to go, you need this type of manager and here is a sporting director that can help with recruitment.
You are literally making things up.


First Man Falling
May 22, 2017
The man talks a good game and I admire his honesty. What he says I think most fans would agree with. He's honest and blunt in his assessments and obviously understands that this club and team need a big overhaul.

However, he often speaks like he's a passive observer as opposed to someone who's, you know, in a position of power. I get that he's only interim, but it always struck me as odd how he spoke as if he was looking from the outside in. Almost like a pundit would talk, really.

Tavern in the town

New Member
Jan 31, 2022
Yep, the scouts left was a lie and they are still there.
Except that’s not the lie is it? You said Rangnick reviewed the club and said 2 scouts needed to go, which you have absolutely no way of knowing and wasn’t reported by a single reputable source.


Correctly predicted Portugal to win Euro 2016
Oct 31, 2012
I thought the whole point of getting him as an interim was so that he would be a consultant in the stuff he's actually good at next season.

If he isn't doing this / the supposed role he is being offered is minimal - why did we choose him as an interim specifically? He's historically always been a very average coach, he wasn't even managing when we brought him in. It just seems so strange. There could have been much more current options managing who were out there.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
Are people that stupid that they don't realise that a guy who hasn't reached retirement age might want to do more than six days of work in a month? I mean, if the consultancy was agreed upon and those were the premises, then surely there would be room for him taking another job during the other 24 days of the month? Or do people really think that the club thought they were hiring him full-time and now he's broken that agreement?


Full Member
Apr 30, 2019
Except that’s not the lie is it? You said Rangnick reviewed the club and said 2 scouts needed to go, which you have absolutely no way of knowing and wasn’t reported by a single reputable source.
Yes, that's what I said. If you actually look how this has come about you will know.

1. Murtough visited Rangnick a few years ago and was impressed at the set up at Red Bull clubs
2. Murtough took advice from Rangnick in the past
3. Murtough brought Rangnick to this club to help us shape in the right way.
4. Rangnick has been critical of various things at the club and how its run

Its no surprise he talks about recruitment and two head scouts have left. Obviously its not oh these 2 are rubbish sack them, it would have been a review with the other board members and a collective decision that a change in strategy is required.

It is also no secret that the board loved Poch, Rangnick has championed for ETH and we got him as manager.


Full Member
Apr 30, 2019
Are people that stupid that they don't realise that a guy who hasn't reached retirement age might want to do more than six days of work in a month? I mean, if the consultancy was agreed upon and those were the premises, then surely there would be room for him taking another job during the other 24 days of the month? Or do people really think that the club thought they were hiring him full-time and now he's broken that agreement?
Apparently, you cannot do two jobs at once and have to physically be in the Manchester office to make a difference.

People dont realise that Rangnick is a consultant, we are using his knowledge and experience on how to build a club, not asked him to build it for us.

Asking someone for their advice on things does not require him to be here full time.


Full Member
Apr 6, 2014
Watching the TV or is it watching me
We have hired an odd bunch of coaches, a mixture of the clearly not good enough and clearly past their best

No doubt the players are also a big issues but the managers have also been a big part of the problem
I'd put money on the board thinking all the coaches including Carrick would have stayed on till the end of the season at least.

Further to this with it being in the middle of the season and it only being interim gig it would be hard to persuade good coaches from settled positions to come in for a 6 month stint hardly his fault


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
Not getting the weird outrage over this that I'm seeing. It's a consultancy role. It was always a consultancy role. A consultancy role isn't a full time job. I don't think people understand what a consultancy role is. He is taking on an international team job. Also not really a full time job.

It's really not an issue.

Tavern in the town

New Member
Jan 31, 2022
Yes, that's what I said. If you actually look how this has come about you will know.

1. Murtough visited Rangnick a few years ago and was impressed at the set up at Red Bull clubs
2. Murtough took advice from Rangnick in the past
3. Murtough brought Rangnick to this club to help us shape in the right way.
4. Rangnick has been critical of various things at the club and how its run

Its no surprise he talks about recruitment and two head scouts have left. Obviously its not oh these 2 are rubbish sack them, it would have been a review with the other board members and a collective decision that a change in strategy is required.

It is also no secret that the board loved Poch, Rangnick has championed for ETH and we got him as manager.
So you made something up.


Full Member
Sep 5, 2013
I thought the whole point of getting him as an interim was so that he would be a consultant in the stuff he's actually good at next season.

If he isn't doing this / the supposed role he is being offered is minimal - why did we choose him as an interim specifically? He's historically always been a very average coach, he wasn't even managing when we brought him in. It just seems so strange. There could have been much more current options managing who were out there.
He is still in the job and you dont know what he is leaving behind for Ten Hag. Important decisions are made currently based on his experience i imagine. Then we will only need him for his advice as external consultant.

6 months is enough for him to get his view on things and then for Fletcher/Arnold/Murtough to consider. He obviously has a lot of insight how a club should be run, which other interim coaches don't have. Murtough seems to respect and like him, so if he is the guy to lead us, better Rangnick to advise him than some short term option that nobody listens too and only cares about coaching an uncoachable group.


Nov 22, 2006
Not getting the weird outrage over this that I'm seeing. It's a consultancy role. It was always a consultancy role. A consultancy role isn't a full time job. I don't think people understand what a consultancy role is. He is taking on an international team job. Also not really a full time job.

It's really not an issue.
Yeah it’s quite odd.

If anything it will likely help having a consultant who is networking so much.


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
Cox is a cnut but this is actually spot on.
No it isn't. He was always a consultant and never "head of recruitment". No one said he was going to fix recruitment on his own. We all knew he was here to consult on the general structure and policy that includes, but is not limited to, recruitment.

You're right about Cox being a cnut though.


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015

Basically a sounding board and contact book in Europe. We were never going to become one of the Red Bull model clubs. Just hope Fletcher, Murtough and Arnold have and will take things on board and are competent.
I think it points to Mitchell coming, especially now that we have a recruitment sized hole in the club since relieving our global scouts.


Full Member
Nov 7, 2019
There is no universe where RR did worse than Ole, also trying to compare them out of context is also next level stupid.
How people behave like you online is a mystery to me. I'll never understand, and I would doubt you dared it to my face.

But I degrade myself to answer anyway. Because of course it makes sense to compare Rangnick and Solskjær. In fact, several journalists have already done so. It turns out that the 2 managers have scored almost as many (or few) points (in average) this season for United. One can then try to compare the attitude of the players under the 2 managers. In the first half of the season under Solskjær, attitude was probably ok. The players struggled and tried - they had just gotten a 2nd place last season. Eventually the faith in Solskjær disappeared and we suffered embarrassing defeats. Then Rangnick came to the club and the attitude of the players got better, but only for a very short period of time. And now it is at zero and it has never been lower. So who has done worse of the two is a matter of view.

So "yes", you can easily compare the 2 managers and their results. No problem with that actually.

By the way, learn some courtesy and be more constructive. It will benefit yourself and this forum.


Might have a bedwetting fetish.
Jan 11, 2015
I thought the whole point of getting him as an interim was so that he would be a consultant in the stuff he's actually good at next season.

If he isn't doing this / the supposed role he is being offered is minimal - why did we choose him as an interim specifically? He's historically always been a very average coach, he wasn't even managing when we brought him in. It just seems so strange. There could have been much more current options managing who were out there.
The whole point of him as an interim was getting results this season. The board thought it was a good choice and it clearly hasn't been.

The consultancy thing being a big deal afterwards has always been just wishful thinking.


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
In terms of his time as a manager, said it before but I'll repeat it. Hard to read into it and make a judgement. Yeah we've been shit. But before we got eliminated from the CL, we weren't actually shit.
  • He took over a team that got hammered 4-1 by Watford and was woefully undercoached
  • We started off implementing his style and being inconsistent as you'd expect, but definite signs. All our underlying stats instantly improved, even if we were unlucky with some finishing/results/injuries.
  • Right as we are building momentum, the Greenwood thing happens right at the end of the transfer window where we have no time to react. People shouldn't underestimate the impact of this. We had a big drop off in confidence after this as naturally that will feck with a squad and started drawing games constantly (and bad luck, in addition to the loss of a quality player)
  • Once we got knocked out to Atletico (and we were a bit unlucky in that home game to be honest), then the effort went away.
  • He's an interim manager of a squad that is losing almost half their players with contracts and sales, with nothing to play for in terms of competitive motivation, with a system that needs time to implement (which is pointless as he is leaving)
  • Rangnick also being an interim probably didn't care about appeasing people. As an interim, if all you care about is results until the end of the season, you probably just need someone who will be a cheerleader and keep morale up and the team motivated and play a simple style (Ole for example).
Call it excuses or whatever else, but it's very valid IMO and it's been a set of specific circumstances that is hard to actually do well in. Anyone who thought that once the competitive motivation of the CL went away that we wouldn't completely shit the bed in the proceeding games was fooling themselves. Was always going to be a painful end with essentially nothing to play for (and no, a distant shot at top 4 isn't enough motivation to overcome all the other issues this season).

Tavern in the town

New Member
Jan 31, 2022
What’s with the clamour for Mitchell? Other than Southampton where was excellent he’s been very hit and miss and now he’s about to be given the boot by Monaco, this wouldn’t be a very good idea at all. And even if he had been good, clubs like Saints/Spurs/Monaco shop in a different market to United.


Full Member
Apr 6, 2014
Watching the TV or is it watching me
Not getting the weird outrage over this that I'm seeing. It's a consultancy role. It was always a consultancy role. A consultancy role isn't a full time job. I don't think people understand what a consultancy role is. He is taking on an international team job. Also not really a full time job.

It's really not an issue.
Exactly this we have consultants at work all the time sometimes i see them for week, sometimes a few days a month other times not for weeks at a time
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