Lukaku : Bulking up with muscle hurt me


I can see the note Mourinho handed to Woodward: I want a top grade international striker who’s strengths are compatible with our goal of playing static, slow and simple football. Is Jan Koller still playing?

He said no, but i hear that we are looking to lure Zigic out of retirement while also trying to sign Shaq(tall, strong and marketable).
He will have bulked up to maintain his physical advantage over everyone else after a long and tiring season.

At most World Cups, players start the tournaments knackered from their league campaign. But Lukaku was clever enough to give himself a platform to keep his physical edge whilst everyone around him was running on fumes. By being even stronger, he could stay ahead of the curve despite losing some of his conditioning. The problem is that his strategy has come back to bite him in the PL.

It was a gamble. There can benefits as well as costs. I think if he had his time again, he probably wouldn't have bulked up, but you can see why he did.

It was stupid. By him. By his coaching staff. By his mom. By the hairs on his beard.

"It's been a long, tiring season. Let me make it easier on my joints, my whole body by playing a summer tournament with an extra 10 kilos. Because the cost if that is far outweighed by how much harder it will be for CBs to push me around on the pitch. "

That is so feckin stupid, there's no way Lukaku thought that. Everything he has said here is a lie for the folks fat shaming him, an excuse for a simple mistake on his part - getting fat. Not with muscle. With fat.

The only other possibility is, and I'm shocked no one has mentioned it, is that Lukaku got fat (use bulked if it satisfies your political correctness meter ) because he was advised that the extra layer of blubber was necessary to survive the harsh Siberian weather he might face in Russia. Still a better feckin reason than it'd improve his football
It was stupid. By him. By his coaching staff. By his mom. By the hairs on his beard.

"It's been a long, tiring season. Let me make it easier on my joints, my whole body by playing a summer tournament with an extra 10 kilos. Because the cost if that is far outweighed by how much harder it will be for CBs to push me around on the pitch. "

That is so feckin stupid, there's no way Lukaku thought that. Everything he has said here is a lie for the folks fat shaming him, an excuse for a simple mistake on his part - getting fat. Not with muscle. With fat.

The only other possibility is, and I'm shocked no one has mentioned it, is that Lukaku got fat (use bulked if it satisfies your political correctness meter ) because he was advised that the extra layer of blubber was necessary to survive the harsh Siberian weather he might face in Russia. Still a better feckin reason than it'd improve his football
Let's be fair to him. It's not fat. You can see how big his biceps and shoulders got. That's from working out a lot. Poor guy is probably shattered that he spent all those hours in the gym only to have people call him a fat bastard.
If I'm in the gym and he goes anywhere near the weights I'd hit him with them, muscle slows you down, bloody hell, amature footballers know that.
He is a big lad anyway, didn't need more bulk, bad training regime whoever put him on it.?
Let's be fair to him. It's not fat. You can see how big his biceps and shoulders got. That's from working out a lot. Poor guy is probably shattered that he spent all those hours in the gym only to have people call him a fat bastard.

Have a look at his cheeks, no fitness programs lead to cheek chubbiness.:)
Let's be fair to him. It's not fat. You can see how big his biceps and shoulders got. That's from working out a lot. Poor guy is probably shattered that he spent all those hours in the gym only to have people call him a fat bastard.

It's a nice mix haha bet he wishes fans went back to obsessing over his other fat limb...

I love the guy, but he needs to trim and get back to scoring goals. It's too hard to ignore the technical deficiency the longer it goes
Muscle does not affect your first touch.
I was about write that! He’s a decent striker Lukaku, but not worth that price tag. I would definitely have him as a striker, but not as the main striker.

Regardless of how much more agile or fast he becomes, his first touch will always prevent him from reaching the heights of Van Nistelrooy, Van Persie, Rooney etc

I gotta say that I thought some caftards were over playing the issue ( I couldn't tell the difference).

my initial reaction to this is what a knuckle head he must be to think he can play in the premiership bulked up. No fcking wonder he has looked like he is glued to the spot this season. And, what the hell are all the fitness coaches playing at letting him get in this state. Unless he starts to score big time dump him.
I was about write that! He’s a decent striker Lukaku, but not worth that price tag. I would definitely have him as a striker, but not as the main striker.

Regardless of how much more agile or fast he becomes, his first touch will always prevent him from reaching the heights of Van Nistelrooy, Van Persie, Rooney etc

Surely the striker with the best first touch you have had in recent times must be Berbatov?
As you correctly state; Lukaku already had enough muscle to beat defenders(too much in my eyes). His two biggest problems appart from his touch are timing and positioning. His lack of competence in these areas are clearly visible on the pitch.
Improving his conditioning would go a long way toward improving those areas. He's not a donkey with zero instinct, otherwise he wouldn't be anywhere as good as he is
He doesn't look muscular in the same sense Traore or other units are. And no one can put on that amount of lean weight without vitamin S. So apart of being fat, he is also "a little bit" dumb for thinking that excuse will fly.
Large cod and chips with a pea fritter from Harry Ramsdens is technically fish and veg.

Also known as the dart athletes' regimen. If it helps them hit the target, it's worth a try.
Ridiculous excuse - His physique is bad for football anywhere, even for pickup games at the abandoned yard down the street.
Our health and physio department has been rubbish for years. We get an injury crisis every season. Its not a surprise they took so long to spot this as a problem, he looks like he's trying to become a bodybuilder not a top footballer.

That part of our club has needed restructuring but its as if the big honchos are too preoccupied with our next noodle sponsorship to care about under performing medical staff.
Key point about the multiple tests that he has been undergoing with the medical staff during this whole time. The whole club knew he is not ready for competition. Lukaku knew he personally is not fit enough to be on a football field. Mourinho himself definitely would have been pestered by all the reports of his physical examinations. Every. One. At the club has known for the past 3 months that Lukaku should not be playing football.

Why on God’s earth has he been put on a football pitch as much as he has been in the past 3 months?? Baffling. The only explanation I can think of is Mourinho digesting all this information from the medical staff and choosing to completely deny science and inadvertently embarrass an out of shape Lukaku on the field week in week out.

It’s a great interview, well said about a lot of things but it really just made the situation even more bizarre tbh.

Theres definitely a lot digesting going on alright.

From Lukaku
World Cup was 5 months ago , what the hell has he been doing? Very easy to shred muscle if your not up keeping it.

Wouldn't be surprised if he has a health (thyroid) issue, water retention. Looks more weight gain then added muscle
You think?!? Well it's good of you to notice after 6 months, Rom!

What are our fitness coaches paid for if it took he himself noticing 6 months into the season. They should've flagged him in August.
He has no idea what he's talking about when it comes to cutting.

How is he a profesional footballer? He talks a load of nonsense in terms of how fitness works. The part where he talks about "eating veggies and not working out" is hilarious.
Oh. I was talking about positioning and timing going for low or high crosses in the box. Of course Rooney was brilliant when it came to controlling difficult passes in competition with defenders. I’d never deny that.

No problem, misunderstandings happen from time to time.

No, you’re right, I failed to grasp your point at first. Sorry about the rude reply to what turned out to not be your point (or main point), mea culpa and all of that!

Still, I have to dig my heels in to the «Rooney was always famed for his leaping ability». That’s simply not true. I think someone else dug up the stat, 3 headed goals before the 09/10 season. Doesn’t matter if he took over for Ronaldo as our ‘main header’ or whatever, he clearly showed massive improvement in that area. Talking about Rooney in his prime actually makes me a little sad looking at who we have as our main striker now.

Hey its cool, it happens.

Mate I'm not denying he got better at scoring headers but I'm trying to point out that we're talking about a whole different thing. Scoring headers involves much more than just jumping, you gotta know how to hit the ball with you head, you need some technique for it, much like with passing and shooting.
Help me understand one thing, he says he bulked up for the World Cup so much has his weight increased between the end of the PL season and the World Cup ?
He has no idea what he's talking about when it comes to cutting.

How is he a profesional footballer? He talks a load of nonsense in terms of how fitness works. The part where he talks about "eating veggies and not working out" is hilarious.
Exactly what I thought. Absolute nonsense, he hasn’t got a clue :lol:
Well tbh it depends on lot of factors like genetics, muscle fiber type, nutrition, training, rest, finances, supplements etc...some people.
So go on then I'll bite. From finishing the season with United, to starting the first game at the world cup, how much muscle mass would he have put on in those few weeks if the above that you mentioned are perfect for him?
Exactly. He has the worst first touch of any United player I have ever seen.

If you've bulked up in muscle you will run and move about in a fashion that's way more laborious. Don't know about it affecting the first touch but he's clearly been a lot less confident in receiving the ball this season because of it. That can play a role in some ways, however small.
Help me understand one thing, he says he bulked up for the World Cup so much has his weight increased between the end of the PL season and the World Cup ?

It's nonsense. I'm telling ya, PR statement to excuse the fact he just got fat. His self analysis is Trump-worthy; genuinely makes no sense.

Reminds me of the Chris Rock bit where he gets caught cheating and exclaims, " who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes!?"
Cant see why the club havent pulled him up over this at the start of the season. Didnt they used to fine players for coming back after the summer being over their optimum weight, whether it was fat or muscle? He hasnt changed shape in over 3 months now, but only now doing something about it! Something not ringing true with this.