Unpopular Opinions Thread

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We will end up miles away from Chelsea and City again if we do not strengthen before the end of the window. The people who somehow think we will challenge for the title well and truly have their head in the sand.

City have filled all weaknesses they had and Chelsea will add to their squad aswell pushing us further away.
We will end up miles away from Chelsea and City again if we do not strengthen before the end of the window. The people who somehow think we will challenge for the title well and truly have their head in the sand.

City have filled all weaknesses they had and Chelsea will add to their squad aswell pushing us further away.

If we fail to challenge I think it will be because of the way LVG has set us to play and not our lack of signings.
People need to stop calling Duncan Edwards the greatest ever player. I don't care how many times Sir Bobby Charlton says he was inferior to big Dunc. The fact of the matter is Duncan passed away at a really young age and there's no way to know how he would have gone on to be had he lived. I'm not bringing this up out of the blue to disrespect him by all accounts he was an exceptional player and I respect the hell out of that but I got into an argument with some bloke on Twitter that Duncan would be worth 120 million in today's market which is absurd imo.
Having the core of our team being trained extensively for another season under LVG's philosophy will leave us better placed than bringing in expensive transfers on players of the current day - with exception of proven world class elite attacking players (Ronaldo, Bale etc)*

Our signings so far this window have been very good and astute purchases -
3 have been taught under the philosophy already (2 at club level, 1 at international) and 2 multi-functional, tireless ball winners with exceptional positional intelligence.

* Attacking players have more freedom to express an individual element in their play.
Having the core of our team being trained extensively for another season under LVG's philosophy will leave us better placed than bringing in expensive transfers on players of the current day - with exception of proven world class elite attacking players (Ronaldo, Bale etc)*

Our signings so far this window have been very good and astute purchases -
3 have been taught under the philosophy already (2 at club level, 1 at international) and 2 multi-functional, tireless ball winners with exceptional positional intelligence.

* Attacking players have more freedom to express an individual element in their play.

This is the element that actually worries me. I prefer the collective expression rather than reliance on individual brilliance, which Louis seems to do to a very large degree, We all see it in his teams. It won't get us far.
Our squad is strong enough to compete, we just aren't playing our best 11.
I dunno about that part. I agree with the notion our squad is stronger than people give credit for. A lot of caftards wanted Adnan being given a chance, while other lot argue Mata is quality and should not be dropped, then another brigade advocates Ander playing. Also a lot want Morgan and Bastian to start, which I think would happen soon enough. Our best XI is a lot divided even among fans and considering we are seeing defensive and attacking improvement gradually in past 3 games (of course the quality of opposition has also decreased gradually), this starting XI could be our best XI with obvious flaws but also a lot of strength.
This is the element that actually worries me. I prefer the collective expression rather than reliance on individual brilliance, which Louis seems to do to a very large degree, We all see it in his teams. It won't get us far.
Actually no. LvG prefers the collective expression to individual brilliance. He also accepts the impact of individual brilliance and the impact it could have on the team esp breaking a parked bus for a possession team.

We played best attacking football with Fellaini, Young in the team rather than AdM or januzaj. LvG, for me, seem to prefer collective attack and defending. But of course, having a Messi or Ronaldo makes a huge difference to any team. All top managers love having such players.
I would expect us to know our targets - so 'seemingly' pulling out so late for Pedro is stupid. We looked at Depay as a number 10 but the fact is, we can't even properly judge that as he wasn't match fit and he was settling in. Most people would probably have said he should be on the wing but we didn't look at him in that position when himself or anyone else was fit. It's unpopular to say it, but we're probably 2 players away from doing good things and Ed will get stick but LVG I think - they've done great this summer. It's just the final piece/s of the puzzle we have to get right. If we go into the season with no more purchases, we'll keep on improving but we don't quite have the quality and it's frustrating because in certain positions we have players that have to do better. That that to be productive and they're not and they're taking up squad space. It should be a top play that keeps out a young kid and I think Evans and young are not quite there and Mata I'd prefer central but opinions are like assholes - everyones got one and some are popular and some aren't. We're very close and that's the frustrating part.

Defensively, providing we keep De Gea - we're in pretty good shape. We might even see Evans improve with the added support but then again, I would expect more maturity in his game. He's lost the blanket of Sir Alex
Actually no. LvG prefers the collective expression to individual brilliance. He also accepts the impact of individual brilliance and the impact it could have on the team esp breaking a parked bus for a possession team.

We played best attacking football with Fellaini, Young in the team rather than AdM or januzaj. LvG, for me, seem to prefer collective attack and defending. But of course, having a Messi or Ronaldo makes a huge difference to any team. All top managers love having such players.

I don't know. It just seems to me like he hampers the overall creativity of the team by being so rigid. He says he prefers the collective and yet he suppresses free flowing football that a well gelled team can produce. I know I might be overly critical here but it seems to be that if he did value overall creative play he would be utilising a midfield three with Herrera or Fellaini. Maybe I was wrong to say that.
After winning the league title for nearly 10 consecutive years, who would have thought Liverpool would go domestically dry for 20+ years? LVG's short tenure coupled with the inevitable managerial change is going to result in the same happening to us.
After winning the league title for nearly 10 consecutive years, who would have thought Liverpool would go domestically dry for 20+ years? LVG's short tenure coupled with the inevitable managerial change is going to result in the same happening to us.
thats why the club are going massive on players in this time. To try and ensure to the best of their ability, that the club can try and be competitive going forward beyond Van Gaal.
After winning the league title for nearly 10 consecutive years, who would have thought Liverpool would go domestically dry for 20+ years? LVG's short tenure coupled with the inevitable managerial change is going to result in the same happening to us.

Could happen, of course. But it's unlikely. Financially, we're in an excellent position. Liverpool very shortly found themselves behind us in that regard. Their demise coincided with the inception of the PL, the Sky era and our emergence as a moneybags team without precedence in the English game. Different starting points - very much so.

We need to make a series of idiotic moves to fall out of contention within the foreseeable future.
Could happen, of course. But it's unlikely. Financially, we're in an excellent position. Liverpool very shortly found themselves behind us in that regard. Their demise coincided with the inception of the PL, the Sky era and our emergence as a moneybags team without precedence in the English game. Different starting points - very much so.

We need to make a series of idiotic moves to fall out of contention within the foreseeable future.
Whilst I agree with the different starting points, I feel that the likes of Chelsea, City and Arsenal to a degree all have similar financial muscle to us. With the creation of the PL, money was a big factor which allowed us to surge ahead and become the dominant team of this era, but as shown in Fergie's latter years of 'low' spending, our success was more based on Ferguson and the club. In this current day and age, other clubs can match us financially and also right now, and for the foreseeable future imo, look more exciting prospects for players.
We seem to take way too long sometimes to decide on players we want to sign. If we like a player, and we think he'll improve us, then i dont believe we should feck around over a few million pounds.

Also, Rooney is no longer what we need up front IMO. As long as he's here; we wont sign a top quality CF because a) he's getting paid too much to be left out, and b) LVG has made him undroppable as the captain.

Ashley Young is a good player and done a better job last season than most of our other attacking players. Also, him smashing the ball upto Fellaini to nod in isn't as bad an idea as some make out on here. Especially as, atm, I dont see where the goals are going to come from in the PL.
After winning the league title for nearly 10 consecutive years, who would have thought Liverpool would go domestically dry for 20+ years? LVG's short tenure coupled with the inevitable managerial change is going to result in the same happening to us.

Could happen, of course. But it's unlikely. Financially, we're in an excellent position. Liverpool very shortly found themselves behind us in that regard. Their demise coincided with the inception of the PL, the Sky era and our emergence as a moneybags team without precedence in the English game. Different starting points - very much so.

We need to make a series of idiotic moves to fall out of contention within the foreseeable future.

Many who were players of Liverpool during the time said that the main reason they couldn't match us was because they had Roy Evans and we had SAF. SAF was a no nonsense manager who knew how to control his players and slightest of disrespect was punished severely. Roy Evans apparently was soft who couldn't control the likes of Steve mcmanaman David James Jason mcateer Jamie redknapp Robbie fowler and the likes who could have gone the same way our class of 92 youth players did but they were very much derailed by their off field antics and unlike Fergie, Evans couldn't control those players one bit (what Stan collymore once said). Their silliness like the pound passing game during the matches, fowler apparently ragging the manager Evans himself on multiple occasions(apparently he used to catch him by the neck and stuff. Imagine if beckham or someone else in our team dared to do that to Fergie). Then they had to sell them off one by one by which time it was close to 2000 (redknapp and fowler were the last to leave I think). By then we completely dominated the scene with the stadium enhancements, commercial deals and all that which they chose to ignore till it was too late.

Which is why I am glad we have a no nonsense manager like LvG who would take no nonsense even if it is the biggest star in the world(maybe a bit over the top sometimes but it's the kind of attitude we need).
Darmain is that much of an upgrade on Rafael so much so that people might actually see how biased their opinions were on Rafael.
Been only 2 games on the back of a 31 goal season as a 21 year old.

Even when he was racking them up last year, there's something that just looks off about him. Like he's doing a very good job of pretending to be good at football.

But then again I feel the way way about Bale, and even Muller to an extent. They just look too funny to be as good as they would seem to be.
Football has changed since the 90's and just having a good squad of players is no longer enough to win anything. LvG is far more tactically astute than SAF but because most of us have grown up watching Ferguson's (admittedly very watchable) gung ho football some people are having difficulty understanding exactly what LvG is trying to achieve at Utd
Even when he was racking them up last year, there's something that just looks off about him. Like he's doing a very good job of pretending to be good at football.

But then again I feel the way way about Bale, and even Muller to an extent. They just look too funny to be as good as they would seem to be.

He doesn't look like a top striker I'll give you that, but make no mistake the kid is super talented.
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There is a thread on the Caf about it actually. https://www.redcafe.net/threads/interesting-read.30805/

That thread. :lol:

Some gems in there.

Had almost forgotten about the other big Scouse hope - Sinama Pongolle.

Personally, I think Sinama is being grossly overlooked. Was him after all, that won player of the tournament And BROKE THE GOAL-SCORING RECORDS AT THE u-18 wORLD cUP (sorry bout the caps - too lazy to edit). Think he is gonna develop into a genuine world class striker in a few years.

Everyone seems to be putting their expectations on le Tallec to be a world class player for us in years to come, but I reckon Sinama will achieve fame sooner.

Btw, watch the game against Everton this year. le Tallec was outstanding in that game (second only to Gerrard who had one of his best ever games).
Football has changed since the 90's and just having a good squad of players is no longer enough to win anything. LvG is far more tactically astute than SAF but because most of us have grown up watching Ferguson's (admittedly very watchable) gung ho football some people are having difficulty understanding exactly what LvG is trying to achieve at Utd
You act as if Fergie retired in 1998? He was still winning the league in bloody 2013 and got in the CL Final thrice, since 2008, in 6 years, quite harsh defeats vs Bayern and Real as well. Besides that, dont think LVG is any better tactically than SAF, its generally conceived that possession/dominant football is harder tactically or better football than all the others, dont fully agree with that.
You act as if Fergie retired in 1998? He was still winning the league in bloody 2013 and got in the CL Final thrice, since 2008, in 6 years, quite harsh defeats vs Bayern and Real as well. Besides that, dont think LVG is any better tactically than SAF, its generally conceived that possession/dominant football is harder tactically or better football than all the others, dont fully agree with that.

There was plenty of criticism over our style of football even under SAF's last few years because of the more conservative approach we took even though it was very successful in Europe. A lot of people really don't like that style of football.
Football has changed since the 90's and just having a good squad of players is no longer enough to win anything. LvG is far more tactically astute than SAF but because most of us have grown up watching Ferguson's (admittedly very watchable) gung ho football some people are having difficulty understanding exactly what LvG is trying to achieve at Utd
You'd think that Fergie was some tactical dinosaur the way that some people go on..When we played Madrid in 2013, they had almost player for player a better team..but we matched them tactically almost all the way of that tie..There is no way that you can stay at the top for that long without the ability to vary your tactics or he would have been figured out years ago...
Even when he was racking them up last year, there's something that just looks off about him. Like he's doing a very good job of pretending to be good at football.

But then again I feel the way way about Bale, and even Muller to an extent. They just look too funny to be as good as they would seem to be.

Totally agree on Muller. I've no idea how he's good at football.
Totally agree on Muller. I've no idea how he's good at football.
Muller's like that default bald headed player on PES who has 70/100 for every single stat from pace to finishing. Only it's more like 80-85/100 for everything.
I think he's one of the most detestable men in football. And I really hope he never takes over at OT.

Ask Anders Frisk, a referee who had to retire because of death threats resulting from Mourinho's lies, if he's a "character that sparks up the game."

He's scum.


Let's be honest, and I hate Chelsea but they were totally robbed by that corrupt official. So whilst the manner of why he had to retire is wrong, I'm glad he was forced out because he was a fecking cheat. I also dislike Mourinho mind.
Did anybody else lump on Memphis to score after the clueless anti-oracle wrote him off?

Just how wrong about absolutely everything can one man be?

We can do this after every game Memphis plays. But did you lump any money on Memphis getting more than a 5 out of 10 in a PL match? Hope you did. ;)

Anyway, this is a lesson that we all need to wait until at least xmas to know if I'm completely wrong or completely right about Memphis. FWIW I think he will be good next season because Suarez also had an ordinary first season from the Dutch league and Memphis is two leagues below that genius of a footballer. That was my point when I made my opinion.
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