Westminster Politics

What are the odds on a Daily Mail story where an undercover police officer fails to see a lad/lass being supplied the drugs that leads to their death in the club toilets cause they were too busy belting out Don't Stop Believin'.
I imagine that the vast majority are quite happy with these developments, two of which are terrifying and one of which is just fecking stupid.
The brexit/working class Tory crowd will love the nukes even though they constantly talked about there not being enough money for Corbyn’s ideas. They’ll probably love the protesting thing too, until they want to protest and can’t.

Re the policing clubs - through DJing I know a lot of females in that scene and they’re all fuming that’s what the gov has decided to do out of all this.
:lol: from Naga’s reaction you just know they have been taking the piss out of all the faux-patriotic nonsense Tory MPs hang up behind them.

You also know this is going to see 2 or 3 complaints and be taken 100 times more seriously than most incidents that receive hundreds of complaints.
The portrait of the Queen is really bizarre too. fecking flag-waving twats like that are nauseating. I imagine that Mark Francois has a Union Jack bedspread.
It's the way the webcam is angled to ensure HM is on view, no other reason for it the flagshagging muppet. It's all so contrived, and the infuriating part is, 40% of the population loves it.
That's so he's got something to keep him going whilst he browses for a decent pov video.
This, sums it well.

It's just typical British crappy attempts to mirror the Yanks and failing miserably. They have the shameless bluster to carry stuff off but Brits are always half-hearted and a tad embarrassed about showing off and always look daft. I think Trump had about fifty yank flags in some of his briefings and all kinds of gold and frilly shit, this Tory Travelodge effort just looks pitiful.

Director of Communications now gone after 3 months. Only appointed in January
Prior to this he was at the Daily Mail, as Home Affairs editor
Absolutely disgraceful scenes in Bristol.
Yeah, it seems the police are using old tricks to turn protests violent again. More disgraceful because the protests are against a bill which comes close to police state territory.
I'm against the bill but I'm more against the rioters. The worst of it is they're playing right into the Tories' hands. Boris will be counting the votes coming in by the bucketload.

...and the 80s and early 90s are fully back.

I have no idea what happened here and, having been in protests in the time periods I mention above and seen the narrative spin in the media (very much including the BBC), I rather suspect I never will. I have seen clearly aggressive and violent protesters actively trying to start trouble and I have seen the Police initiate conflict in what often appeared to be a co-ordinated and pre-meditated manner (and in a frankly terrifying manner on one notable occasion).

However, this is the consequences that inevitably come from the a lack of social equality, disenfranchisement and a Government that is hostile to sections of it's own people. I also note the recently passed draconian bill regarding protests and do not consider these facts a coincidence.

This does not end well.
It’s a minority of dickheads but that will be the headline now. So dumb. Undermines the whole point of the protest.

Very stupid indeed and you are exactly right. The rest of the crowds would be better placed turning on these "activists" mind and totally disassociating themselves by handing them to the police.