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The Neviller

New Member
Jul 26, 2011
Nev smash!!
I don't think it has anything to do with Thiago, I never said that. I just said it might be an attempt to demonstrate that we are looking for the best players in the world, regardless of Thiago.

Either that, or the BBC and all the other sources are wrong and we never actually made a bid. I can believe that, easily. Or it is a "hail mary", nothing else, a desperate move. I hope that's not the case.
Or, you know, we're interested and have put in a bid to open negotiations, with room to manoeuvre and up the bid through the course of negotiations.


Full Member
Jun 17, 2008
He went by the name of Wayne Rooney
Do people seriously think this is happening? Why the feck would Barcelona sell him AND Thiago in the same window? I mean, granted, they didn't want to sell Thaigo but the fact is they have a choice here and they're not going to let both go.

That said, we might well have made a bid, in the same way Arsenal bid for Rooney and Suarez - to stir up the fans and make it look like they're trying to sign the top talents.
While I believe that the club makes a lot of unnecessary statements regarding transfer funds, I don't think they will ever bid for a player if they were certain that there was no chance of getting him. Plus, will it appease the fans when Fabregas again says that he has no intention of leaving? There must certainly be a green light given from one of the camps before we lodged a bid.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Or, you know, we're interested and have put in a bid to open negotiations, with room to manoeuvre and up the bid through the course of negotiations.
Look, I can buy into this, if you're persistent: it's easier for me to accept that Barcelona are run by idiots than that United are.

If I were Tito Vilanova, I'd resign if they expected me to start the season with only Song and Sergi Roberto as back-up in midfield.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
You must feel suicidal at that, chief. :D

Anyway, it's probably just a smokescreen© for our underwhelming signing of Paraguayan left-back Ferrero Rocher.
Centre-back, Steve, centre-back. That is what we do, that is our stuff.

Count Orduck

Full Member
Jan 15, 2012
Look, I can buy into this, if you're persistent: it's easier for me to accept that Barcelona are run by idiots than that United are.

If I were Tito Vilanova, I'd resign if they expected me to start the season with only Song and Sergi Roberto as back-up in midfield.
Well they've got Mascherano too!


Mes que un Rag
Oct 19, 2010
La Côte, Suisse
Here's a thought...Stop playing the guy out of position.

He was never known for giving up possession nor unable to evade a player or two when he was at Arsenal...what happened since then? Song has always been a defensive minded player, in fact, he was a defender until Wenger moved him into a holding/defensive midfield role in 2007/2008. It's not quite rocket science what has happened to the Fabregas we all knew in the Premier League and what he's now asked to become at Barcelona. His correct position is where Xavi is playing and until that happens, he'll continue he the 'sub-par' player you're referring to.
And pattern our team after Arsenal? Uh, no thanks.

Even in Xavi's position, he is constantly dispossessed or intercepted - everyone seems to make the very stereotypical error of comparing apples to oranges when it comes to the Premiership & La Liga. Different league, team, style and responsibilities. He was formed into the player he is today (Or at Arsenal) at Barcelona, but he adapted his game to where it suited his strengths the best at Arsenal and in the Premiership. As good a player as I know he is, he is better back at Arsenal

I would've loved to have seen what could've been had Pep been able to get Rosell to land Thiago Silva a year earlier and make that 3-4-3 the next generation of tiki taka. There, Cesc's skills would've worked better. Now, he sticks out like a sore thumb a majority of the time and still isn't playing to his strengths. Shame because I don't see it improving anytime soon and yet that won't matter in any transfer possibility. With Thiago & without, which do you think was a more reasonable scenario to snare Cesc?

I see. That's a good insight, I never realised he was so far off your and NT's style. Do you think you might want to sell and replace him with someone else then?
If it were up to me? Would've loved to, before losing Thiago. Now? Even I can see the disaster that awaits if they lose both midfielders this quickly. Only club that could accomplish that is a belligerent Perez & the capital club. United have no chance in this, at this point. Assuming he even wants to leave.

I imagine you'd have prefered to keep Thiago then. If we didn't waste our time on him and came for Fabregas earlier it'd have been better for all sides - us because we'd be getting a midfielder and you because you'd find a way to convince Thiago to stay as without Fabregas he'd be getting more time.
Anyone who has seen even a few of my posts know I preferred Thiago, even before Cesc was brought back - I wanted nothing to do with Fabregas. But absolutely and I posted this at the outset of transfer season, even before most on here even believed Thiago was attainable. Once Thiago was posted in the mercado on MD and rumours were out there of a Cesc exit, I could see how it was going to play out. And, sadly, I was pretty confident it was going to turn out more or less like it has.


full member
Aug 10, 2007
We never bid for Thiago.
How do you know that?

if we didn't bid for Thiago, then it's a massive coincidence, or plain old dumb move by the club, that we've waited until after they sold him to Bayern to bid for Cesc.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
While I believe that the club makes a lot of unnecessary statements regarding transfer funds

What we don't get to read is how the journalists badger our officials until they're obliged to come out with these statements about our funds.


Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days
No, we'll say they did not want to sell AT ALL, no matter how high we were prepared to go. Moyes will probably tell us that midfielders of sufficient quality, real top players, simply weren't available even though we tried.

Seriously, there's no other explanation. Barcelona will laugh at a 25m bid for Fábregas - and more than likely they'd laugh at higher bids as well, considering they've just lost one of their central midfielders - and I imagine those in charge of our transfers know that. So they must have some reason for lodging a bid, if indeed they've done that. They can't seriously expect this alleged bid to be successful.
But what's the benefit? Are you suggesting we can't afford a top midfielder or don't have the ability to attract one? I don't get what it would achieve compared to how embarrassing it is.


Jan 7, 2009
How do you know that?

if we didn't bid for Thiago, then it's a massive coincidence, or plain old dumb move by the club, that we've waited until after they sold him to Bayern to bid for Cesc.
I don't think we officially made a bid for him because he chose Bayern. Had he intimated that he wanted to come here I'm sure we would've made one.

There's no doubt we were interested though.

The Neviller

New Member
Jul 26, 2011
Nev smash!!
Look, I can buy into this, if you're persistent: it's easier for me to accept that Barcelona are run by idiots than that United are.

If I were Tito Vilanova, I'd resign if they expected me to start the season with only Song and Sergi Roberto as back-up in midfield.
I've no idea whether we'll sign him or not. I'm not even sure if I care. I've no clue how Barca view him, or whether they'll want to sell him.

What I take issue with is this constant bullshit that comes from the fans that follow our club. Everything the club do is viewed with suspicion, and the club is constantly talked about, by United fans, as if it is some two-bit, amateur, second rate club, run by and employing idiots.

Again, nobody has managed to explain how this "PR exercise" makes any fecking sense. What does not signing players achieve, and how does a failed bid for Fabregas "appease fans" or make up for a failed bid for Thiago?

The Neviller

New Member
Jul 26, 2011
Nev smash!!
How do you know that?

if we didn't bid for Thiago, then it's a massive coincidence, or plain old dumb move by the club, that we've waited until after they sold him to Bayern to bid for Cesc.
Barcelona said they'd received no bids for him, no?


Prefers blue over red, loathed by Spurs fans
Jun 16, 2011
Man United fan
TN you can be quite thick at times when it comes to transfers. We were quite obviously seriously interested in Thiago, and he rejected us for Bayern. The day after, we bid for Fabregas. It's no surprise people are comparing the two transfers.


full member
Aug 10, 2007
Barcelona said they'd received no bids for him, no?
Did they?

Didn't his father also say we were close to agreeing terms?

We don't know either way if we did make a bid or not, just seems strange to me that we'd wait til now, the day after Thiago to Bayern is announced, to bid for Cesc, if there wasn't some other factor involved.


Full Member
Jul 1, 2013
The Republik
I've no idea whether we'll sign him or not. I'm not even sure if I care. I've no clue how Barca view him, or whether they'll want to sell him.

What I take issue with is this constant bullshit that comes from the fans that follow our club. Everything the club do is viewed with suspicion, and the club is constantly talked about, by United fans, as if it is some two-bit, amateur, second rate club, run by and employing idiots.

Again, nobody has managed to explain how this "PR exercise" makes any fecking sense. What does not signing players achieve, and how does a failed bid for Fabregas "appease fans" or make up for a failed bid for Thiago?
This is complete sense.

An official bid isn't as simple as ringing up and going 'we'll give you £25m for that Cesc kid'. A written offer will have had to have been drawn up.

With us already in touch recently (last year) with Cesc's agent, and probably recently in touch with Barca, do people really think we'd go to the trouble of drawing up an official offer and then leaking it to the press purely to appease fans, knowing we have zero chance? Knowing that we're just gonna look very weak when it gets rejected and then we end up with no-one? Rejected for two world class midfielders in the space of 5 days is much better than not doing anything publicly.

The Neviller

New Member
Jul 26, 2011
Nev smash!!
TN you can be quite thick at times when it comes to transfers. We were quite obviously seriously interested in Thiago, and he rejected us for Bayern. The day after, we bid for Fabregas. It's no surprise people are comparing the two transfers.
I'm not thick at all. With transfers or otherwise. I couldn't give a feck about them, truth be told.

And I'm so thick with transfers that I was banned from the Thiago thread for telling the rest of you stupid cnuts time and again that we weren't signing him. How thick was I. I got that one way wrong.


Prefers blue over red, loathed by Spurs fans
Jun 16, 2011
Man United fan
I'm not thick at all. With transfers or otherwise. I couldn't give a feck about them, truth be told.

And I'm so thick with transfers that I was banned from the Thiago thread for telling the rest of you stupid cnuts time and again that we weren't signing him. How thick was I. I got that one way wrong.

I was right too :cool:


Jul 30, 2008
I'm not thick at all. With transfers or otherwise. I couldn't give a feck about them, truth be told.

And I'm so thick with transfers that I was banned from the Thiago thread for telling the rest of you stupid cnuts time and again that we weren't signing him. How thick was I. I got that one way wrong.

Nev banned from Fabregas thread in 3...2...1...


I am Shitbeard.
Mar 26, 2008
If nothing else Im certainly enjoying barca players being tapped up/unsettled/any other word you like in the papers after watching them and RM do it for years.


New Member
Jun 17, 2013
We have no idea how long Fabregas has been the primary target. I'd highly doubt we'd bit €30m on the basis of a reactionary whim.

Everest Red

Reddest ever
Dec 10, 2009
The lack of Thiago stories from credible sources was concerning. And we have BBC reporting this far more unlikely story.

If we sign him, I'll support the NY Rangers next season-- not going to happen. This would be such a sweet transfer though. A finger to Arsenal(again), and in a sense, to Thiago and well everyone.

The Neviller

New Member
Jul 26, 2011
Nev smash!!
Did they?

Didn't his father also say we were close to agreeing terms?

We don't know either way if we did make a bid or not, just seems strange to me that we'd wait til now, the day after Thiago to Bayern is announced, to bid for Cesc, if there wasn't some other factor involved.
Did he? I've never heard his father speak. Where did he say this? Unless you're insinuating that Graham Hunter off of Twitter is his biological father?


Yaaas Broncos!
Apr 6, 2009
Nope, you're either wasting everybody's time or (far more likely) you haven't made a bid.

Seems unusual for so many sources to seemingly 'break' the story at the same time, including the beeb running with it, which they don't normally do based on nothing.
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