Rugby Union 21/22/23 Discussion | RWC time!

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England have no excuses re development. We must have some talent that needs to be given a chance

That's the kind of stuff I've been hearing too. The way ye played a group of players who hadn't had any game time in weeks/months in the first game of the championship was absolute madness.
This game is wonderful. Antidote to all the shit negative rugby England have been serving up for so long
That's a knock on only if May is a french player, I welcome that idea.
It’s actually his middle name I believe. Probably has a Malian name but chooses not to use it as his dad abandoned them before his birth

He has the name of his mother. It's not his middle name.
Well played England, France only scored 6 points in the second half that's not good enough.
Well played England, France only scored 6 points in the second half that's not good enough.
Was an amazing game! Thought France were really good, but ran out of steam. Hangover from Covid perhaps? I was knackered for weeks afterwards and although I’m nowhere near a pro athlete it will definitely have affected them
Was an amazing game! Thought France were really good, but ran out of steam. Hangover from Covid perhaps? I was knackered for weeks afterwards and although I’m nowhere near a pro athlete it will definitely have affected them

Yeah, it seemed to take some for the PL players a few weeks before they got back to normal.
According to wikipedia it's his middle name he uses as his surname which is clearly wrong as his mother is Carole Thomas, unless she changed her surname to his middle name too.

Yeah wikipedia is wrong, it's his mother's name which happens to also be the name of his grandfather Jacques Thomas who was a youth coach for Biarritz Olympique. :D
Great game today. If England had played like this throughout it would be much closer at the top. Thought they were really good today and applied pressure to France at just the right times.
For the Irish name watchers in this thread... yet another Sean O'Brien is playing his first match for Connacht tonight :lol:

You guys probably gave up on names, it has to be all about given names and nicknames. Or maybe you could go with the spanish tradition of using both parents names. Though you may end up with a Ciothruadh O'Shaughnessy O'shaughnessy, which is a bit lengthy.
You guys probably gave up on names, it has to be all about given names and nicknames. Or maybe you could go with the spanish tradition of using both parents names. Though you may end up with a Ciothruadh O'Shaughnessy O'shaughnessy, which is a bit lengthy.

Regulation 47.13.1(a): there must be at least three Sean O'Briens in Irish rugby at all times.
You guys probably gave up on names, it has to be all about given names and nicknames. Or maybe you could go with the spanish tradition of using both parents names. Though you may end up with a Ciothruadh O'Shaughnessy O'shaughnessy, which is a bit lengthy.

By the way, did you make up an irishy sounding first name? I haven't heard that one before :lol:
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