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So Torys to win then?
Daily Mirror front page for tomorrow![]()
Politicians absolute refusal to answer a direct question pisses me off no end.
BBC America is showing Kitchen Nightmares. Where can I watch this?
Luckily there is no credible alternative in their party to replace him.
It's a black front cover with 'A damned more 5 years' in white writing, for those who haven't seen it.
Aye but they have gained alot of votes since the last election and that worries me.
BBC America is showing Kitchen Nightmares. Where can I watch this?
Didn't expect them to get so many votes...pretty worrying to be honest. Popular vote is the total number of votes yes? Sorry if thats a stupid question![]()
Hola unblocker and the BBC website?BBC America is showing Kitchen Nightmares. Where can I watch this?
Click the "Live Coverage" tab. I'm watching it in Singapore.
Hola unblocker and the BBC website?
fecking tories again..whats wrong with you people??
On BBC America. Or youtube.BBC America is showing Kitchen Nightmares. Where can I watch this?
Combination of two things I think - 1st that they literally weren't prepared for this exit poll and their pre-planned lines therefore are well out of date and they haven't had time to circulate the new ones, 2nd that, in the case that the exit poll is off but Tories are still 20 seats ahead, they haven't already conceded the election early in the night.What the feck do they gain from it? How would it be a mistake for a Labour politician to admit if these polls are right the Tories have won?
Anyone who takes diligence in making the decision I would consider completely fair, but I never seem to meet those people.
Hm, maybe they turned off the geographical restriction for this? I'm sure it's usually UK only.I'm watching without any proxy or Hola?
I don't think many of those people exist to be fair.
So the yougov poll shows a very tight race?
And Danny Alexander looks like a lizard.
Carswell could maybe step in for them.
Libs got a big share last time... Voters are fickle... Especially with what is essentially a one issue party if we had a referendum on said issue only a couple of years beforehandLike Nick says, they'll be the third biggest party in terms of popular vote, and an even bigger factor in the next election.
For UKIP or just in general?
I think Farage has carried the party really. He is a lot more likeable and natural as a politician than the other leaders and has got ridiculous amounts of airtime because of that. I think having to replace him will be a big blow for UKIP.
There was an element of protest about it at this election. Now that they're actually established, Farage is going to have to come up with some realistic policies. He'll get exposed soon enough.
Farage? What was he saying?Farage is one pissed off cookie.
I've put a fiver on liblab and a fiver on condem just cover the stupid bet. Watch neither happen now.
That would be fantastic. Farage might be an idiot, but he makes up for it by being charismatic. Everyone else in UKIP is just an idiot. They'll go the way of the BNP and the Lib Dems after their one-hit-wonder election results.He's a goner if he doesn't win his seat, which is quite possible.
I try to have a liberal mind when people tell me they're voting UKIP, but I can't help but judge them most of the time. My issue always stems from a (sometimes unfair) view that they probably voted UKIP for immigration policy, but are completely ignorant to the subject of immigration bar a basic 'more people = less jobs' token opinion.
Anyone who takes diligence in making the decision I would consider completely fair, but I never seem to meet those people. Found out tonight that the girlfriend's parents both voted UKIP, and I know my Grandad was talking of voting for them recently. I try to ignore it and play it down but it does play on my mind.
Hm, maybe they turned off the geographical restriction for this? I'm sure it's usually UK only.
I feel sorry for @ThierryHenry now.