2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I’m amazed that Trump bring re-elected is a very real prospect.

That said, the number of videos I’ve seen of Biden referring to trump as bush, introducing his granddaughter as his late son beau - looks like he’s got dementia or something?

How was Biden seen as the best opposition candidate to Trump?
Looking very unlikely for Biden. How did US pick Trump again? Feels surreal.
Precisely because Bernie had great support with independents. That was his real strength and why it showed he was the only candidate to really hold up in the rust belt states. Having been on the outside he would be able to appeal to the voters trump attracted away. He spoke their language unlike establishment dems.
I don't know. Data says he was slightly more popular among independents than Biden. It certainly doesn't point to a massive difference.

It looked, for a while, that he could win the primaries. I hoped he would. But in the end he just didn't have the votes. You can blame Democratic voters for that... but I don't think it's a constructive way of looking at it.
I’m amazed that Trump bring re-elected is a very real prospect.

That said, the number of videos I’ve seen of Biden referring to trump as bush, introducing his granddaughter as his late son beau - looks like he’s got dementia or something?

How was Biden seen as the best opposition candidate to Trump?
While I'm not the biggest Biden fan your picture of him is dominated by fake news.
Trump still 4/9 on sky bet are we dure Biden will do it ?

Bookies don’t have a scooby just like everyone else. Looks to me that Biden now has the better price (I banged on Trump at 3/1 a few days ago to hedge my depression when he wins).

This is incredibly tight and it’s disgusting.
Precisely because Bernie had great support with independents. That was his real strength and why it showed he was the only candidate to really hold up in the rust belt states. Having been on the outside he would be able to appeal to the voters trump attracted away. He spoke their language unlike establishment dems.

Nah, this works when it's Trump round 1.

At this point you're either with Trump or you're not. It doesn't matter who the DNC chose the results would be the same. We're at a point where it's basically Anyone but Trump vs Trump or no one.
Who was here claiming the other day that Biden's campaign had run a blinder? Apparently sitting in a basement while the other guy kept going to rallies was a masterful move.

I hope he wins, but feck me - how the Democrats can feck up not one, but two fecking crisis (SARS, racism) and not be able to capitalize is mind boggling.
What this election shows is a lot of the American public like right wing politics and guys like Trump. A lot of the American public also doesn't care about COVID or Racism. Democrats can't take advantage of crisis which Americans don't care about.
Man, Trump is winning isnt he? This is just like 2016. Fecking hell America. What a shitshow.

Actually he is doing better in all groups than white men. So if he wins, it will be better than 2016.
WI is at 90%
Trump +4.1

I would say 55% Trump for WI

MI is likely Trump at this point.

PA is toss-up.

Biden’s path is narrowing. He needs WI to come through somehow.
The betting markets have oscillated in quite a pretty pattern as the nights gone on.
Trump was a grifter though, gotta give him that. He clawed and fought for every vote with every rally. He might enjoyed it for his own ego, but you can't deny his tenacity. Did Biden even hold a rally?

I've said this many times, but I don't know what Biden is all about other than he's not Trump. I don't know what his policy on Iran, I don't know what he's gonna do if he gets elected, I don't know how serious he is about defunding the police or what sort of things he propose. I haven't even heard his speeches. And when I caught glimpse of him, it's from Trump's insult.

Granted I'm not a loyal follower of Biden, but with Trump you at least know his soundbites.

The death of an Era, the DNC needs to shift their paradigm or they'll never win another election. Whatever they're doing doesn't work. Trump if he wins will only get vindicated, the next Trump will learn from his mistakes and comes out even stronger.
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