The Mourinho Thread: Should he stay or go? | Sacked

Is Mourinho’s time as United manager up?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2,296 77.1%
  • No

    Votes: 293 9.8%
  • Not yet - needs more time to see if he can turn it around

    Votes: 388 13.0%

  • Total voters
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Full Member
Sep 15, 2016
Three utterly terrible choices, in hindsight of course. I didn't want Moyes whatsoever, I didn't know enough about LvG but wanted anyone but Moyes at the time and I admit that I wanted Mourinho. I really expected Mourinho to bring back the good times but feck me, it has been another nightmare.
Really don't need the benefit of hindsight considering I was against all 3 of them, but I was little less so negative towards Moyes, even though I knew his football style is nothing to write home, because he was SAF's wish.


Full Member
Aug 24, 2013
I would love to see Nicky Butt take the team the rest of the season, and give it to Poch from next season.

Robbie Boy

Full Member
Jun 17, 2010
Really don't need the benefit of hindsight considering I was against all 3 of them, but I was little less so negative towards Moyes, even though I knew his football style is nothing to write home, because he was SAF's wish.
Couldn't stand Moyes at Everton so I was actively against that appointment but of course, I was willing to give him time. In relation to Jose, I thought he would get his swagger back with us and become the Jose of old. His football was never amazing but when it worked, it was effective. It's been evident for a-long time though that it simply hasn't worked and the longer he stays, the more he's hurting the club.


New Member
Jul 2, 2013
its on the board now, they have to sack but they won't. We're a shambles from top to bottom, we need to scrap everything and start from scratch which wont happen. I believe the team is much better then it is but the simple fact that the board are waiting for the automatically top 4 clause to come into effect mean that we are NOT a footballing club anymore. The board dont give a feck, because if they did Jose would have been sacked weeks ago! We need a proper DOF, a proper plan and philosophy and a prop coach that plays progressive football. Nowadays what is the point of watching United? We already know Jose is nit the man, we already know the performance will be crap, so whats the point in watching Untied having no hope at all? I am very sorry to say but from now on I'll just watch the score and highlights until Jose is gone, even a win under Jose is not enjoyable as it mean a week extra for the guy. We are so in low that is is unbelievable and have no hope the club/boards knows what to do...shame..
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Full Member
Dec 3, 2017
I don't like Jose, but I like the fact that he stuck up for the team when Weasel Shreeves tried to suggest the players weren't giving 100%. Jose rightfully shot him down for suggesting that.

Chairman Steve

Full Member
May 9, 2018
We’re less than two hours away from the Champions League draw starting and the last thing the Utd Twitter has put out is the full time score from yesterday.

Usually we’ve had a Monday Motivation tweet, reminders that the draw is happening this morning and something to do with our next game.

It’s strange.


Full Member
Oct 15, 2012
I don't like Jose, but I like the fact that he stuck up for the team when Weasel Shreeves tried to suggest the players weren't giving 100%. Jose rightfully shot him down for suggesting that.
Huh? That’s just to cover his own arse though. Shreeves is absolutely right that players aren’t giving 100%. Mourinho hates the idea that the whole football world can see he’s lost the dressing room again.


Full Member
Aug 7, 2014
I don't like Jose, but I like the fact that he stuck up for the team when Weasel Shreeves tried to suggest the players weren't giving 100%. Jose rightfully shot him down for suggesting that.
Yeah, I bet he was furious that someone stole his job of saying negative stuff about our players in public.


Full Member
Oct 30, 2009
I don't like Jose, but I like the fact that he stuck up for the team when Weasel Shreeves tried to suggest the players weren't giving 100%. Jose rightfully shot him down for suggesting that.
Yeah, Jose never tires of protecting his players. I love that about him.


Full Member
Sep 21, 2015
I don't like Jose, but I like the fact that he stuck up for the team when Weasel Shreeves tried to suggest the players weren't giving 100%. Jose rightfully shot him down for suggesting that.
Of course he says that the team is giving 100%. Its because they're giving 100% that Mourinho can keep saying that they aren't good enough. If they weren't giving 100%, it would mean that the players are better than what they're showing and the blame would lie squarely on him.

Rash Decision

not to use the cream
Mar 15, 2018
In your closet, in your head!
Serious question, do you think that Pogba has been playing well? And giving his all?
Mourinho or no Mourinho he should really take a hard look at himself his attitude has been really bad.
I think Pogba has had periods of being by far our best player and periods where he looks completely lost. That's better than most of our squad already. I think it's also completely understandable that Pogba (like half the squad again) finds it difficult to give his all under a manager who continually makes personal attacks against him in the press (and who knows how bad it is behind the scenes). Add to that the fact that he's never given his other managers such problems, and that his current manager has history for creating bad blood in the dressing room. I would give him a chance under a new manager before condemning him.

Red Devil Rising

New Member
Apr 11, 2017
Yeah, Jose never tires of protecting his players. I love that about him.
A bit like locking the stable after the horse has balted I feel.

He's already questioned the character of the majority of the team, said the players at his disposal aren't good enough and thrown most of his players under a bus.

That response to Shreeves was more about him trying to be difficult with Shreeves and say what was really on his mind rather than any passionate defence of his players - "are you calling them liars?" is so defensive and argumentative. When has he ever defended his players at United?


Full Member
Sep 15, 2016
Couldn't stand Moyes at Everton so I was actively against that appointment but of course, I was willing to give him time. In relation to Jose, I thought he would get his swagger back with us and become the Jose of old. His football was never amazing but when it worked, it was effective. It's been evident for a-long time though that it simply hasn't worked and the longer he stays, the more he's hurting the club.
Regarding Moyes the things I held against him were his poor football style, lack of any significant success during his tenure with Everton and his abysmal record against top sides.

Against LVG I held his demeanor, he's known as a person picking fight with players and it was evident during his time with Bayern and Netherlands, that despite success his style of football is deteriorating. Also in my opinion when a successful club manager goes to manage a NT, it's never a good sign. Only thing I had hoped he'd do is promote youth as he was good with that aspect of the game throughout his career.

I was against Mourinho from the day one as was evident from my time back with the newbies, mainly because of the fact he's the biggest legend of one of our biggest rivals for the last 15 years, his absolutely soul crushing style of football, his arrogance and unwillingness to take responsibility for anything but most, his off field antics (I believe it brings shame to the club's image) but most of all because I believe the only reason he took UTD job is so he can stick a finger in Chelsea's eye. Needless to say I was very heavily criticised for my stance.


Full Member
Sep 29, 2016
Sporting Clube Portugal

Can you please translate this @Peyroteo @SCP

According to reddit it's
Mourinho, 2015: Me, myself as a manager in the daily basis, there are things that I don't give a F- and that three, four, five years ago(2010, UCL with Inter) I thought that were very important.

Personally as a coach on a daily basis I don't care but 4 or 5 years ago felt were very important


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Sep 10, 2010
The day he goes i'll party like I've won the lottery.

Absolutely sick of him, god knows how the players feel having to deal with his mardy arse day in, day out.


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
This club is a disgrace for allowing this situation continue...complete disgrace. I am half wanting us to lose every game till Mourinho and Ed both feck off or the club is sold .This is a complete shitshow. What serious club wouldn't have sacked this fraud by now? :mad:


Full Member
Dec 19, 2007
Pochettino had much more reason in the Summer to throw a strop. Spurs bought absolutely nobody and their whole stadium shambles is an embarrassment.

And yet because he's a grown up professional, he didn't come out with any inflammatory remarks he just got on with the job and Spurs are having another good season playing nice football.

Mourinho didn't get what he wanted in the Summer and had a total meltdown and we're now suffering a nightmare season. He's just so utterly toxic.


Full Member
Jan 20, 2010
Would Chelsea be in a better position now if they got rid of Hazard along with Jose?
I think Pogba has had periods of being by far our best player and periods where he looks completely lost. That's better than most of our squad already. I think it's also completely understandable that Pogba (like half the squad again) finds it difficult to give his all under a manager who continually makes personal attacks against him in the press (and who knows how bad it is behind the scenes). Add to that the fact that he's never given his other managers such problems, and that his current manager has history for creating bad blood in the dressing room. I would give him a chance under a new manager before condemning him.
I never said they should sell him, I just said that I couldn´t care less. I have stated many time here on the Caf that I would love to see him play for another manager.
But I am really fed up with his attitude and his antics, many times he looks more interested proving the manager right by not even bothering showing up.
Selling Hazard was never an option and I think Ed won´t sell Pogba only because Jose has a chip. But I can´t remember Hazard not bothering.


Full Member
Sep 15, 2016
I never said they should sell him, I just said that I couldn´t care less. I have stated many time here on the Caf that I would love to see him play for another manager.
But I am really fed up with his attitude and his antics, many times he looks more interested proving the manager right by not even bothering showing up.
Selling Hazard was never an option and I think Ed won´t sell Pogba only because Jose has a chip. But I can´t remember Hazard not bothering.
I mean he never had any issues with the previous manager's he worked with, and there were some really freaky ones like Conte.

We had a chance to watch him perform for Dechamps this past summer and look like one of the best MF players in the world.


Full Member
Jan 8, 2014
Find Rio quite interesting in that he's been seen being chummy on occasions with Jose, much more than some other pundits but has also been one of the more vocal critics. Think him and Scholes wind each other up! :lol:


Full Member
Jan 20, 2010
I mean he never had any issues with the previous manager's he worked with, and there were some really freaky ones like Conte.

We had a chance to watch him perform for Dechamps this past summer and look like one of the best MF players in the world.
I fully agree, I was fully on board with him. But Keano put it right he has to take a really hard look at himself and start performing for himself not for the manager because he has been absolutely shambolic of late.

Robbie Boy

Full Member
Jun 17, 2010
I was against Mourinho from the day one as was evident from my time back with the newbies, mainly because of the fact he's the biggest legend of one of our biggest rivals for the last 15 years, his absolutely soul crushing style of football, his arrogance and unwillingness to take responsibility for anything but most, his off field antics (I believe it brings shame to the club's image) but most of all because I believe the only reason he took UTD job is so he can stick a finger in Chelsea's eye. Needless to say I was very heavily criticised for my stance.
The thing is, I knew all this about Mourinho. I just thought that the Madrid job had got to him buy maybe coming here, he might become his old self again. Looking back, it was more hope than anything, I guess. Since the middle of last season I started losing faith in him but I backed him until the start of this season. The summer was an utter shit-show from start to finish so I had feck all hope going into this season. However, this season has absolutely been the stuff of nightmares and I have wanted him gone for months now. How he's still here and how he still has backers is beyond me.
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