Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

United Passions: Amazing/10. I mean, obviously it's terrible, but it so lacking in self awareness. Blatter is a hero for securing sponsorship deals with Coca Cola and Adidas. There's a scene where Sepp and a mate are in Angola watching kids play decked out in Adidas gear and Sepp's mate is telling him he works too hard. Sepp says he'll only take a break only when the World Cup is played in Africa, in America and in Asia...the kids finish playing their game and run off for some nice, refreshing bottles of...Coca Cola! You know, to re-energise after exercise? There's another scene where Blatter is reading his cronies the riot act about how they better not be corrupt and they just have Adidas balls and bottles of Coke on their desks!


I reviewed it but there's just too much ridiculousness in the film to describe every scene:
The media are described several times as "blowing everything out of proportion", but it is never clear what specifically is being blown out of proportion. I suppose disproportionate things are difficult to see.


Great review, chief. :) The film sounds so incredibly bad that it could pass for a satire on FIFA. I'm only shocked that they didn't squeeze in Sepp assassinating Hitler with a Coke bottle.
Right, surely I am not the only one who enjoyed Edge of Tomorrow? Was a computer game pictured on the big screen...Crysis merged with Groundhog Day...Existentialism sci fiction style. Yeah, cracking entertainment.

I really enjoyed it too. Very well put together film, and proof that blockbusters don't actually have to have cringey dialog...
Perhaps. But the ending didn't spoil the movie.

Anyway, should I bother with the Hunger Games and its follow ups?
No, they are garbage. At least the first one is. It is so bad that nothing will make me watch the sequels.

The Running Man in Twilight form. Steer clear.
The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty:

It's rated 50% on rotten tomatoes which proves it clearly divides opinion.

I enjoyed this quite a lot, it was predictable but it didn't really matter because the film has a certain charm that carries you along regardless. I found myself rooting for Walter Mitty all through the film. I thought it used the special effects very well and there were some stunning shots of Greenland and Iceland too.

@Spoony, I enjoyed Edge Of Tomorrow too. Groundhog Day for gamers indeed!
What We Do in the Shadows: Vampire mockumentary from Jermaine Clement of Flight of the Conchords and Taika Waititi. If you like FOTC style humour you'll enjoy this. It's got some good gags and mostly good effects for a low-budget film. It does suffer from being underwritten story-wise like many comedy films and every time Rhys Darby was on screen I was just left wishing there was more of him in the film. Worth catching if you get the chance, otherwise it'll make a good Netflix watch a few months from now. 6.5-7/10
Hungergames Mockingjay

Seriously... it's plain boring, there's nothing to see, it's like some kind of B-grade movie where Katniss is touring the sites for some kind of blair witch project type propaganda. There's no action, there's no plot, nothing. And Katniss' characters irks me, she keeps on changing her stance between a girl on fire and a mommy's girl who just want to run away with her baker boy.

They should stop milking these bloody multipart movies into part 1 and 2, and just get on with it, there's not much in the first movie it can be done in 1 3 hours movie at max.

Julian Moore is still sexy though, and RiP Phillip Seymour Hoffman, wonder who will replace him on part 2

Hungergames Mockingjay

Seriously... it's plain boring, there's nothing to see, it's like some kind of B-grade movie where Katniss is touring the sites for some kind of blair witch project type propaganda. There's no action, there's no plot, nothing. And Katniss' characters irks me, she keeps on changing her stance between a girl on fire and a mommy's girl who just want to run away with her baker boy.

They should stop milking these bloody multipart movies into part 1 and 2, and just get on with it, there's not much in the first movie it can be done in 1 3 hours movie at max.

Julian Moore is still sexy though, and RiP Phillip Seymour Hoffman, wonder who will replace him on part 2


Feck, have completely missed that he has died. Apparently on February. RIP!

Haven't seen this movie yet, but the first two movies were a bit shit. Dystopia for teens! Still would probably watch this some months from now (if I get bored from good movies) but no way I am going to cinema for this crap.
Feck, have completely missed that he has died. Apparently on February. RIP!

Haven't seen this movie yet, but the first two movies were a bit shit. Dystopia for teens! Still would probably watch this some months from now (if I get bored from good movies) but no way I am going to cinema for this crap.

Forgot that myself. Until i see the ending credit : in loving memory of psh.
Feck, have completely missed that he has died. Apparently on February. RIP!

Haven't seen this movie yet, but the first two movies were a bit shit. Dystopia for teens! Still would probably watch this some months from now (if I get bored from good movies) but no way I am going to cinema for this crap.

My head's hurting after watching Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Make sure you're not struggling to stay awake whilst watching it. I'll have to watch it again.
Dream House
A film about a family who move into a new home where someone killed his family and inevitably, strange shit goes down. Predictable film but I kinda enjoyed the plot unravelling at certain points. The acting was ok but I dont know how big actors like Daniel Craig, Naomi Watts and Rachel Weisz were convinced to act in this, and I also dont know why it is billed as a horror when it is blatantly a thriller/mystery film... Ending was awful too 4.5/10
The imitation Game: A good solid if not exceptional movie about the life of Alan Turing and the breaking of the Enigma code. It is a movie that lacks a little polish in parts and has one plot contrivance that is insultingly stupid; however it is a film that is mostly raised above average by the strength of the cast and the performances they give with Cumberbatch and Knightley in particularly being very good in the two central roles. It also manages to strike just the right kind of ending that is actually quite effecting and left me a little emotional. Thoroughly decent but not outstanding film making, recommended if you have the time although I wouldn’t suggest going out of your way to see it as the book it is based on will probably provide a more overall rewarding and less contrived experience.

The Hunger Games: Marketing-Jay - You know, I quite enjoyed this... which is quite spectacular considering it's a) almost entirely about Marketing (I suppose professional curiosity helped in that regard and b) Not a lot actually happens... but I suppose when your expectations are rock-bottom, anything is possible.

Seriously though, not a lot happens at all... a lot of pissing and whining, and Phillip Seymour Hoffman (RIP) gurning... but it's well made and builds it's core story (which I suppose is fairly interesting) pretty well, so it can have some kudos for that. My one big (and it's fairly big) problem with this entire franchise though is that I just do not buy that she loves Petr as much as the film portrays that she does... and the fault of this lies solely in the first film (which isn't a good film at all) as it did such a piss poor job of any character building that wasn't Jennifer Lawrence that I a) didn't give a feck about Petr then and b) still don't now. Also, I'm fairly certain the only reason in the first one she just wanted to protect him because he couldn't protect himself or something, fairly flimsy basis for a love story if you ask me....

The Drop A decent, well-made little film that is entirely enjoyable, despite being totally predictable (you'll see most of the plot coming before it happens). Plus it has Tom Hardy in it, which is a good thing.
The imitation Game: A good solid if not exceptional movie about the life of Alan Turing and the breaking of the Enigma code. It is a movie that lacks a little polish in parts and has one plot contrivance that is insultingly stupid; however it is a film that is mostly raised above average by the strength of the cast and the performances they give with Cumberbatch and Knightley in particularly being very good in the two central roles. It also manages to strike just the right kind of ending that is actually quite effecting and left me a little emotional. Thoroughly decent but not outstanding film making, recommended if you have the time although I wouldn’t suggest going out of your way to see it as the book it is based on will probably provide a more overall rewarding and less contrived experience.

I love Turing, so I should watch this. Didn't even know that this movie exists, so thanks.
I think Tom Hardy is a tremendous actor but he is playing too many roles where he mumbles unintelligibly and avoids eye contact like he has Aspergers.
Would be nice. He's performance in Bronson is still my favourite(Although the performance Locke is close 2nd)
I love Turing, so I should watch this. Didn't even know that this movie exists, so thanks.

No worries mate, its actually a decent film but a very "cinemized" account of his life.

Good as a piece of entertainment but clearly embellished and factually incorrect in some points, they also watered down the maths/science but that is understandable as it is a very mainstream movie. Manages to strike just the right cord with the ending too which works well in its favor.

Worth seeing IMHO.
Blade Runner

Finally got round to watching this. Took me a while to get into it and thought I was going to dislike it, but started to enjoy it more as it went on and it got fantastic towards the end. Roy Batty was a superb character. Kind of weird movie, but can see why it's very highly regarded.

Blade Runner

Finally got round to watching this. Took me a while to get into it and thought I was going to dislike it, but started to enjoy it more as it went on and it got fantastic towards the end. Roy Batty was a superb character. Kind of weird movie, but can see why it's very highly regarded.


Which version did you watch?
I did like it, but I don't see it as brilliant or extra smart as I've seen some people describe it. It was fun, with some excellent scenes, particularly when nightmares escape.
Captain Phillips - Had been wanting to see this for ages, finally got round to it last night. Brilliant film. A simple but intense and interesting story with some terrific acting, particularly Hanks. 8.5/10.
I did like it, but I don't see it as brilliant or extra smart as I've seen some people describe it. It was fun, with some excellent scenes, particularly when nightmares escape.

I thought it was tripe. But you liked it, an I suspect other fans of the Evil Dead series did too.
Begin Again: Sweet little movie that lacks a little polish in parts and is a little clunky in others but manages to pull though on the strength of its warmth and character. Good performances from both Knightley and Ruffalo in the central roles keep this watchable at all times and it even manages to make James Corden amusing and quite charming which are two adjectives I never thought I’d ever hear myself applying to him. As I mentioned it lack a little polish in areas and suffers at times from the type of improvised dialogue bug that seems to be infesting mainstream American movies, however it survives that just about because overall it has its heart in the right place. A good feel good movie that is worth the time to see if you have the time to see it.

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