Transfer Tweets - 2019/20 | Check the OP for blacklisted sources before posting

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Nurse bell end
Jun 5, 2008
West Yorkshire
yeah good to miss out on Erkisen, who want a player like him in his team. Well done Ed.
I don’t rate him as highly as some on here. But that doesn’t matter and it doesn’t matter how good he is, if he doesn’t want to come here don’t sign him.


Hyperbolic and will post where they like!!
Mar 30, 2010
I'm not defending Woodward. I think he's a liar and a dope and he's one of the main reasons , if not the main reason, we've been so horrible for the last 6 years.

But Ole throwing a tantrum or briefing to selected journalists how unhappy he is isn't going to help anyone. Pochettino and Klopp have been at their clubs a long time now for modern football tenures and are able to get away with showing a little annoyance.

Ole is a naturally optimistic guy and he's putting his faith in some kids. Will it work? Who knows? Maybe not but I'm not going to slag Ole off for trying to make the best of a difficult situation.
Fair enough, that's an entirely reasonable stance to take. I am just worried for Ole, the dynamics of relationship/power-level between Ole and Woodward isn't healthy. Woodward will turn on him when fans are calling for his own head, no matter how much Ole tries to toe the line Woodward wants him to toe at the moment.


Self-Aware RedCafe Database (and Admin)
Mar 4, 2010
Also won Best Gif/Photoshop 2021
Or Pogba not arsed, which is more likely.
That'll be the story of this season to be fair. Pogba won't give a crap, which means we underperform, unless the other players decide to kick it up a notch
Euros next summer so he'll have to perform to some degree or expect to lose his place in the France side.


Full Member
Feb 15, 2015
Greater Manchester
I am an ex football journalist; have written for many national newspapers, both tabloid and broadsheet - as well as online (where my career was leading me until I landed a publishing deal and now write literature, non-fiction and fiction).

There seems to be lots and lots of posters on here concerned with journalists; who is top tier? who is a bullshitter? who is properly ITK?

Let me explain, if you don't mind.

NOBODY is ITK. Not anymore.

When I started in football journalism about twenty years ago; there were - of course - journalists working the Premier League beat who were ITK. They would have trusted sources at football clubs; sometimes even footballers themselves or managers or (in a lot of cases) the press officer at a football club who was asked to drop a story to a journalist etc.

The reason for this was simple: If Manchester United (for example) wanted to reach us guys (the fans) by telling us some news; this is how they would go about it. The manager would give a nod and a wink to our press officer, the press officer would pick up the phone to a couple of journalists or indeed write a press release if it was something formal and then those journalists would write up their article for you and I to read in the newspaper the next day. Very simple: that is how you would reach your fan base to let them know something. Source - press officer - journalist - fan.

But these days; the game has changed. It was in 2008 that the game really changed and I become disillusioned by being a football reporter (though I didn't leave until 2013).

Because these days; if Manchester United want to reach you and I (the fan base), they no longer need the middle man in order to do that. Social Media has changed the game. United can reach us without the need for a journalist. Print journalism is dead and has been dead for a decade now in terms of being useful.

NOBODY at Manchester United or any major club uses ANY print journalist to let them know of any news that is occurring within the football club. Those days are long gone.

So, when Johnny Cross or Andy Mitten or James Ducker or Charlie Wheeler etc etc are linking Man United with players, I guarantee they are just making it up. I've ben there. I know it happens. It happens all the time. And it is happening more and more now, for one simple reason.

Manchester United are the biggest football club in the world by a mile. I know some like to argue that we're not bigger or better than Real Madrid yada yada.. but the truth is that the world is much more transfixed and obsessed with Manchester United. If a journalists drops Manchester United's name into a headline in modern media, it is going to reach a massive audience. This is why we are constantly linked to numerous players. Because journalists and editors know that they will get more revenue from advertising on a page if the name 'Manchester United is a key part of the SEO for that page.

I PROMISE you I know this because I was asked - and carried out - to use that tactic for years by some top sports editors. (Be happy to show any of the mods my credentials for proof in this regard).

It's not just Manchester United by the way who no longer use print media journalists. No club does.

Look at yesterday's jaw-dropping news for proof.

Wayne Rooney signed for Derby yesterday. DERBY!!! And this was after a summer of him talking to half a dozen clubs in England. He was speaking to Derby before Cocu was named manager. Now; how on earth did the print media only find out about Wayne Rooney's move to Derby 12-hours before his reveal press conference?

All these journalists who pretend to beITK on deals, didn't have one darn clue about the biggest transfer of the summer. Not one iota! Even though Rooney and his reps had been talking to many clubs over a two month period?

These journalists haven't one darn clue what is going on because clubs no longer use them to break news.

So, please stop with all this 'Mitten reported this' and 'Wheeler reported this'.

These guys know as much as you do.

No British-based sports journalist gets any heads up from Manchester United or any other club.

James Cooper is the only reporter who follows the Manchester United beat who gets any heads-up from the club and that's because the club know the Sky Sports news channel is the quickest broadcast way to reach their fans. So yes.. Cooper does get a phone call from Karen Shotbolt (our press officer) every now and then, and he does have a source or two on the inside. But he only gets information when the club want a bit of information put out there... such as the decision to walk away from the Dybala deal.

That's it. If you want a trusted source; James Cooper is the nearest you will get to a trusted source.

Not one print journalist attached to any of the main newspapers is ever passed on information. It doesn't work like that any more.

A lot of posters on here need to take heed of this: Stop getting your knickers in a twist over which journalist reported what.. Whatever they are reporting is a nonsense. They are only interested in generating money for their newspapers by getting people like you to click on their stories. Fact: United have been linked in the British press with 79 players this summer. That tells you all you need to know.

The journalists know nothing! Trust me. I used to be one.
Superb post, and great incite, thanks


Full Member
Aug 1, 2016
Depressing end to the window,we had months to replace 2 MFers who left and still feck all. Not to mention the ghost of Nemanja Static will most likely be relied upon as a starter again

Gotta be the only top club ran so incompetently in terms of recruitment and football related affairs

We get hit by the injury bug and it won't be pretty this season...


Full Member
Jan 16, 2010
Football, bloody hell.
Thats all well and good saying that he's happy with what he has, but when the injuries start piling up and we're struggling come Christmas, theres only one job on the chopping block, and it aint Ed's or the players!
Whether Ole is content with his squad in reality or not, he is not the kind of guy to be outwardly negative. Its all about creating the right atmosphere for him, so he will try and convince whichever players he has that they can run through brick walls and are good enough to do the job. Dismissing him as a Yes man is just immature, as you say, he's the one that will ultimately be judged and he knows it.


Full Member
Dec 22, 2007
Solskjaer needs to stop sharing his thoughts about how comfortable he’s with every setback who’s coming in his way. He don’t do himself any favors with this over positive approach about everything and anything. Supporters and media aren’t stupid and blind. How about saying nothing.

As things stands today with no more transfers we’re in a dangerous position and will probably struggle to finish in top six. Our only playmaker is unhappy. Our best goal scorer from last season is in Belgium and refuse to train with us. We have lost two quality midfielders and Matic is on his last leg. Except Valencia all our deadwood is still with us. How is it even possible to end up like this?

I’m extremely happy that we solved our defensive problems with Maguire and AWB and Dan James is a exiting young talent but let’s be real, our midfield and attacking options are so limited that one single major injury on one of our key players and the season is over.

Just asking.

Who’s going to score all the 70plus goals that is needed to improve from last season?

Who’s going to create all the chances that’s needed for us to score simple goals except Pogba?

Why playing with a two man midfield when we’re so short of quality and options? FFS, why?

Why even think to include Matic, Pereira and Mata in a starting line up when we all see that they are not good enough if we aspire to finish in top four?

I have no sympathy at all for those who’re involved in this mess. Zero.
We scored 65 goals last season, and conceded 54.

Above us, Arsenal scored 73, Spurs 67, Chelsea 63, and only Liverpool and City have outscored us with 89 and 95.
But the others conceded less.

We obviously need to score, but my conceding less, how pts per game ratio will go up automatically already, so let's not underestimate that impact.

Our goals breakdown in the league was:
Pogba - 13
Lukaku - 12
Rashford - 10
Martial - 10
Lingard - 4
Mata - 3
Young - 2
Herrera - 2
Scott - 2
Lindelof - 1
Fred - 1
Matic - 1
Shaw - 1
Matic - 1
Smalling - 1
Pereira - 1

Let's say we lose Lukaku and Herrera, okay that's 15 goals, but if Rashford and Martial can pick up 15 this time, that's good enough.
We can hope Greenwood pick 5, and anything else is extra.

We concede less = we have a chance to perform.


Bobby ten Hag
Apr 18, 2010
The complete lack of respect for a club legend who is also our manager is unreal.

I only hope the people making these posts are teenagers because if they are fully grown adults they should hang their heads.
Slap heads, that's what they are.


Full Member
Jan 9, 2011
Loughborough university
We scored 65 goals last season, and conceded 54.

Above us, Arsenal scored 73, Spurs 67, Chelsea 63, and only Liverpool and City have outscored us with 89 and 95.
But the others conceded less.

We obviously need to score, but my conceding less, how pts per game ratio will go up automatically already, so let's not underestimate that impact.

Our goals breakdown in the league was:
Pogba - 13
Lukaku - 12
Rashford - 10
Martial - 10
Lingard - 4
Mata - 3
Young - 2
Herrera - 2
Scott - 2
Lindelof - 1
Fred - 1
Matic - 1
Shaw - 1
Matic - 1
Smalling - 1
Pereira - 1

Let's say we lose Lukaku and Herrera, okay that's 15 goals, but if Rashford and Martial can pick up 15 this time, that's good enough.
We can hope Greenwood pick 5, and anything else is extra.

We concede less = we have a chance to perform.
Exactly. Whats the chances of that happening?


Full Member
Feb 18, 2007
We scored 65 goals last season, and conceded 54.

Above us, Arsenal scored 73, Spurs 67, Chelsea 63, and only Liverpool and City have outscored us with 89 and 95.
But the others conceded less.

We obviously need to score, but my conceding less, how pts per game ratio will go up automatically already, so let's not underestimate that impact.

Our goals breakdown in the league was:
Pogba - 13
Lukaku - 12
Rashford - 10
Martial - 10
Lingard - 4
Mata - 3
Young - 2
Herrera - 2
Scott - 2
Lindelof - 1
Fred - 1
Matic - 1
Shaw - 1
Matic - 1
Smalling - 1
Pereira - 1

Let's say we lose Lukaku and Herrera, okay that's 15 goals, but if Rashford and Martial can pick up 15 this time, that's good enough.
We can hope Greenwood pick 5, and anything else is extra.

We concede less = we have a chance to perform.
The chance of us scoring more than last season are slimmer than us conceding less considering the shit midfield we have.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
We scored 65 goals last season, and conceded 54.

Above us, Arsenal scored 73, Spurs 67, Chelsea 63, and only Liverpool and City have outscored us with 89 and 95.
But the others conceded less.

We obviously need to score, but my conceding less, how pts per game ratio will go up automatically already, so let's not underestimate that impact.

Our goals breakdown in the league was:
Pogba - 13
Lukaku - 12
Rashford - 10
Martial - 10
Lingard - 4
Mata - 3
Young - 2
Herrera - 2
Scott - 2
Lindelof - 1
Fred - 1
Matic - 1
Shaw - 1
Matic - 1
Smalling - 1
Pereira - 1

Let's say we lose Lukaku and Herrera, okay that's 15 goals, but if Rashford and Martial can pick up 15 this time, that's good enough.
We can hope Greenwood pick 5, and anything else is extra.

We concede less = we have a chance to perform.
We have two Matic's?:nervous::nervous:


Full Member
Dec 22, 2007
Exactly. Whats the chances of that happening?
Why not? Rashford and Martial have had some issues with lucidity and that's mostly fitness related.
Martial is a high level converter but he needs to be in those positions.
I do think those 2 have it in them, but the system needs to keep pushing them forward and they need to be in top conditions themselves.
We have worked on that, so we need to see the results now.


Full Member
May 4, 2010
left wing
Given that we no longer have time to replace Lukaku, we should be turning down any offer for him that doesn't include a striker as part of a swap. We cannot let him leave without replacing him. We've already weakened our midfield this summer - weakening our attack as well, would be madness.

Micky Targaryen

Full Member
Nov 3, 2017
I am an ex football journalist; have written for many national newspapers, both tabloid and broadsheet - as well as online (where my career was leading me until I landed a publishing deal and now write literature, non-fiction and fiction).

There seems to be lots and lots of posters on here concerned with journalists; who is top tier? who is a bullshitter? who is properly ITK?

Let me explain, if you don't mind.

NOBODY is ITK. Not anymore.

When I started in football journalism about twenty years ago; there were - of course - journalists working the Premier League beat who were ITK. They would have trusted sources at football clubs; sometimes even footballers themselves or managers or (in a lot of cases) the press officer at a football club who was asked to drop a story to a journalist etc.

The reason for this was simple: If Manchester United (for example) wanted to reach us guys (the fans) by telling us some news; this is how they would go about it. The manager would give a nod and a wink to our press officer, the press officer would pick up the phone to a couple of journalists or indeed write a press release if it was something formal and then those journalists would write up their article for you and I to read in the newspaper the next day. Very simple: that is how you would reach your fan base to let them know something. Source - press officer - journalist - fan.

But these days; the game has changed. It was in 2008 that the game really changed and I become disillusioned by being a football reporter (though I didn't leave until 2013).

Because these days; if Manchester United want to reach you and I (the fan base), they no longer need the middle man in order to do that. Social Media has changed the game. United can reach us without the need for a journalist. Print journalism is dead and has been dead for a decade now in terms of being useful.

NOBODY at Manchester United or any major club uses ANY print journalist to let them know of any news that is occurring within the football club. Those days are long gone.

So, when Johnny Cross or Andy Mitten or James Ducker or Charlie Wheeler etc etc are linking Man United with players, I guarantee they are just making it up. I've ben there. I know it happens. It happens all the time. And it is happening more and more now, for one simple reason.

Manchester United are the biggest football club in the world by a mile. I know some like to argue that we're not bigger or better than Real Madrid yada yada.. but the truth is that the world is much more transfixed and obsessed with Manchester United. If a journalists drops Manchester United's name into a headline in modern media, it is going to reach a massive audience. This is why we are constantly linked to numerous players. Because journalists and editors know that they will get more revenue from advertising on a page if the name 'Manchester United is a key part of the SEO for that page.

I PROMISE you I know this because I was asked - and carried out - to use that tactic for years by some top sports editors. (Be happy to show any of the mods my credentials for proof in this regard).

It's not just Manchester United by the way who no longer use print media journalists. No club does.

Look at yesterday's jaw-dropping news for proof.

Wayne Rooney signed for Derby yesterday. DERBY!!! And this was after a summer of him talking to half a dozen clubs in England. He was speaking to Derby before Cocu was named manager. Now; how on earth did the print media only find out about Wayne Rooney's move to Derby 12-hours before his reveal press conference?

All these journalists who pretend to beITK on deals, didn't have one darn clue about the biggest transfer of the summer. Not one iota! Even though Rooney and his reps had been talking to many clubs over a two month period?

These journalists haven't one darn clue what is going on because clubs no longer use them to break news.

So, please stop with all this 'Mitten reported this' and 'Wheeler reported this'.

These guys know as much as you do.

No British-based sports journalist gets any heads up from Manchester United or any other club.

James Cooper is the only reporter who follows the Manchester United beat who gets any heads-up from the club and that's because the club know the Sky Sports news channel is the quickest broadcast way to reach their fans. So yes.. Cooper does get a phone call from Karen Shotbolt (our press officer) every now and then, and he does have a source or two on the inside. But he only gets information when the club want a bit of information put out there... such as the decision to walk away from the Dybala deal.

That's it. If you want a trusted source; James Cooper is the nearest you will get to a trusted source.

Not one print journalist attached to any of the main newspapers is ever passed on information. It doesn't work like that any more.

A lot of posters on here need to take heed of this: Stop getting your knickers in a twist over which journalist reported what.. Whatever they are reporting is a nonsense. They are only interested in generating money for their newspapers by getting people like you to click on their stories. Fact: United have been linked in the British press with 79 players this summer. That tells you all you need to know.

The journalists know nothing! Trust me. I used to be one.
Brilliant. Well said. It's not gonna stop posters from getting their panties in twist over a transfer tweet though.


Full Member
Sep 30, 2009
We scored 65 goals last season, and conceded 54.

Above us, Arsenal scored 73, Spurs 67, Chelsea 63, and only Liverpool and City have outscored us with 89 and 95.
But the others conceded less.

We obviously need to score, but my conceding less, how pts per game ratio will go up automatically already, so let's not underestimate that impact.

Our goals breakdown in the league was:
Pogba - 13
Lukaku - 12
Rashford - 10
Martial - 10
Lingard - 4
Mata - 3
Young - 2
Herrera - 2
Scott - 2
Lindelof - 1
Fred - 1
Matic - 1
Shaw - 1
Matic - 1
Smalling - 1
Pereira - 1

Let's say we lose Lukaku and Herrera, okay that's 15 goals, but if Rashford and Martial can pick up 15 this time, that's good enough.
We can hope Greenwood pick 5, and anything else is extra.

We concede less = we have a chance to perform.
I just do not see us getting enough penalties again for Pogba to get 13.


Owns the moral low ground
May 15, 2013
Given that we no longer have time to replace Lukaku, we should be turning down any offer that doesn't include a striker as part of a swap. We cannot let him leave without replacing him. We've already weakened our midfield this summer - weakening our attack as well, would be madness.
I’d rather play with 10 men than have him on the pitch.


Full Member
Sep 5, 2015
Fair enough, that's an entirely reasonable stance to take. I am just worried for Ole, the dynamics of relationship/power-level between Ole and Woodward isn't healthy. Woodward will turn on him when fans are calling for his own head, no matter how much Ole tries to toe the line Woodward wants him to toe at the moment.
How do you know this?


Full Member
May 14, 2014
Ole, If you are 6th come December. No one will sack Ed, no one will Sack the players. You will be the one who will get the blame and be sacked.
If he comes out and says he is disappointed with what he has, his players will be unhappy and his employer will be unhappy. This will make sure he is sacked even sooner.


Full Member
Dec 20, 2018
Clever but you've ignored the point. You're too romanticized and can't see that football is a business and we need to win. We're not going to win with 11 average players who want to play for the badge. As great as that would be, it's not possible because we're not good anymore. Hurts to say it but you need to accept it. No one dreams of playing in front of 75000 silent fans in the grey, rainy skies of Manchester - especially when they have options to go abroad to more successful clubs with a nicer lifestyle. At the moment, the only way we pull these players is either with trophies or money... and we sure as hell aren't going to be offering UCL or Prem titles for the foreseeable.
Not sure why you make that conclusion, I do know football is a business. My point is if WC players don't want to be at the club then most likely they won't perform at their WC level, which has nothing to do with being "too romanticized".

I agree with you on needing top players but i'd rather have top players who wants to play for united (not some love dubby crap but a player who won't demand stupid wages just to come here) than players whose sole motivation is gaining stupid wages. IMO Dybala wanting increase in wages to come here is fine (top players will always demand more, nothing wrong with it) but if he wants Sanchez money then he can feck off and it has nothing to do with being "too romanticized" but its good business to not pay stupid wages to convince the player (s) to join. If you go down that route then you end up with players on stupid wages and hard to move on.


Full Member
Oct 8, 2011
We should just pay up for Fernandes and Longstaff and be done with it. We will 100% lose Lukaku. Makes no sense to not reinvest that money. Go hard for Sancho next summer then.


New Member
Oct 14, 2014
ON the positive, we are not giving Spurs Bruno money.
The Bruno obsession needs to stop. If you think Sanchez gives the ball away too much, Bruno isn't much better. Sanchez 74% (PL) last year, Bruno: 79% (Portuguese league).

if he was as good as some fans are convinced he is, why is his agent trying to farm him out? The biggest european clubs aren't even sniffing around him.


Full Member
May 3, 2012
Millwall, Saint-Etienne
We should just pay up for Fernandes and Longstaff and be done with it. We will 100% lose Lukaku. Makes no sense to reinvest that money. Go hard for Sancho next summer then.
Would be happy with this, probably end up with just Longstaff and promote Angel.


New Member
Jul 27, 2019
We want to bring in one more but he's happy with what he has?...........So he mustn't be that happy if he wants another player in.

WTF! :lol:
It's pretty simple. There is probably one player that he would like to add if possible, but if not, he's happy to keep what he already has rather than add someone that he doesn't really want just for the sake of it.


Full Member
Dec 22, 2007
The chance of us scoring more than last season are slimmer than us conceding less considering the shit midfield we have.
Well I don't know the future, but I think we are not that far away. With a clear system and pattern of game, things are easier to manage and provoke. And I think James in the last 30mn is going to do wonders.

Champagne Football

New Member
Nov 28, 2015
El Beatle
On a brighter note, if we don't sign anyone, it gives Fred, James, Angel, Chong and Greenwood all a real chance to stake a claim for holes that need filling.


New Member
May 15, 2013
It's pretty simple. There is probably one player that he would like to add if possible, but if not, he's happy to keep what he already has rather than add someone that he doesn't really want just for the sake of it.
Do you really think Ole is happy with how this transfer window has gone for us? I would say absolutely fecking not. We failed miserably yet again.
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