Westminster Politics

Of course he isn't worried, Boris wont dare give him the push and he sure as feck won't walk himself.

I'm sure he's smart enough to have plenty of dirt on stupid Johnson. The question is, will he accept a pay-off and a lucrative move into the private sector to save Johnson's job. I suspect he will and the blame can once again be shifted away from MPs.

This may not be the straw that breaks the donkey's back. But that ass can't take much more of a beating before even the tories get sick of it.
I used to think some of the criticism she received was ridiculous but she has become a shocking journalist. No attempt to find the truth, just parrots "government sources". Apparently, her "source close to Cummings" is Cummings himself.

It's actually unbelievable that she parrots this stuff with no critical thought.

None of the above is any less acceptable or within regulations.
It's actually unbelievable that she parrots this stuff with no critical thought.

None of the above is any less acceptable or within regulations.
A fecking kid could do what she's doing. She's no longer a journalist. Peter Oborne had an excellent article about her and Peston. Zero desire to dig deeper. Just copy and past what your "government source" says.
Remember when the left complained about her bias and it was because we were sexist and we couldn't stand criticism of Corbyn. Yeah that was cool.
It's alright as long as you believe you are acting responisbly and legally. It's how I always get out of traffic fines!
I'm going to complain to the BBC about Laura K.
Don't waste your time. When she reported a story that literally never happened they decided they could find no evidence that she didn't check its validity before doing so.

More chance of the parasites in Buckingham Palace losing their jobs than Law Haw.
Of course they're not going to bloody sack him, they're a bunch of bottle jobs. Jaywick wasn't made to resign or get the sack after he delivered a takeaway to his parents and he's a minister.

This is what happens when you vote for a bunch of scumbags folks.
Of course they're not going to bloody sack him, they're a bunch of bottle jobs. Jaywick wasn't made to resign or get the sack after he delivered a takeaway to his parents and he's a minister.

This is what happens when you vote for a bunch of scumbags folks.

They will spin and squirm and if that doesn't work, they will do what they usually do.
Lie and lie and lie.

Because they know that the people will fall for it.
Just sick and tired of all the double standards of the Government ministers and trolls who were out with the pitchforks when anyone else had been reported to break the rules. It’s pathetic. We really are a broken political system where they can just get away with anything.
Just sick and tired of all the double standards of the Government ministers and trolls who were out with the pitchforks when anyone else had been reported to break the rules. It’s pathetic. We really are a broken political system where they can just get away with anything.

Throw in diminishing journalistic standards and general public apathy to holding people to account and it is just one massive shitshow.
Throw in diminishing journalistic standards and general public apathy to holding people to account and it is just one massive shitshow.
This I don't get. The vast majority of people happily ignored all of the Brexit lies, then swallowed all of the Tory ones too. Does feel like we have the government we deserve cos the majority is to stupid or apathetic to care.
Just listened to the BBC news.
He did not break the law because laws don't apply to the ruling class.
It is the people running our country who are the joke.
And not a funny one at that.

Sadly it's only possible with a complicit public.

Anyway, I've complained to the BBC about Kuenssberg again, feck all will come of it but it's cathartic if nothing else.
This I don't get. The vast majority of people happily ignored all of the Brexit lies, then swallowed all of the Tory ones too. Does feel like we have the government we deserve cos the majority is to stupid or apathetic to care.
I have to be honest - despite knowing the risk of appearing to be one of those 'loony conspiracy theorists' we all read about whenever something politically dodgy is going on - I find it incredibly hard to believe that recent elections (and the referendum) both here and in the U.S. were not 'fixed'.
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I have to be honest - despite knowing the risk of appearing to be one of those 'loony conspiracy theorists' we all read about whenever something politically dodgy is going on - I find it incredibly hard to believe that recent elections both here and in the U.S. were not 'fixed'.

Any ideas why the Russian report hasn't been published yet? Vlad knows, you know.
Any ideas why the Russian report hasn't been published yet?
I'm sure it will be as exhaustive, meticulous and revelatory as the police investigation into Johnson and Arcuri.
The worst part is Kuenssberg’s ‘source’ has changed its story since last night, but she just parrots the new line with no comment whatsoever on the fact the ‘source’ has tacitly conceded its previous claim was fabricated (or its new one is, they obviously can’t both be true). And then after the first tweet has the ‘source says’ the next tweet will remove that part. It simply becomes a detail of the story, one apparent fact.

The opposition parties and the journalists with any dignity left really need to hit them hard on this. The Tories are already disputing Durham Police’s claim that they spoke to a member of the Cummings family. Such brazen lies and spinning cannot be tolerated.
Nothing will come of it. The rule tends to be that if Tory voters can put a positive spin on it to make it fair behaviour then it's fair game despite facts. Asking Tory voters to be outraged at selfish behaviour is just a no go to start with.

One things for sure if lockdown wasn't already done then it is now.
With the Tory spin force out in twitter it means they'll hold onto him. Among other plenty of ways this is an open goal for Starmer
- guidance was clear that nobody leaves their house with covid positive symptoms
- kid could have been picked up if childcare was an issue
- story doesn't corroborate with entries in spectator
- anger from across political spectrum
- one of either number 10 or durham police is lying regarding family/homeowners being spoken to
Genuinely in many ways I am angry about this. I literally had symptomatic family members with childcare issues for whom we all were doing plenty for them, groceries etc. At a cost physically and actually. And family members who weren't allowed to see loved ones in hospitals, funerals etc.
The worst part is Kuenssberg’s ‘source’ has changed its story since last night, but she just parrots the new line with no comment whatsoever on the fact the ‘source’ has tacitly conceded its previous claim was fabricated (or its new one is, they obviously can’t both be true).
Yep. Normally, the standard journalistic response to u-turns like you mentioned is something along the lines of 'Sudden u-turn. They're struggling to get their dubious story straight'. The very thing that LK seems to value - her 'enviable' proximity to government sources - is arguably detrimental, if not to her career, then certainly to her public image and reputation.