Transfer Tweets - 2019/20 | Check the OP for blacklisted sources before posting

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Full Member
Jun 1, 2008
Anyone insulting Ole because he's going to stay dignified and professional even though we won't get in every player we need needs to shut the feck up.

It's called being a grown up, would people rather Ole sulk and self sabotage the way Mourinho did?
This - and I would like to add….

Anyone thinking its wrong to sign a player who isn't right for us, clearly hasn't been following United the last 6 or so years. I would rather we don't waste Money if we can't find the player we want - than spend £50 mill on Fred or di Maria.

We got 3 players - we probably hoped for 4 or 5. But I would rather we save the extra Money and spend it when we find someone who wants to come here.


Full Member
May 2, 2010
Manchester, United Kingdom
This is just a myth. The only player who has badly flopped is Sanchez, due to his age and legs not being the same. ADM would have worked out fine if LVG hadn’t been so stubborn.
I think people tend forget that professional footballers have become professional due to their work ethic, natural talent and desire to win. No one makes it to this level if they are content with losing. No one wants to lose. Even if you go to a club that you didn't prefer to another club, when you're on the pitch - you want to win. It's a simple as that.

Yes, money motivates some players more than others, but to suggest that players who come for the money will not want to win games and play well when they are on the pitch in front of 73-75,000 fans every week is literally peak stupidity.

Imagine a game of: XI of top 11 paid players in their position the world currently Vs XI of hungry young players who have the desire to play for MUFC

Who would win? Maybe an odd point to make but we all know the answer to that one.


Full Member
Jun 1, 2008
That's not the point I was making, why are we leaking to the press before knowing if the player will accept or reject the move.
You think the club is leaking information to the press on purpose ? :) Usually when that happens - it's called a press release


Full Member
Jun 1, 2008
This is just a myth. The only player who has badly flopped is Sanchez, due to his age and legs not being the same. ADM would have worked out fine if LVG hadn’t been so stubborn.
So it's the systems or managers fault that Lukaku, Darmian, diMaria, Fred, Schweinsteiger, Schneiderlin, Depay, Falcao, Fred, Rojo, Bailly and Fellaini have either been average or flopped ? I would rather say that 4-5 of these would have been good for us - the rest we never should have signed in the first place


Full Member
May 14, 2014
I think people tend forget that professional footballers have become professional due to their work ethic, natural talent and desire to win. No one makes it to this level if they are content with losing. No one wants to lose. Even if you go to a club that you didn't prefer to another club, when you're on the pitch - you want to win. It's a simple as that.

Yes, money motivates some players more than others, but to suggest that players who come for the money will not want to win games and play well when they are on the pitch in front of 73-75,000 fans every week is literally peak stupidity.

Imagine a game of: XI of top 11 paid players in their position the world currently Vs XI of hungry young players who have the desire to play for MUFC

Who would win? Maybe an odd point to make but we all know the answer to that one.
We want players that want to play for the club. Who of the players from the top 11 XI would come here now? None.

Hans Moleman

Full Member
Aug 4, 2006
So, when Johnny Cross or Andy Mitten or James Ducker or Charlie Wheeler etc etc are linking Man United with players, I guarantee they are just making it up. I've ben there. I know it happens. It happens all the time. And it is happening more and more now, for one simple reason.

So, please stop with all this 'Mitten reported this' and 'Wheeler reported this'.

These guys know as much as you do.
Alright mate, you doing ok? Andy has seen this and I'm sure he would love to have a chat with you about the modern intricacies of journalism. Fancy meeting up for a face to face chat? Maybe going on his podcast? I bet he'd learn a lot. I'm sure you can find his e-mail or twitter for contact


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
Yeah, but he's seemingly happy here. He's not cut a sulky figure in any of his appearances, he's been vocal and active on social media, there are literally no hints anywhere that he's even a little peeved at his situation. It's understandable that you're worried, but if you look at it objectively I don't see anything to cause alarm.

Just look at how he played yesterday. If he was in anyway shape or form unhappy, his demeanour on the pitch yesterday playing for the reserves would have shown it. He didn't show it at all, he genuinely seemed delighted being out there and his play reflected it.
He made him captain as well. There are a lot of promising kids at this club, maybe the best crop for years, so want to see them get a chance.


Owns the moral low ground
May 15, 2013
So it's the systems or managers fault that Lukaku, Darmian, diMaria, Fred, Schweinsteiger, Schneiderlin, Depay, Falcao, Fred, Rojo, Bailly and Fellaini have either been average or flopped ? I would rather say that 4-5 of these would have been good for us - the rest we never should have signed in the first place
These players are not elite talent like Dybala and Eriksen. We should be offering the world to players of that calibre because we desperately need more quality in the team.

Most of those players you mention were management choices, to me that’s a seperate issue and most of those ‘wanted’ to come anyway. This weird pride thing we have that we only want players who are desperate to come won’t get us back to the top I’ll tell you that right now.


Full Member
May 2, 2010
Manchester, United Kingdom
We want players that want to play for the club. Who of the players from the top 11 XI would come here now? None.
I agree with you. However I believe that some would come if the money was too good to turn down. And my point is that these players wouldn't all be awful just because we pay them a lot of money to come here. I think we have been unfortunate in a couple of cases e.g. Sanchez.


fan of well-known French footballer Fabinho
Oct 16, 2015
Oldham, Greater Manchester
I fully understand OGS only wanting players that want to play for us, however Fernandes is desperate to come here and would solve some of our creativity issues, whilst appearing to work damn hard at the same time.

Hoping we pull something out on deadline day.


Full Member
Dec 20, 2018
Imagine a game of: XI of top 11 paid players in their position the world currently who don't want to be at that club Vs XI of hungry young players who have the desire to play for MUFC

Tom Van Persie

No relation
Dec 12, 2012
@Inter is forcing for @RomeluLukaku9 : new contacts in progress, the agent in London, is trying to make the right offer to close and block any new attempt of @juventusfc


Full Member
May 2, 2010
Manchester, United Kingdom
Clever but you've ignored the point. You're too romanticized and can't see that football is a business and we need to win. We're not going to win with 11 average players who want to play for the badge. As great as that would be, it's not possible because we're not good anymore. Hurts to say it but you need to accept it. No one dreams of playing in front of 75000 silent fans in the grey, rainy skies of Manchester - especially when they have options to go abroad to more successful clubs with a nicer lifestyle. At the moment, the only way we pull these players is either with trophies or money... and we sure as hell aren't going to be offering UCL or Prem titles for the foreseeable.

Funky Futurista

Full Member
Jul 3, 2017
Why? This is exactly how he operated when he came into this job? Full of praise for everyone, how the squad is brimming with quality, how there is a great spirit among the boys. All positivity disappeared once we went on a downward spiral, Ole wasn't able to arrest that and right on cue he delivered big ballsy talk of how 'this is last of many of the players' post Everton. All of them are still here.

Ole knows how he lucked out landing this job permanently, he's not going to rock the boat by citing unhappiness with the board. I mean he's toed the line pretty perfectly about how 'the market is difficult', 'I'm happy with the squad'. This will all go down the shitter once his neck is on the line.
He didn't do it then, but he's been whipping them into shape this pre-season. They were so out of shape from training under Mourinho they couldn't keep up the high pressure.

With regards to the players that are still here, that's not his responsibility is it? He challenged Woodward to trim the squad of players Ole doesn't want, but Woodward keep overpricing them. What more can you do as a manager when you have a boss who isn't willing to listen?

You seem to have the patience of a hyperactive kid who just filled up on 3 scoops of ice cream. Rebuilds take time, if you haven't got that then I suggest you do something else.


Hyperbolic and will post where they like!!
Mar 30, 2010
Anyone insulting Ole because he's going to stay dignified and professional even though we won't get in every player we need needs to shut the feck up.

It's called being a grown up, would people rather Ole sulk and self sabotage the way Mourinho did?
Why does it have be one extreme or the other? There are ways to address this situation without acting like a total pillock (Mourinho) or a total optimist (Ole). Just look at how Klopp or Poch in the past have made their feelings known. How does one go from 'these players have played last game for Utd' to 'I'm happy with the squad' in space of 3 months. It doesn't compute.

He won't be this dignified or professional about it once the pressure is up and his own neck is on the chopping block. Woodward has taken the entire club and its fanbase for a ride, manager pretending everything is fine won't suddenly make it fine. We need key signings in attack and midfield, if the manager is afraid to make a fuss about it without upsetting the apple cart. How does it bode well for our future?

He didn't do it then, but he's been whipping them into shape this pre-season. They were so out of shape from training under Mourinho they couldn't keep up the high pressure.

With regards to the players that are still here, that's not his responsibility is it? He challenged Woodward to trim the squad of players Ole doesn't want, but Woodward keep overpricing them. What more can you do as a manager when you have a boss who isn't willing to listen?

If the relationship between manager and boss is like you portray, then its doomed from the beginning.

Ole experienced in front of his own eyes how gutless some of the performances were by these players, he was angry and promised a clean up over the summer. If he was this determined about it, he'd be adamant some of them have no future. We have sold exactly zero players this summer, what'll happen when the same performances are being repeated? A manager has to take a stand, grow a spine as to certain things which are acceptable/unacceptable. All I've seen is him change the tune and match what his boss wants to hear.

You seem to have the patience of a hyperactive kid who just filled up on 3 scoops of ice cream. Rebuilds take time, if you haven't got that then I suggest you do something else.
You can take this sanctimonious bullshit elsewhere, last time I checked this was still an open forum and fans are free to express their opinion. Just because it doesn't align with you doesn't mean others have 'do something else'.
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Full Member
Jun 18, 2011

Our leverage is completely gone.

Only club interested in paying anywhere near our asking price for an AWOL striker, they’ll probably offer €1m more than last time and we’ll probably have to accept.


New Member
May 20, 2018
I'd take £50m for Lukaku at this point. I will be pissed if we decide to keep the clown for another year while paying his stupid wages.


Mes que un muppet!
May 23, 2014
Thats all well and good saying that he's happy with what he has, but when the injuries start piling up and we're struggling come Christmas, theres only one job on the chopping block, and it aint Ed's or the players!


Correctly predicted Portugal to win Euro 2016
Jun 4, 2001
Although I agree with the decision to back away from players who are not 100% committed to the club, I don't understand why we're briefing the press on players before we're certain they want to come. There are only 2 reasons I can think of, first is Woodward trying to appease fans that he's trying everything to get players in, or that they trying to rid themselves of an image as a soft touch in negotiations with clubs/players. Neither quite rings true though as surely the main effect is to lower the prestige of the club.
You have seen a press briefing from United about their interest in Eriksson? Link?


Full Member
Dec 19, 2007
Why does it have be one extreme or the other? There are ways to address this situation without acting like a total pillock (Mourinho) or a total optimist (Ole). Just look at how Klopp or Poch in the past have made their feelings known. How does one go from 'these players have played last game for Utd' to 'I'm happy with the squad' in space of 3 months. It doesn't compute.

He won't be this dignified or professional about it once the pressure is up and his own neck is on the chopping block. Woodward has taken the entire club and its fanbase for a ride, manager pretending everything is fine won't suddenly make it fine. We need key signings in attack and midfield, if the manager is afraid to make a fuss about it without upsetting the apple cart. How does it bode well for our future?
I'm not defending Woodward. I think he's a liar and a dope and he's one of the main reasons , if not the main reason, we've been so horrible for the last 6 years.

But Ole throwing a tantrum or briefing to selected journalists how unhappy he is isn't going to help anyone. Pochettino and Klopp have been at their clubs a long time now for modern football tenures and are able to get away with showing a little annoyance.

Ole is a naturally optimistic guy and he's putting his faith in some kids. Will it work? Who knows? Maybe not but I'm not going to slag Ole off for trying to make the best of a difficult situation.


Full Member
Oct 17, 2013
Big fecking surprise, surely the club would of known this before “putting it out there” that we were interested but as I’ve said before I believe this and the Dybala interest is just a ruse to make out we’re interested to appease the fans, the cnuts that run our club probably had no intention to sign anyone else.

I suspect they’ll sell Lukaku, pocket the money and that’ll be us done this window and while I’m excited for the likes of Greenwood, Gomez etc to get a bit more game time I still think it leaves us desperately short, we’ll see soon enough I guess.


New Member
Feb 26, 2014
Thats all well and good saying that he's happy with what he has, but when the injuries start piling up and we're struggling come Christmas, theres only one job on the chopping block, and it aint Ed's or the players!
Pogba injured = truly fecked.


Full Member
Jun 1, 2008
Thats all well and good saying that he's happy with what he has, but when the injuries start piling up and we're struggling come Christmas, theres only one job on the chopping block, and it aint Ed's or the players!
You do understand that what he says - and what he thinks are separate things right ? Did you ever hear Ferguson complain about the lack of quality in his squad ? It won't make anything better if he says that our midfield is awful - he needs to build the players up because that is what we have at present.
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