OFFICIAL: Jose Mourinho is Manchester United manager | Megathread closed, start new Mourinho threads

How do feel about José Mourinho's appointment as Man Utd manager?

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Announcing the appointment, Ed Woodward said: "José is quite simply the best manager in the game today. He has won trophies and inspired players in countries across Europe and, of course, he knows the Premier League very well, having won three titles here.

"I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome him to Manchester United. His track record of success is ideal to take the club forward."

José Mourinho said: "To become Manchester United manager is a special honour in the game. It is a club known and admired throughout the world. There is a mystique and a romance about it which no other club can match.

"I have always felt an affinity with Old Trafford; it has hosted some important memories for me in my career and I have always enjoyed a rapport with the United fans. I’m looking forward to being their manager and enjoying their magnificent support in the coming years."
Do we get a press conference today? I need more than just a photo to finish myself off here
Soon as I saw the announcement on my phone I leaped right out of bed and got on my computer :lol:

Get in!
Jose, feck yeah! Come to save , mother fecking United Yeah!
This came out of nowhere.
Occasionally yes, Ferguson would fall out with people. However you always felt he did well by the club. The amount of footballers who speak well of him is insane. Players like Shawcross, Eagles, Sompson have all said their careers are down to him.

And yet SAF speaks incredibly highly of Mourinho. If you're using people speaking well of him as barometer of his character then you don't have a leg to stand on either.
The website is fecking littered with Jose stuff :lol:

At least we know what they've been doing the last few days now!
Well. It will be an interesting era. If anybody was ever tailor made for our club, its Mourinho.

He has the ego to take the seat and who knows, it might actually mellow and mature him. He will finally have the autonomy to run a team/club as he sees fit. Something he has never had in his entire career.

He will also have Sir Bobby and Sir Alex to fall back on for advice.
For me this is massive. I imagine at Inter he could do his own thing and had a good relationship with Moratti who no doubt respected him. At Real and Chelsea, you have wild owners who get angry with you for winning 6-0, permanently on sack watch (Ancelotti and Benitez lasted less than 3 seasons between them) and like to put control on matters at the club. seeing as Van Gaal was able to do what he liked including completely disembowel our attacking traditions, Jose will get the freedom he desires also. We are a favourable club to work at
Mourinho will add troubles in the team, and will work only shortsightended.
giving him the job wont fix all the problems united has.
the downfall will continue.
Well that's it - welcome Jose!! I wasn't overly enamoured with the idea of him originally but accepted he is the best man for the job. However I must admit the excitement is building now - the man is simply a brilliant manager and I have no doubts that although there will be bumps along the way he will fare much better than both Moyes and LvG. The fact he so desperately wanted this job as well is heartening.
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