Transfer Tweets - 2019/20 | Check the OP for blacklisted sources before posting

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Pretended to be a United fan for two years
Dec 17, 2012
Surely Palace would be ensuring their relegation of they sold him now. Their fans would be in total meltdown before the season even kicked off.

Devil may care

New Member
Jan 7, 2010
8 years, posts 9 pics. :D Hopefully he's agreed a new deal, he had a bad second half of last season but he's been saving our asses for the last few years, he warrants the chance to regain form and he's still relatively young for a keeper, could play another 10 years and I'm sure the contract uncertainty affected him last season.

#Zhang is not a #Londra , but in place. Negotiation now for #Lukaku in call conferences with #ManchesterUnited with raise. #Dybala same high demands at #Tottenham like at United
I confess, I don't understand what this means.


Master of Hindsight
Oct 22, 2012
Can we? Should we? He'll make the right hand side his!

But we'd need at least 3 months to close a deal like this and Palace will want 150mil after we took AWB from them as well
No, we shouldn’t. I appreciate people haven’t had a transfer fix since Monday but no way should we be signing Zaha.


Liverpool's Secret Weapon.
Feb 26, 2001
From here to there
So you're an ITK about ITK's.
It's a pretty unpleasant post actually. He or she has called several journalists by name liars and claimed they make up all their stories. I wonder if he/she would be prepared to make such claims to their faces?

To claim none of them have contacts who know things is utter nonsense. I know for a fact one of those named by this poster has genuine contacts all over football that he's built relationships with over many years. Whatever he reports from those contacts he does in good faith and having checked the accuracy with other sources (as I'm sure many journalists do).

Does this mean that no journalists make up stories to get clicks or sell papers? Of course not. I'm sure plenty do. But to claim they all do it all the time is a sweeping generalisation, and is disrespectful to those who do their jobs honestly.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2001
New York City
8 years, posts 9 pics. :D Hopefully he's agreed a new deal, he had a bad second half of last season but he's been saving our asses for the last few years, he warrants the chance to regain form and he's still relatively young for a keeper, could play another 10 years and I'm sure the contract uncertainty affected him last season.

I confess, I don't understand what this means.
Zhang (Inter owner) is not in London, but at headquarters in Milan. The negotiations for Lukaku have been relaunched through conference calls (not meetings). Dybala made the same high wage demands from Tottenham as he did from United.

Devil may care

New Member
Jan 7, 2010
So you follow up one straw man argument with another

Your new straw man claim: The only way to take a stance on it is not to ban posters. In fact banning posters on here is a very rare thing and there are already things like warnings that mods use on here when posters step out of line. So banning is far from the only way.

Basically, here you have made up a completely new claim that I want posters banned and then used this fabricated claim to try and back up your previously made-up claim that I want to ban free speech despite me having made it explicitly clear that I was not asking for constructive criticism of Ole to be disallowed.

Everything you then say about Ole after that is your opinion and you are entitled to it. My issue was with you, and many other posters, criticising our manager in a disrespectful way. I hope this post has cleared everything up for you.
So basically you want me to get an official warning if I say Ole seems clueless to me? So yeah, take away my freedom of speech, which is where this started, if people use hate speech or abusive language then warn/ban, saying a manager is clueless or out of his depth should not warrant a warning or any kind of reprimand.


Liverpool's Secret Weapon.
Feb 26, 2001
From here to there
So basically you want me to get an official warning if I say Ole seems clueless to me? So yeah, take away my freedom of speech, which is where this started, if people use hate speech or abusive language then warn/ban, saying a manager is clueless or out of his depth should not warrant a warning or any kind of reprimand.
Would you have a problem if I said you were clueless?

Devil may care

New Member
Jan 7, 2010
Zhang (Inter owner) is not in London, but at headquarters in Milan. The negotiations for Lukaku have been relaunched through conference calls (not meetings). Dybala made the same high wage demands from Tottenham as he did from United.
Thanks, so basically just us hopefully selling Lukaku to Inter in terms of any positive news.


Full Member
Jan 24, 2011
It's a pretty unpleasant post actually. He or she has called several journalists by name liars and claimed they make up all their stories. I wonder if he/she would be prepared to make such claims to their faces?

To claim none of them have contacts who know things is utter nonsense. I know for a fact one of those named by this poster has genuine contacts all over football that he's built relationships with over many years. Whatever he reports from those contacts he does in good faith and having checked the accuracy with other sources (as I'm sure many journalists do).

Does this mean that no journalists make up stories to get clicks or sell papers? Of course not. I'm sure plenty do. But to claim they all do it all the time is a sweeping generalisation, and is disrespectful to those who do their jobs honestly.
It's also bollocks because we know a few journalists related to United seem to get the same information at the same time to release.

It would be a hell of a coincidence if they're just all making up the same information and releasing it at the same time consistently.


Full Member
Sep 3, 2013
Typo, little over 24 hours left
I still think that deals can get done within that time.

Everton have had two bids turned down. Zaha has now put in a transfer request. Out of respect for Zaha, who, to be fair to him, has been quite loyal to them, Palace should allow him to progress and accept the offer of 65M plus two players. Or maybe they will put in a third bid ofm70 + two players.

He's clearly a player who no longer wants to be there anymore. They knew that when he said he wanted to go to Arsenal. Keeping a player who isnt happy at a club or has put in a transfer request is a big mistake, in my opinion.


New Member
May 27, 2013
a front 3 of Matial Rasford and Zaha would be frightening. Zaha is a signing i have hoped for all summer. lets go for it.
I wonder if he has heard the rumours about us wanting players that WANT to leave to come to us and this is his way of showing it.


Full Member
Feb 17, 2014
It's a pretty unpleasant post actually. He or she has called several journalists by name liars and claimed they make up all their stories. I wonder if he/she would be prepared to make such claims to their faces?

To claim none of them have contacts who know things is utter nonsense. I know for a fact one of those named by this poster has genuine contacts all over football that he's built relationships with over many years. Whatever he reports from those contacts he does in good faith and having checked the accuracy with other sources (as I'm sure many journalists do).

Does this mean that no journalists make up stories to get clicks or sell papers? Of course not. I'm sure plenty do. But to claim they all do it all the time is a sweeping generalisation, and is disrespectful to those who do their jobs honestly.
I don't think he s saying no journalists have any connections/connections/acquaintances, but that these things are greatly exaggerated, especially since, as was the point of his posts, clubs are leaking less in way of sports journalists.

What he is instead alluding to is that journalists do not wait for their contacts to give them tips and only publish when possible, they have a quota to reach and I have no doubt all journalists make some of their stories up, with their sources being common sense or informed opinions.


New Member
Aug 1, 2018
a front 3 of Matial Rasford and Zaha would be frightening. Zaha is a signing i have hoped for all summer. lets go for it.
I wonder if he has heard the rumours about us wanting players that WANT to leave to come to us and this is his way of showing it.
Does he like us anymore? Hasn't he spoken about how he felt let down by United?

Then again, he was in a United short on the other day in his back yard.


Full Member
Sep 4, 2013
Eriksen pushes to fly to Madrid, Tottenham chasing the replacement. Between Coutinho and Lo Celso ...

Christian Eriksen pushes to fly to Madrid. The Atletico has been falling for weeks on Danish talent, as we had anticipated, in the last hours - according to the Telegraph - there would have been new contacts between the parties. But on the traces of Eriksen there is always the Real , ready for the big investment to reinforce the midfield. Double situation to be monitored with the utmost attention. Meanwhile, Tottenham is working to eventually secure the Danish substitute 24 hours after the end of the market: Coutinho would have refused the loan transfer, as proposed by the Spurs, with the latter having thus returned to the charge for Giovani Lo Celso.On the plate 60 million, the Betis asks 70 but the distance does not seem unbridgeable.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2012
Sir Alex Ferguson Stand
If we don't sign anyone up, is the blacklist of journalists going to grow? As there have been pedalling nothing but BS about United all summer, yet we haven't signed a single one. If we have, they've joined the bandwagon late on and riding someone elses wave.


Full Member
Sep 3, 2013
a front 3 of Matial Rasford and Zaha would be frightening. Zaha is a signing i have hoped for all summer. lets go for it.
I wonder if he has heard the rumours about us wanting players that WANT to leave to come to us and this is his way of showing it.
50 + Darmian.

Devil may care

New Member
Jan 7, 2010
Would you have a problem if I said you were clueless?
No, no offense but I don't really care what you think of me or my opinions on football, we don't know each other personally and I've been called a lot worse on here, I certainly wouldn't want the mods to do anything about it, water off a ducks back.
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