David Moyes West Ham Manager | Gone (pedantic sod Sarni)


Full Member
Feb 9, 2009
You say he took on the most difficult job ever to become available. On one hand, I get what you mean. On the other, is taking charge of a team that had won the league the previous year at a canter really that?
That was one of the poorest sides to win the Premier League, the 12/13 United side - Tom Cleverley started half of the PL games that season. It was literally only the managerial genius of SAF that got us across the line.
To expect Moyes to just waltz to the title the following season was never going to happen. I honestly think he was harshly judged.
Also for people to say he's arrogant considering the current incumbent of the position is strange. Many, if not all top managers have a streak of arrogance about them.
And many, if not all top managers have a sacking somewhere on their CV - Mourinho included and Ancelotti only recently. It seems to be fashionable to build Moyes up as some sort of joke manager and I think that's wide of the mark.


New Member
Feb 8, 2015
Sunderland have been on the brink of relegation for the past 5 - 6 seasons. The club are in turmoil - hardly Moyes fault. Granted he didn't help but you cant blame him for them being near the bottom of the Championship.

The Bloody-Nine

Full Member
May 21, 2017
That was one of the poorest sides to win the Premier League, the 12/13 United side - Tom Cleverley started half of the PL games that season. It was literally only the managerial genius of SAF that got us across the line.
To expect Moyes to just waltz to the title the following season was never going to happen. I honestly think he was harshly judged.
Also for people to say he's arrogant considering the current incumbent of the position is strange. Many, if not all top managers have a streak of arrogance about them.
And many, if not all top managers have a sacking somewhere on their CV - Mourinho included and Ancelotti only recently. It seems to be fashionable to build Moyes up as some sort of joke manager and I think that's wide of the mark.
He removed an incredibly successful backroom staff and replaced them with his Everton cronies who had never won anything. SAF explicitly told him that he shouldn't. He did it anyway.

I didn't expect him to waltz to the title. I don't think anyone did. I didn't expect him to take us to seventh.

EDIT Mourinho has a track record that allows him to be arrogant. Moyes doesn't.

The holy trinity 68

The disparager
Apr 10, 2016
That was one of the poorest sides to win the Premier League, the 12/13 United side - Tom Cleverley started half of the PL games that season. It was literally only the managerial genius of SAF that got us across the line.
To expect Moyes to just waltz to the title the following season was never going to happen. I honestly think he was harshly judged.

Also for people to say he's arrogant considering the current incumbent of the position is strange. Many, if not all top managers have a streak of arrogance about them.
And many, if not all top managers have a sacking somewhere on their CV - Mourinho included and Ancelotti only recently. It seems to be fashionable to build Moyes up as some sort of joke manager and I think that's wide of the mark.
This excuse needs to stop. I see so many people use it without looking at it in context. The team won the league by 11 points so they were able to perform well. There was still some very good players in that squad. De Gea, Evra wasn't past it just then as he performed well for Juve for a while. Carrick, Rooney, RVP, Nani, Valencia, Hernandez, Young. All still very good footballers at the time. All Moyes had to do was make a few decent signings. Instead he chased Fabregas and Thiago all summer then signed Fellaini on deadline day in a panic buy and earned the name Dithering Dave. Any other manager would have made some decent signings. To finish 7th after winning the league by 11 points has to be on the manager. He was told not to get rid of the backroom staff but his arrogant self did not listen. Instead he brought in Phil Neville and his mates from Everton who all had no experience in winning trophies.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
That was one of the poorest sides to win the Premier League, the 12/13 United side - Tom Cleverley started half of the PL games that season. It was literally only the managerial genius of SAF that got us across the line.
To expect Moyes to just waltz to the title the following season was never going to happen. I honestly think he was harshly judged.
Also for people to say he's arrogant considering the current incumbent of the position is strange. Many, if not all top managers have a streak of arrogance about them.
And many, if not all top managers have a sacking somewhere on their CV - Mourinho included and Ancelotti only recently. It seems to be fashionable to build Moyes up as some sort of joke manager and I think that's wide of the mark.
No one expected Moyes to waltz, walk or crawl to the title. The vast majority of United fans and the club itself (given the clause in his contract) only expected a top 4 finish yet he couldn't even manage top 6 with a side that amassed 89 points the previous two seasons.

And yes many top managers are arrogant but Moyes isn't a top manager thats why his arrogance and smugness rubs people the wrong way. The more he fails the more full of himself he gets.

He recently said no one including Ferguson himself, you know the guy who had won the league the year before with the same squad could have finished higher than 7th in 13/14. So not only does he think he's as good as Ferguson he must also think he is currently the best coach in world football if no other manager could have done better than him that year in his mind.

Do yourself a favour mate stop trying to defend Moyes it's pointless.


DUX' bumchum
May 10, 2009
This excuse needs to stop. I see so many people use it without looking at it in context. The team won the league by 11 points so they were able to perform well. There was still some very good players in that squad. De Gea, Evra wasn't past it just then as he performed well for Juve for a while. Carrick, Rooney, RVP, Nani, Valencia, Hernandez, Young. All still very good footballers at the time. All Moyes had to do was make a few decent signings. Instead he chased Fabregas and Thiago all summer then signed Fellaini on deadline day in a panic buy and earned the name Dithering Dave. Any other manager would have made some decent signings. To finish 7th after winning the league by 11 points has to be on the manager. He was told not to get rid of the backroom staff but his arrogant self did not listen. Instead he brought in Phil Neville and his mates from Everton who all had no experience in winning trophies.
I agree with everything you've said, but this nickname was given to himway before his stint here, Everton fans had been calling him that from what I can remember, it's just we realised it to be accurate that summer.

Re Moyes to West Ham, I'd expect they'd rather anyone, literally ANYONE take over from Bilic than Moyes, I hate West Ham fans with a passion but I wouldn't wish Moyes on them.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
He removed an incredibly successful backroom staff and replaced them with his Everton cronies who had never won anything. SAF explicitly told him that he shouldn't. He did it anyway.

I didn't expect him to waltz to the title. I don't think anyone did. I didn't expect him to take us to seventh.

EDIT Mourinho has a track record that allows him to be arrogant. Moyes doesn't.
Think the arrogance the Sociedad fan mentions above well and truly showed itself there. Think he saw them as a threat. If he had the confidence he comes across as having, why would they be a threat?


New Member
Oct 17, 2016
Moyes is a great manager. Manchester United was a big step for him and i believe we had too many expectations from him. He managed Everton for a long time and did very well with them. He maintained the budget there well and brought in quality players all the time. Sunderland were too mediocre and below par. West Ham is the right club for him and i personally want him to do well.

Alabaster Codify7

New Member
Mar 11, 2015
They sacked him a couple of years ago because they felt they could do better than his brand of football. That has gone well, then.
Yeah, I know - they really have ideas above their station to be honest, such an unlikeable club and fanbase.

Funny enough, now they need exactly that man or type of man to save their skin!


Baghdad Bob
Apr 26, 2014
To expect Moyes to just waltz to the title the following season was never going to happen. I honestly think he was harshly judged.
Moyes came to OT. What SAF took 2 decades to build, Moyes ripped it apart in 10 months.
He took the reigning champions (who could probably manage themselves, without a manager) and had us finish in 7th place. A position which we had not finished for many years.
Even Everton knew when to cut ties with Koeman, meanwhile we hung on to Moyes for 10 damn months.
He should've been fired the very day he set foot at Old Trafford and started taking photos like a lost tourist.
And even now, some 3-4 years later, we are still trying to repair the damage done by Moyes.

And as for your comment about "harshly judged"? WTF!
He wasn't judged harshly enough. I'd have stripped him down to his underwear and had him chased out of Manchester by a mob.
LVG got fired after he'd just won us the FA Cup.
Moyes got off really lightly.

Moyes and his supporters, really makes my blood boil. :o


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
That was one of the poorest sides to win the Premier League, the 12/13 United side - Tom Cleverley started half of the PL games that season. It was literally only the managerial genius of SAF that got us across the line.
To expect Moyes to just waltz to the title the following season was never going to happen. I honestly think he was harshly judged.
Also for people to say he's arrogant considering the current incumbent of the position is strange. Many, if not all top managers have a streak of arrogance about them.
And many, if not all top managers have a sacking somewhere on their CV - Mourinho included and Ancelotti only recently. It seems to be fashionable to build Moyes up as some sort of joke manager and I think that's wide of the mark.
I doubt many people expected Moyes to waltz the title. They also didn't expect him to explode so spectacularly and, amongst other issues, plunge the side to seventh. Even by the lowest of expectations he was an absolutely horrendous failure.

Many of the top managers are indeed arrogant. One of Moyes' many problems is that this is one of the few traits he shares with top managers. On its own and without other positive qualities to compensate for it it's yet another glaring flaw.

It's only fashionable to build Moyes as a joke because of the terrible job he did here and in subsequent roles. That's on him.


Full Member
May 9, 2015
Builder mate of mine just popped round to drop some tools off, hes a full on Hammer and a season ticket holder. I just told him theyve hired Moyes and his reaction went something like this:
Mouth opened
Face dropped
Said 'are you fecking winding me up??'
Showed him this site
Sat down and buried his head in his arms on the table.
Didnt get up for 2 minutes.

Says it all.
Tbf, that's exactly what I did when United appointed him! :lol:


Full Member
Jun 15, 2011
What a coup for West Ham. A Champions League level manager, who has led a team to beat the mighty Barcelona.

Surely, all the world class names will be begging their agents to get them a move to West Ham United.


Baghdad Bob
Apr 26, 2014
Moyes is a great manager. ...
WTF is going on in this place, with these Moyes sympathisers?

He lasted 10 months at MUFC...then got fired, for doing a really really bad job.
He then went to R.Sociedad and got fired within a year, for doing a bad job.
He then went to Sunderland and got them relegated.

On what planet is he a great manager?
The guy can't stop getting himself sacked.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Moyes is a great manager. Manchester United was a big step for him and i believe we had too many expectations from him. He managed Everton for a long time and did very well with them. He maintained the budget there well and brought in quality players all the time. Sunderland were too mediocre and below par. West Ham is the right club for him and i personally want him to do well.

Yep they must definitely still be handing out likes for sticking up for Moyes.

WTF is going on in this place, with these Moyes sympathisers?

He lasted 10 months at MUFC...then got fired, for doing a really really bad job.
He then went to R.Sociedad and got fired within a year, for doing a bad job.
He then went to Sunderland and got them relegated.

On what planet is he a great manager?
The guy can't stop getting himself sacked.
Notice how most of them are newbies, they are fishing for likes.


Mar 16, 2011
Moyes is a great manager. Manchester United was a big step for him and i believe we had too many expectations from him. He managed Everton for a long time and did very well with them. He maintained the budget there well and brought in quality players all the time. Sunderland were too mediocre and below par. West Ham is the right club for him and i personally want him to do well.
I'm not sure you realise what great means.


New Member
Mar 6, 2014
At least while we're playing shit football we'll still be able to laugh at West Ham for playing worse :angel::lol:


Full Member
Sep 10, 2004
He has better players at his disposal than at Sunderland so has an outside chance of doing well.

However, he is the worst man to motivate a team on the planet and that’s the exact opposite of what this West Ham team needs right now.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2005
Tbh I am tired of all the Moyes hate, would love him to do great at West Ham just because of all the haters.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Hitting the ground running:

Express said:
David Moyes is expected to make an uneasy start to his tenure as West Ham's new manager, working for vice-chairman Karren Brady who recently accused him of sexism.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010

David Sullivan wards off Count Daveula with the sign of the cross


Full Member
Jul 12, 2013
Bayern München
Delighted. Moyes was hilarious as United's manager and didn't disappoint afterwards either. I still watch the Erramendi-Video dos, tres, quatro times a day and I hope he produces some more zingers.

Genuine foreigner's question: Why does everybody hate West Ham?


New Member
Aug 17, 2017
It's so weird that some clubs still consider him as a good manager whilst he failed his last 3 jobs. Is he a manager who can change attitude of players and perfomance style at West Ham? No. Is he enough self-confident for rebuilding team who played very bad for last few years? No. Hardly sacking from his previous clubs didn't pass without a trace to him. He had a coward nature before he was sacked from United, so just imagine what is he like by now. Moyes is totally devastated as a person.


Full Member
Jul 24, 2014
I'm genuinely amazed Moyes has managed to worm his way back to this level. The situation with Bilic was nowhere near desperate enough to call for measures like these.

Between him, the owners and shady Brady that club is rapidly becoming the most unlikeable in the Premier League.