Transfer Tweets - 2019/20 | Check the OP for blacklisted sources before posting

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Full Member
Feb 18, 2007
Would be worse if we end up with that toothy scouse cnut as well. I'll take Mandzukic and if we can get Longstaff too, I'd consider that an excellent window.

I'd take Coutinho on loan in a heartbeat although I doubt he'd join us.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
Mandzukic, how thoroughly depressing.

Coutinho is a luxury player.

Meanwhile, the midfield is still a mess.
Mandzukic would be a cheap option to give us depth. Coutinho wouldn't come here, he has said it in the past. Yes the midfield is still a mess. We must hate midfielders.


Liverpool's Secret Weapon.
Feb 26, 2001
From here to there
Would be worse if we end up with that toothy scouse cnut as well. I'll take Mandzukic and if we can get Longstaff too, I'd consider that an excellent window.

I'd take him on a season long loan - just to piss the scousers off :D


Full Member
Jan 2, 2013
We’ve finally fixed our defence, spent more than anyone else in the window & yet people are STILL p****d off

Everyone knew the club wont be rebuilt in one window.

Everyone was excited when we signed AWB/Maguire & because we’re finally taking a stand and not signing players for the sake of it and closing down talks of players who don’t want to be here and somehow it’s Eds fault?! Jesus wept.

If we had LVG/Mou I reckon we’d have signed Dybala, who may have turned out to be disruptive and another Di Maria because he only came here for the money, if reports are to believed Ole wanting Sanchez out, just proves alongside stopping talks with players who don’t want to he here. Just highlights that we’re getting an identity back. Having players who will play through their skin for the club.

Yet because we’re not signing 4,5,6 players instead of 3 there’s a meltdown?!?!

A HUGE proportion of fans here are entitled & spoiled. I’ve said it time and time again but it’s clear as day.

Yes, it’s annoying Ed hasn’t got a DoF in. But if he had pulled off some amazing deals no one would care because the players came in. But because it looks like there’s no one else coming in, Eds now crap?!

Give me strength!

Friday can’t come soon enough, won’t have to deal with the constant moaning about how poor Ole is, how much of a yes man Ole is, how inept Woodward is & as a result wont have people moaning (like me) about the moaning.

It’s a complete Joke, throwing your toys out the pram because you didn’t get 6 new toys and only got 3. Entitled. Plain and simple.

We lost 2 important midfielders, one can't move anymore and our best one potentially wants to leave
Our goalscorer has gone awol and for a team that has lacked creativity and goals that is not exactly perfect
We signed a CB and RB, two positions we were supposed to last window. Both who we paid the asking price for.
We keep briefing about wanting signings to join us, we keep briefing we have been planning these targets for weeks, only to suddenly pull out in the last second.
No sign of a director of football.
This club is being treated like a joke mate


New Member
Jul 27, 2019
We’ve finally fixed our defence, spent more than anyone else in the window & yet people are STILL p****d off

Everyone knew the club wont be rebuilt in one window.

Everyone was excited when we signed AWB/Maguire & because we’re finally taking a stand and not signing players for the sake of it and closing down talks of players who don’t want to be here and somehow it’s Eds fault?! Jesus wept.

If we had LVG/Mou I reckon we’d have signed Dybala, who may have turned out to be disruptive and another Di Maria because he only came here for the money, if reports are to believed Ole wanting Sanchez out, just proves alongside stopping talks with players who don’t want to he here. Just highlights that we’re getting an identity back. Having players who will play through their skin for the club.

Yet because we’re not signing 4,5,6 players instead of 3 there’s a meltdown?!?!

A HUGE proportion of fans here are entitled & spoiled. I’ve said it time and time again but it’s clear as day.

Yes, it’s annoying Ed hasn’t got a DoF in. But if he had pulled off some amazing deals no one would care because the players came in. But because it looks like there’s no one else coming in, Eds now crap?!

Give me strength!

Friday can’t come soon enough, won’t have to deal with the constant moaning about how poor Ole is, how much of a yes man Ole is, how inept Woodward is & as a result wont have people moaning (like me) about the moaning.

It’s a complete Joke, throwing your toys out the pram because you didn’t get 6 new toys and only got 3. Entitled. Plain and simple.
Exactly. A bunch of kids who don't realise how real life football works, and use their rebuilds on Football Manager as a reference as to how things should be done in real life.

Solksjear will have to improve the players. That's what football management is. We need most of Rashford, Martial, Pogba, McTominay, Fred and Matic to perform 20% better than last season. That's the job of the manager. We also need to new signings to be the right ones and to settle in well. Job of the manager. We also need to incorporate and develop the potential of the brilliant young players that we have on the periphery of the first team. That's the job of the manager.

People mock managers like Jose for being chequebook managers, but then they go crazy when the current manager doesn't act the same.

This season there is no excuse for not finishing in the top 4. Then we carry on strengthening next summer. Patience, not hysteria.


Full Member
Dec 20, 2018
Of course he’s comfortable— he’s a shill and I’ll have no ounce of sympathy once he falls on his own sword. The man’s counting his lucky starts that he’s actually here.
:lol: Some of our fans are truly moronic.

Feed Me

I'm hungry
Apr 8, 2004
Midlands, UK
Mandzukic would be a cheap option to give us depth. Coutinho wouldn't come here, he has said it in the past. Yes the midfield is still a mess. We must hate midfielders.
Proving Mandy is a bench option at most then fine.

Ole obviously has a lot of (misplaced) faith in the likes of Pereira and Fred, but I do think there's a player in McTominay. Matic is just a shambles now though and Pogba can't really be trusted to deliver the goods consistently. We have really fecked up not replacing Hererra and Fellaini, which should not have been a difficult task as they're both bang average

Murder on Zidanes Floor

You'd better not kill Giroud
Jun 11, 2015
I am an ex football journalist; have written for many national newspapers, both tabloid and broadsheet - as well as online (where my career was leading me until I landed a publishing deal and now write literature, non-fiction and fiction).

There seems to be lots and lots of posters on here concerned with journalists; who is top tier? who is a bullshitter? who is properly ITK?

Let me explain, if you don't mind.

NOBODY is ITK. Not anymore.

When I started in football journalism about twenty years ago; there were - of course - journalists working the Premier League beat who were ITK. They would have trusted sources at football clubs; sometimes even footballers themselves or managers or (in a lot of cases) the press officer at a football club who was asked to drop a story to a journalist etc.

The reason for this was simple: If Manchester United (for example) wanted to reach us guys (the fans) by telling us some news; this is how they would go about it. The manager would give a nod and a wink to our press officer, the press officer would pick up the phone to a couple of journalists or indeed write a press release if it was something formal and then those journalists would write up their article for you and I to read in the newspaper the next day. Very simple: that is how you would reach your fan base to let them know something. Source - press officer - journalist - fan.

But these days; the game has changed. It was in 2008 that the game really changed and I become disillusioned by being a football reporter (though I didn't leave until 2013).

Because these days; if Manchester United want to reach you and I (the fan base), they no longer need the middle man in order to do that. Social Media has changed the game. United can reach us without the need for a journalist. Print journalism is dead and has been dead for a decade now in terms of being useful.

NOBODY at Manchester United or any major club uses ANY print journalist to let them know of any news that is occurring within the football club. Those days are long gone.

So, when Johnny Cross or Andy Mitten or James Ducker or Charlie Wheeler etc etc are linking Man United with players, I guarantee they are just making it up. I've ben there. I know it happens. It happens all the time. And it is happening more and more now, for one simple reason.

Manchester United are the biggest football club in the world by a mile. I know some like to argue that we're not bigger or better than Real Madrid yada yada.. but the truth is that the world is much more transfixed and obsessed with Manchester United. If a journalists drops Manchester United's name into a headline in modern media, it is going to reach a massive audience. This is why we are constantly linked to numerous players. Because journalists and editors know that they will get more revenue from advertising on a page if the name 'Manchester United is a key part of the SEO for that page.

I PROMISE you I know this because I was asked - and carried out - to use that tactic for years by some top sports editors. (Be happy to show any of the mods my credentials for proof in this regard).

It's not just Manchester United by the way who no longer use print media journalists. No club does.

Look at yesterday's jaw-dropping news for proof.

Wayne Rooney signed for Derby yesterday. DERBY!!! And this was after a summer of him talking to half a dozen clubs in England. He was speaking to Derby before Cocu was named manager. Now; how on earth did the print media only find out about Wayne Rooney's move to Derby 12-hours before his reveal press conference?

All these journalists who pretend to beITK on deals, didn't have one darn clue about the biggest transfer of the summer. Not one iota! Even though Rooney and his reps had been talking to many clubs over a two month period?

These journalists haven't one darn clue what is going on because clubs no longer use them to break news.

So, please stop with all this 'Mitten reported this' and 'Wheeler reported this'.

These guys know as much as you do.

No British-based sports journalist gets any heads up from Manchester United or any other club.

James Cooper is the only reporter who follows the Manchester United beat who gets any heads-up from the club and that's because the club know the Sky Sports news channel is the quickest broadcast way to reach their fans. So yes.. Cooper does get a phone call from Karen Shotbolt (our press officer) every now and then, and he does have a source or two on the inside. But he only gets information when the club want a bit of information put out there... such as the decision to walk away from the Dybala deal.

That's it. If you want a trusted source; James Cooper is the nearest you will get to a trusted source.

Not one print journalist attached to any of the main newspapers is ever passed on information. It doesn't work like that any more.

A lot of posters on here need to take heed of this: Stop getting your knickers in a twist over which journalist reported what.. Whatever they are reporting is a nonsense. They are only interested in generating money for their newspapers by getting people like you to click on their stories. Fact: United have been linked in the British press with 79 players this summer. That tells you all you need to know.

The journalists know nothing! Trust me. I used to be one.
Agree with this.


New Member
May 7, 2011
We’ve finally fixed our defence, spent more than anyone else in the window & yet people are STILL p****d off

Everyone knew the club wont be rebuilt in one window.

Everyone was excited when we signed AWB/Maguire & because we’re finally taking a stand and not signing players for the sake of it and closing down talks of players who don’t want to be here and somehow it’s Eds fault?! Jesus wept.

If we had LVG/Mou I reckon we’d have signed Dybala, who may have turned out to be disruptive and another Di Maria because he only came here for the money, if reports are to believed Ole wanting Sanchez out, just proves alongside stopping talks with players who don’t want to he here. Just highlights that we’re getting an identity back. Having players who will play through their skin for the club.

Yet because we’re not signing 4,5,6 players instead of 3 there’s a meltdown?!?!

A huge proportion of fans here are entitled & spoiled. I’ve said it time and time again but it’s clear as day.

Yes, it’s annoying Ed hasn’t got a DoF in. But if he had pulled off some amazing deals no one would care because the players came in. But because it looks like there’s no one else coming in, Eds now crap?!

Give me strength!

Friday can’t come soon enough, won’t have to deal with the constant moaning about how poor Ole is, how much of a yes man Ole is, how inept Woodward is & as a result wont have people moaning (like me) about the moaning.

It’s a complete Joke, throwing your toys out the pram because you didn’t get 6 new toys and only got 3. Entitled. Plain and simple.
Don't worry, we'll still concede a lot of goals with our "fixed defence". Simply because our abysmal midfield will not offer any protection.

Annihilate Now!

...or later, I'm not fussy
Nov 4, 2010
We’ve finally fixed our defence, spent more than anyone else in the window & yet people are STILL p****d off

Everyone knew the club wont be rebuilt in one window.

Everyone was excited when we signed AWB/Maguire & because we’re finally taking a stand and not signing players for the sake of it and closing down talks of players who don’t want to be here and somehow it’s Eds fault?! Jesus wept.

If we had LVG/Mou I reckon we’d have signed Dybala, who may have turned out to be disruptive and another Di Maria because he only came here for the money, if reports are to believed Ole wanting Sanchez out, just proves alongside stopping talks with players who don’t want to he here. Just highlights that we’re getting an identity back. Having players who will play through their skin for the club.

Yet because we’re not signing 4,5,6 players instead of 3 there’s a meltdown?!?!

A HUGE proportion of fans here are entitled & spoiled. I’ve said it time and time again but it’s clear as day.

Yes, it’s annoying Ed hasn’t got a DoF in. But if he had pulled off some amazing deals no one would care because the players came in. But because it looks like there’s no one else coming in, Eds now crap?!

Give me strength!

Friday can’t come soon enough, won’t have to deal with the constant moaning about how poor Ole is, how much of a yes man Ole is, how inept Woodward is & as a result wont have people moaning (like me) about the moaning.

It’s a complete Joke, throwing your toys out the pram because you didn’t get 6 new toys and only got 3. Entitled. Plain and simple.
Or... we've lost two midfielders this year and our top scorer and people are wanting us to replace them.

It is not spoiled to want us to strengthen our side... it would be different if we were firing on all cylinders last year and it was just our defense that was the problem, but that clearly wasn't the case.


Éire Abú
Mar 22, 2014
Once Lukaku goes we would have spent 80 million net this summer . That is nothing in the current market for a club way behind its rivals. We have the highest wage bill in the league but a squad that finished 6th and will again finish 6th. But hey let's blame the fans for this


Full Member
Aug 24, 2013
We lost two midfielders, our striker ran away to Belgium and our star does not want to be here. It is going very well.


Full Member
Mar 12, 2005
Our Club's fascination with wanting players that have the great desire to play for the badge is ridiculous. If a player is hesitant or weighs out the risks of leaving to a side that has been for over 6 years- who are we to judge them? Ole, not everyone is a man utd fan!

I would rather a player who sets their aims high and only want to play for the best team, and getting him after a struggle would great. Why? The person we will get is quality.

Dyabala and Erikson are in different career paths to Maguire and Bisakka. The latter won't have any reservations as they trying to get a leg up in the world.

I just hope we don't just have running merchants who 'play for the badge',a while top class players choosing clubs who are more likely to win trophies.
We did precisely that when we signed the likes of Pogba, Ibra, Depay, ADM, Schweinsteiger, Mkhitaryan, etc. Where did it leave us? Going after quality is all well and good, but if you don't have the required professionalism then the impact of that talent and quality is negligible at best. Di Maria was kept out of the side by Ashley fecking Young by the end of his season here, ffs!


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
Proving Mandy is a bench option at most then fine.

Ole obviously has a lot of (misplaced) faith in the likes of Pereira and Fred, but I do think there's a player in McTominay. Matic is just a shambles now though and Pogba can't really be trusted to deliver the goods consistently. We have really fecked up not replacing Hererra and Fellaini, which should not have been a difficult task as they're both bang average
I really hope Herrera was injured at the end of last season, because if it was just the club making a point it backfired. He would have still given his best. You say they are bang average, yet what is left is a darn sight worse. I only rate Pogba and like you McTominay. We got sold a pup in Fred and Pereira just is not good enough. Yet we hand contract renewals like confetti to the usual suspects, who nobody else wants.


Full Member
Dec 23, 2013
Exactly. A bunch of kids who don't realise how real life football works, and use their rebuilds on Football Manager as a reference as to how things should be done in real life.

Solksjear will have to improve the players. That's what football management is. We need most of Rashford, Martial, Pogba, McTominay, Fred and Matic to perform 20% better than last season. That's the job of the manager. We also need to new signings to be the right ones and to settle in well. Job of the manager. We also need to incorporate and develop the potential of the brilliant young players that we have on the periphery of the first team. That's the job of the manager.

People mock managers like Jose for being chequebook managers, but then they go crazy when the current manager doesn't act the same.

This season there is no excuse for not finishing in the top 4. Then we carry on strengthening next summer. Patience, not hysteria.
About right.


Open to offers
Jun 28, 2010
Where the grass is greener.
Just because the defence has been sorted doesn’t mean we should be content, there’s holes all over our team. Shows how low the standards are now that people who point it out are called spoilt.


Full Member
May 4, 2010
left wing
This season there is no excuse for not finishing in the top 4.
I think you are being a little unfair on Solskjaer there. I don't think he has one of the four best squads in the league at his disposal, so setting a minimum requirement of fourth place is really doing him a disservice. If we manage to get top 6 again, he will have done a reasonable job in my view.


Euro 2016 sweepstake winner
Jun 9, 2012
Just because the defence has been sorted doesn’t mean we should be content, there’s holes all over our team. Shows how low the standards are now that people who point it out are called spoilt.
I'd say the majority aren't happy.

Feed Me

I'm hungry
Apr 8, 2004
Midlands, UK
I really hope Herrera was injured at the end of last season, because if it was just the club making a point it backfired. He would have still given his best. You say they are bang average, yet what is left is a darn sight worse. I only rate Pogba and like you McTominay. We got sold a pup in Fred and Pereira just is not good enough. Yet we hand contract renewals like confetti to the usual suspects, who nobody else wants.
I agree with your characterisation. Ander not brilliant but a damn sight better than what we are left with and really good manager of big games. Our contract renewal strategy just leaves me scratching my head. Just praying that the lad Gomes will get good game time but fear it will be a frustrating season for him – shades of when Pogba ended up buggering off originally for me.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
I agree with your characterisation. Ander not brilliant but a damn sight better than what we are left with and really good manager of big games. Our contract renewal strategy just leaves me scratching my head. Just praying that the lad Gomes will get good game time but fear it will be a frustrating season for him – shades of when Pogba ended up buggering off originally for me.

That really worries me. He is showing signs of being a really special player.

Feed Me

I'm hungry
Apr 8, 2004
Midlands, UK
That really worries me. He is showing signs of being a really special player.
It's strange for a club that has such strong yout traditions but I have no faith that we will blood him. If he didn't have a slight frame (even though he is strong!) I think he would be straight in, ala McTominay.


Full Member
Oct 1, 2004
Proving Mandy is a bench option at most then fine.

Ole obviously has a lot of (misplaced) faith in the likes of Pereira and Fred, but I do think there's a player in McTominay. Matic is just a shambles now though and Pogba can't really be trusted to deliver the goods consistently. We have really fecked up not replacing Hererra and Fellaini, which should not have been a difficult task as they're both bang average
I seriously hope this is Ole placing faith on the likes of Gomes and Garner but considering how last season turned out, there is more chance of Lingard or Mata ending up in midfield.

If Ole is really happy with the squad he has at his disposal, then he has to take the blame if we end up with another disappointing season.


New Member
Jul 27, 2019
I think you are being a little unfair on Solskjaer there. I don't think he has one of the four best squads in the league at his disposal, so setting a minimum requirement of fourth place is really doing him a disservice. If we manage to get top 6 again, he will have done a reasonable job in my view.
He has a squad that finished 2nd two years ago and 6 points off 4th last season despite a HORRIFIC start and finish to the season.

The squad has had more money spent on it than any other squad this summer, and has gone from having one of the worst defences to having one of the best defences.

Chelsea are weaker, and despite the ridiculous hysteria on here because Arsenal have signed some guy from France who has had ONE good season in his life (he's 24 years old), they are weaker too, having lost their best defender and midfielder.

Top 4, no excuses.
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