Harry Kane MBE | Performances

The FA's next tweet should be apologizing to Kane and congratulating him on his Wembley hattrick.

Imagine the reaction to that :lol:
I would have taken the Ogden tweet as a bit of dig at Southgate as Smalling is playing well.

Ah, yes, could be. Hard to separate those who only are joking from the precious bunch. Think that Di Marzio embargo leak really rattled a lot of them.
Ah, yes, could be. Hard to separate those who only are joking from the precious bunch. Think that Di Marzio embargo leak really rattled a lot of them.
The first tweet there is no doubt about what is meant. The Ogden one not too sure. Just shows how misunderstandings come about. These journos are just as capable of squabbling as backing each other up.
Also it is a bit rich of Law to criticise the F.A. for making a joke when the media are the biggest culprits of digging up unsavoury stories about England players or managers just before a World Cup, therefore destablising the squad.
I saw this tweet and thought it was hilarious. Is the FA twitter admin a United fan?:D
Also it is a bit rich of Law to criticise the F.A. for making a joke when the media are the biggest culprits of digging up unsavoury stories about England players or managers just before a World Cup, therefore destablising the squad.
Exactly. Screw the press, let them fume.
These idiots have absolutely no problem slaughtering Pogba for his hairstyles or writing nonsense about Sterling but as soon as the media darling and poster boy receives a slight bit of criticism then the pitchforks are out.

Imagine the handbags if it was Lukaku, Salah or some other foreigner swearing on their daughter and claiming that goal. They'd have been blasted for not acknowledging the British values of hard work, and for putting own interests before the team's.
It's a crying shame. Kane was in full flow, at the height of his powers and destined for world cup greatness until an FA tweet changed everything.
It's a crying shame. Kane was in full flow, at the height of his powers and destined for world cup greatness until an FA tweet changed everything.

Seriously, I'd be shocked if Kane is so precious that this affects him in anyway. He must know it's just banter.
After the way Kane seemingly went on a mission to get a goal taken from a teammate, maybe he is quite serious, who knows what the story is with him, he might be a proper sensitive little flower.

Write an article on this too will you Matt. Disgusting how both the governing body and the official home stadium are ganging up to unsettle St. Harry before the World Cup.
If I was Kane I'd be more offended by the media coddling me like a precious little flower than any sort of light-hearted banter.

This really hit them hard :lol:

The fact that it's Smalling makes it all the more sweet. This Chris Smalling treatment is absolutely bizarre. Why take a seasoned CB for the team who have had the best or second best defensive record for three seasons running when you can take some mid table lads who hit a 40 yard punt a bit more accurately?
The fact that it's Smalling makes it all the more sweet. This Chris Smalling treatment is absolutely bizarre. Why take a seasoned CB for the team who have had the best or second best defensive record for three seasons running when you can take some mid table lads who hit a 40 yard punt a bit more accurately?
That is how I took the Mark Ogden tweet, that this was the point he is making.
But Harry can take that.
This is the guy who took a goal away from his team mate & swearing on his daughter existence.
It's interesting to see contrast the scrutiny/pressure Rooney faced over his England (and general career) with the seeming protective kid glove treatment Kane gets.

The tweet was a bit silly though coming from an official account like that.
If I was Kane I'd be more offended by the media coddling me like a precious little flower than any sort of light-hearted banter.
Given what happened over the phantom goal he wants to be treated like a precious little flower.
After the way Kane seemingly went on a mission to get a goal taken from a teammate, maybe he is quite serious, who knows what the story is with him, he might be a proper sensitive little flower.
I didn't pay any attention to him trying to get that goal so maybe I'm wrong and he would be pissed at that tweet. If so, well he's being silly.
You’d think they’d make more of
one England player going studs in on another England player a few months before the World Cup over some jokey tweet...

But yea, no ABU bias in the media at all is there.
You'd think he had an incurable disease or something by the way the media is going on. That FA tweet was top shelf banter though :lol: