Mass Shooting in Christchurch, NZ Mosque | 14th March 2019

No offense, I know how you probably mean it, but I have repeatedly seen this pop up in discussions as if it was some kind of comforting news. I just can't see it this way at all. It's not wrong to make observations about historical relativity, but for a realistic picture of our times I find it much more important to take a square look at the absolutes first. And the outcome for the last 50 years is almost inconceivably horrible, what happened before doesn't change that.

Whatever amplification a singular incident might get through modern media technology, it still has nothing to do with the scale on which violence actually happens in our world. What I find most noticeable is the level to which we're accustomed to these horrors happening, as long as they don't take place in our immediate surroundings.

I do think it matters very much when it comes to people losing hope about the present or the future. Of course it's horrible that things like these still happen and we should do everything in our power to avoid this in the future but it's also wrong to think everything is going down hill. We made significant progress when it comes to human on human violence and it's encouraging in my view. So no matter how horrible stuff like this is we need to remind ourselves that those of us who want a more peaceful society and coexistence of everyone are not fighting a hopeless battle but yes the fight is not won yet.
My prayers in times like these always is Lord let this not become a 'thing', like suicide bombs or car attacks. The thought of random twats getting inspiration from this and planning their solo attacks in random countries terrifies the feck out of me. There's absolutely no policing that
My prayers in times like these always is Lord let this not become a 'thing', like suicide bombs or car attacks. The thought of random twats getting inspiration from this and planning their solo attacks in random countries terrifies the feck out of me. There's absolutely no policing that
Luckily, many people are afraid of cops shooting them to death and hence do not dare to carry things out, though they might hate someone or other in their minds.
Luckily, many people are afraid of cops shooting them to death and hence do not dare to carry things out, though they might hate someone or other in their minds.

Don't think these ones give a shit, I reckon that's exactly how they expect it to end
I feel like pewdiepie fans are worse than pewdiepie.
Of course they are. Pewdiepie is a multimillionaire who became famous by playing video games (and wasn't even particularly good at it), his fans are not.
Don't think these ones give a shit, I reckon that's exactly how they expect it to end
Ya. But all the people who hate immigrants or non-whites don't reach that tipping point where they feel the need to sacrifice their lives for the greater cause.
And many of them have families and all in which they are invested. So they don't really take the gun and go about being a lone killer... thankfully
He's done loads of excellent charity work, so probably offers 'humanity' far more of value than the guy who tweeted that.

If there is one thing I’ve learnt in recent years, it’s that judging the rich and famous by the charity work they have done is about as valuable as judging them by the designer clothes they wear.
He's done loads of excellent charity work, so probably offers 'humanity' far more of value than the guy who tweeted that.

Doing lots of charity work doesn't automatically make you a good person. As we've seen in plenty of cases where celebrities turned out to be cnuts over the past couple of years.
Don't be that guy....

What guy? It's not like Pewdiepie has committed some horrible crime which outweighs any good he might have done.

He made some silly jokes and apologised for them, and has completely denounced the sicko that committed these attacks. He's hardly some right wing poster boy.

Anyway, it's hardly the place for a discussion about Pewdiepie/his character, I just don't think it's fair that he should be accused of 'emboldening' guys like this.
That subreddit has gone private now, thank feck.

I’m very interested to see if anything comes of this. In more recent times youtube has been demonetizing and trying to distance themselves from things that could be perceived as problematic. I wonder if their stance may be strong enough to force them to act against their biggest account?
Jimmy Savile.

When did I say everybody who gave to charity was a good person?

Obviously you can do good things and still be a bad person, but I hardly think Pewdiepie is comparable to Savile, he made some edgy jokes in videos and then apologised for them.

He's not some Nazi flagbearer spreading hatred far and wide. The guy who murdered all these people wanted to stir up controversy and knew referencing pewdiepie would do that.
When did I say everybody who gave to charity was a good person?

Obviously you can do good things and still be a bad person, but I hardly think Pewdiepie is comparable to Savile, he made some edgy jokes in videos and then apologised for them.

He's not some Nazi flagbearer spreading hatred far and wide. The guy who murdered all these people wanted to stir up controversy and knew referencing pewdiepie would do that.

But he emboldened white nationalists and is generally useless for humanity.
I find it hard to classify someone as a good guy when they sold their soul for subscribers. He has a large following of alt right trolls but not only does he not care, he almost seems to pander to them with his jokes. Someone with his social standing and influence should have at least some semblance of moral responsibility.
What a terrible loss of life. 50 people dead, at least 500 lives ruined...for what exactly?

So here we have an Aussie terrorist...who goes on a rampage in a small town in New Zealand with a population of fewer than 400k and muslim population of 1.18% with almost zero previous history of Islamic inspired attack there and in New Zealand overall.

I mean, if he was so outraged and angry about Muslims, in his own country the Muslim population is 2.6% and there actually has been previous Islamic attacks...if he so badly wanted to avenge the actions of Islamist terrorists by killing random innocent strangers talking to their god in their holy place of worshp, why'd he go to a smalltown NZ where there are fewer Muslims than Buddhists and Hindus to do it?

Unless he's one of those "save western civilization tm" dudes who equate all countries of anglosphere as one, and all 1.5 muslim livings as one, so it doesn't matter where he takes his revenge. I read some bits of his manifesto and he comes across as an incel nihilist enjoying to see the world burn and wanting to accelerate it. Read on Twitter (not sure if confirmed) that he had been to North Korea and Pakistan lately, praising the latter....which just makes the whole thing more WTF-like.
That's the fecked up thing, people will be watching that video forever, getting their kicks from it. Some will be inspired by it... and of course it will inspire retaliation too.

ISIS will be using it in there recruitment drive, and so will the far right. It helps both of them to recruit more deluded people in there ranks whilst the normal folk are used as bait.
But he emboldened white nationalists and is generally useless for humanity.

I think that's a pretty big claim for somebody who just made some satirical humour. He realised it was a mistake and apologised for it, he's no spokesperson for white nationalists and has distanced himself from them on numerous occasions. I'm pretty sure he'll be absolutely devastated to be associated with the attacks, he's a young man who made some foolish errors as a content creator, not the spawn of satan.

I don't think he's any more or less useful for humanity than most people, he's just a youtuber. His content is 99% just your standard lets plays and commentaries, I don't think it's fair to hold him up as some inspiration for the far right just because some nutjob referenced a popular meme. I imagine the shooter chucked his name in there because he knew it would generate loads of controversy and attention, and that's what someone like him craves.
What a terrible loss of life. 50 people dead, at least 500 lives ruined...for what exactly?

So here we have an Aussie terrorist...who goes on a rampage in a small town in New Zealand with a population of fewer than 400k and muslim population of 1.18% with almost zero previous history of Islamic inspired attack there and in New Zealand overall.

I mean, if he was so outraged and angry about Muslims, in his own country the Muslim population is 2.6% and there actually has been previous Islamic attacks...if he so badly wanted to avenge the actions of Islamist terrorists by killing random innocent strangers talking to their god in their holy place of worshp, why'd he go to a smalltown NZ where there are fewer Muslims than Buddhists and Hindus to do it?

Unless he's one of those "save western civilization tm" dudes who equate all countries of anglosphere as one, and all 1.5 muslim livings as one, so it doesn't matter where he takes his revenge. I read some bits of his manifesto and he comes across as an incel nihilist enjoying to see the world burn and wanting to accelerate it. Read on Twitter (not sure if confirmed) that he had been to North Korea and Pakistan lately, praising the latter....which just makes the whole thing more WTF-like.
He seen all western whites as one.
I think that's a pretty big claim for somebody who just made some satirical humour. He realised it was a mistake and apologised for it, he's no spokesperson for white nationalists and has distanced himself from them on numerous occasions. I'm pretty sure he'll be absolutely devastated to be associated with the attacks, he's a young man who made some foolish errors as a content creator, not the spawn of satan.

I don't think he's any more or less useful for humanity than most people, he's just a youtuber. His content is 99% just your standard lets plays and commentaries, I don't think it's fair to hold him up as some inspiration for the far right just because some nutjob referenced a popular meme. I imagine the shooter chucked his name in there because he knew it would generate loads of controversy and attention, and that's what someone like him craves.
I think people with such platforms should consider how influential they are. Fame comes with responsibility if you want to be a good person and all.
one of the people who inspired the shooter

So here we have an Aussie terrorist...who goes on a rampage in a small town in New Zealand with a population of fewer than 400k and muslim population of 1.18% with almost zero previous history of Islamic inspired attack there and in New Zealand overall.
Christchurch is not a small town by our standards, it's our third biggest city. It is also the home of a teenage Islamist convicted of a terror plot. Not to mention we have 50 people on a terror watch list. Seriously we are not immune to this and I'm genuinely surprised the rest of the world would think that.
ISIS will be using it in there recruitment drive, and so will the far right. It helps both of them to recruit more deluded people in there ranks whilst the normal folk are used as bait.

We're in a vicious cycle of's like a basketball match. You score, I score, and it goes on.

I think Andrew Yang hit it off the park. Humans ARE tribal by nature and when that's emboldened (which isn't that hard, seeing it's our nature) then it gets dangerous and we end up where we are today. I think anyone trying to deny that is living in a fantasy cooculand. I've lived in 5 different countries from all ends of the political spectrum (progressive Denmark vs. Hardcore traditional conservation Poland...Texas vs. New York) and you feel and sense it no matter what.

Very very controversial opinion, but that's why I have always believed that it's best for everyone's safety if every country in the world has an absolute racial majority. I used to live in Poland (and going back there next month, because I love it) being a very rare middle eastern guy in a 95% White country and while you get the odd look, it's fine and I had a great time and people were chill and fun...but once you reach a point with conflicting and competing tribes, and when dialogue cease to exist and one tribe sees its power diminishing, that's when radicalization takes over. I personally don't see it much as supremacy reaction, but rather insecurity because of diminishing power and influence. I think it's not just a white thing...I see my countrymen in Iran getting extremely hostile and aggressive towards Afghans and Arabs as especially the former cultural influence grows in the nation. I don't think any tribe is immune to that.

I think Yang is speaking the truth about the future of America in his case (due to diminishing numbers and eventually the power of Whites) ...I myself can see USA dissolving as the USSR did within the next 20-30 years maximum. But overall, I think the racial and societal conflict in the Western hemisphere will get bleaker before it gets better.
Christchurch is not a small town by our standards, it's our third biggest city. It is also the home of a teenage Islamist convicted of a terror plot. Not to mention we have 50 people on a terror watch list. Seriously we are not immune to this and I'm genuinely surprised the rest of the world would think that.

Sorry didn't know that. I had seen and heard of Islamic terror in Australia and never in NZ. Christchurch is also one you never hear about, it's usually Wellington, Queenstown and Auckland.

Thanks for the perspective :)
I think that's a pretty big claim for somebody who just made some satirical humour. He realised it was a mistake and apologised for it, he's no spokesperson for white nationalists and has distanced himself from them on numerous occasions. I'm pretty sure he'll be absolutely devastated to be associated with the attacks, he's a young man who made some foolish errors as a content creator, not the spawn of satan.

I don't think he's any more or less useful for humanity than most people, he's just a youtuber. His content is 99% just your standard lets plays and commentaries, I don't think it's fair to hold him up as some inspiration for the far right just because some nutjob referenced a popular meme. I imagine the shooter chucked his name in there because he knew it would generate loads of controversy and attention, and that's what someone like him craves.

This isn’t the first person of these dangerous alt right types to come out in support of him. I’ve been reading about it today, and he’s quite popular among them, in many instances. I just can’t remember the details offhand, but this is not an isolated incident.

Everyone knows how dangerous these far right types are. If they support your work, and you don’t denounce them, then as far as I’m concerned you are endorsing what they do and say. There is no middle ground when it comes to people like this.

It’s exactly the same as the KKK and others of that ilk backing trump, and him saying there’s good people on both sides. If you don’t condemn these evil people, then as far as I’m concerned you support them.