Right, to look for a connection between the playing of the top top footy & running about a lot, I done some fascinating stats analysis for us all to enjoy. This is firstly, points & goal difference
in workrate order & then added together. Then the 2nd lot just adds some numbers credit for the tremendous-ness of endeavour. It ends up looking like the actual League table but maybe supports our perceptions about who have been the teams with most authority to their play - LFC, City, Arsenal (now) and Everton !!! vs us & Chelsea say. You could also just as easily say it's a load of crap distorted to a fair degree by the hard games vs easy games effect that is very tricky to quantify. It doesn't look good for us though if you think we are a Top 4 side.
(not sure everything is totally right,

Liverpool -------------- 10 11-8 ====== Pts + GD = 13
Man City-------------- 15 15-4 ======Pts + GD = 26
Spurs------------------ 11 8-2 =======Pts + GD = 17
Burnley----------------- 4 3-8 =======Pts + GD = MINUS 1
West Brom------------- 7 6-5 =======Pts + GD =8
Arsenal-----------------10 12-7 ======Pts + GD 15
Middlesbro---------------5 5-7 =======Pts + GD = 3
Bournemouth-----------4 3-9 =======Pts + GD = MINUS 2
Southampton-----------5 4-6 =======Pts + GD = MINUS 4
Leicester-----------------7 7-7 =======Pts + GD = 7
Swansea-----------------4 4-7 =======Pts + GD = 1
Everton-----------------13 10-3 ======Pts + GD = 20
West Ham----------------3 7-13 ======Pts + GD = MINUS 3
Chelsea------------------10 10-6 ======pts + Gd = 14
Watford-------------------7 10-9 ======pts + GD = 8
Stoke----------------------1 3-14 ======pts + GD = MINUS 10
Hull------------------------7 6-7 =======pts + GD = 6
C Palace-------------------7 7-5 =======pts + GD = 9
Sunderland---------------1 3-9 =======pts + GD = MINUS 5
UNITED-------------------9 8-6 =======pts + Gd = 11
And with some 10-10-9-9-8-8-7-7-6-6.... etc, weighting for the workrate
Liverpool 23
Man City 36
Spurs 26
Burnley 8
West Brom 16
Arsenal 22
Middlesbro 10
Bmouth 5
Southampton 2
Leicester 12
Swansea 6
Everton 25
West Ham 2
Chelsea 18
Watford 11
Stoke MINUS 7
Hull 8
C Palace 11
Sunderland MINUS 4