Man United appoint Moyes | Round, Woods, Lumsden, P Neville in; Giggs player/coach; Albert stays

Mr Anderson

Eats, shoots, leaves
Jul 6, 2009
Welcome Mr Moyes. Solid appointment. We needed stability after that blow of fergie leaving, think he will provide it. Think he will work close enough with fergie behind the scenes anyways for the start, well phonecalls here and there.


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
I don't get the harping on about his record against top teams. He's been the manager for a club that is always the underdog against top clubs and more often than not gives every top club a hard game.

Are there any managers out there that managed a not top club going to to a top club that had a good record against top clubs? It was not necessary for United to only consider coaches that had already coached for top clubs - am sure it was a consideration but, they've obviously looked at more important factors for the long term success of the club which is stability, work ethic, personality, how well they conduct themselves as the face of the club and the respect he'll garner from the players.

It is not a sexy appointment but, we didn't need that right now. Moyes will give United what they need right now - which is a manager that has proven loyalty, hard working, knows the Premier League and will keep with the morals/traditions of the club.

I am nervous yet excited for next season - a new chapter begins and have a feeling it will be quite a successful one. Welcome David Moyes - I certainly BELIEVE in you.
I don't get that particular hangup either. They are top clubs. As in: Quite good. It follows that nobody has an outstanding record against 'em. Let alone an outstanding away record, which is what people bang on about. We have a shabby enough away record against Chelsea ourselves, for instance: One win during Moyes' reign at Everton. And we ARE a top club.

If anything the record could be taken to demonstrate that Everton have been taken seriously by the top clubs during Moyes' years.

Barbara Charles

For the love of pickled beets
Jul 8, 2005
Philadelphia, USA
Nah that's bollocks.

True colours for what? Obviously these fans 'showing their true colours' care a great deal about the club, hence why they're not happy to just accept any old person, especially one who has hardly done anything worthy of managing the greatest club in the world, or has the experience of managing the greatest club in the world. They want the best for their club. There's nothing strange or weird about that. If they weren't proper fans they wouldn't give a shit. Posts like yours exist only to get one up over other people, 'look I'm a better fan than you, come round to my way of thinking or be known as the bad fan.'

People in having different opinions shocker.
Thank you for writing this.

Inigo Montoya

Leave Wayne Rooney alone!!
Oct 1, 2008
6 years? Blimey!

Well anyway good luck David and the best, now straighten that midfield out for us and put a good word in Fellaini's ear for us!
The thing is Fellaini is happier playing in midfield ,more in holding role, while obviously Rooney has not been happy there. Sign Fellaini and it will free up the attackers, and could see Rooney changing his decision


Full Member
Aug 20, 2003
Welcome Sir Dave!

I've no doubt before the six years is up it will be 24-6.


Full Member
Mar 2, 2011
Stretford End
Be interesting to see who he targets as his first signing. As mentioned before, its doubtful he will raid his old club. He has too much loyalty to do that.

However, what gets overlooked is that he actually has a good eye for talent abroad. Thats very rarely the case for Scottish/English managers. Will be interesting to see who he has in mind.


gets aroused by tagline boobs
Apr 24, 2002
Man United Manager David Moyes[/quote said:
“It’s a great honour to be asked to be the next Manager of Manchester United. I am delighted that Sir Alex saw fit to recommend me for the job. I have great respect for everything he has done and for the Football Club.

“I know how hard it will be to follow the best manager ever, but the opportunity to manage Manchester United isn’t something that comes around very often and I’m really looking forward to taking up the post next season.

“I have had a terrific job at Everton, with a tremendous chairman and Board of Directors and a great set of players. Between now and the end of the season, I will do everything in my power to make sure we finish as high as possible in the table.

“Everton’s fantastic fans have played a big part in making my years at Goodison so enjoyable and I thank them wholeheartedly for the support they have given me and the players. Everton will be close to me for the rest of my life.”
Understatement of the Century, that's what happens when you use cliches.


Full Member
Nov 12, 2008
Reichenbach Falls
In all that time he got far more right than wrong and apparently the board that met unanimously went for Moyes,it wasn't a singular random decision
As I said before, this appointment has been long in the making. Fergie marked out Moyes during his time at Preston. My biggest fear - and it's irrational, is that we'd make the same mistakes we did when Busby called it quits. I'm glad we've taken the far-sighted approach. Moyes has served a very tough apprenticeship at Goodison and hasn't been found wanting. With the resources available to him, Fergie's wisdom not being the least of these, he has every reason to expect a successful tenure as manager.

We are not an aging side as we were in 1970. Fergie has laid the foundations for the next 4-year cycle. It's what Moyes does when that ends that should be judged on. That's why he's been given 6 years.

Inigo Montoya

Leave Wayne Rooney alone!!
Oct 1, 2008
I detect a whiff of sexist stereotyping in this post.

Barbara should clobber you with her handbag, smother you in her huge breasts, and gouge your eyes out with her stiletto heeled shoes.
While tying me up with her fishnet stockings

Does she really have hge breasts? Not that I!:D


Erroneously Promoted
Nov 30, 2012
He handpicked Moyes just like he handpicked our team to face City at the Etihad last season, he doesn't always make perfect decisions.
The feck? Alright then going by that moronic logic, he handpicked our side against Everton last season in the 4-4 which cost us the league. He hand picked our side in August when Moyes' Everton bossed us and we were lucky to get away with a 1-0 loss.

All fecking irrelevant.

The Neviller

New Member
Jul 26, 2011
Nev smash!!
They obviously think they know better than Sir Alex and the L.M.A.
Why does stuff like this keep getting flung out as a stick to beat people with because Moyes wasn't their first choice? It doesn't make you look any better a fan than those you're digging at, in spite of what you might think.

An Irish Red

New Member
Sep 25, 2009
Ros Earcáin/Tuaim/an Baile Meánach
They obviously think they know better than Sir Alex and the L.M.A.
Fergie, as great as he is, isn't infallible.

There's nothing wrong with thinking a manager, who a substantial amount of Everton fans think is too negative, and who has no experience of winning trophies, is not the right man for this club. That doesn't make anyone less of a fan.


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
It's hilarious to see Liverpool fans laugh at us for appointing Moyes when their last two appointments have been a manager whose last job was 10 years ago and a manager whose biggest achievement was achieving promotion with a Swansea team assembled by other manager, and they gave a lot of support to both.


Full Member
Mar 18, 2012
Eboue's Nightmares
Fergie, as great as he is, isn't infallible.

There's nothing wrong with thinking a manager, who a substantial amount of Everton fans think is too negative, and who has no experience of winning trophies, is not the right man for this club. That doesn't make anyone less of a fan.
That's likely just a few fans talking shit though. That'd be like coming on here and taking some of the muppets comments as serious talk. We've seen United fans say ridiculous shit about Fergie when he was in charge, you wouldn't go and take those shit opinions as the gospel though.

Moyes setup to play to the strengths of the players he had at Everton. There's a big difference at Manchester United...he's got a squad in a completely different league and can basically sign almost any player he wants.

Inigo Montoya

Leave Wayne Rooney alone!!
Oct 1, 2008
It's hilarious to see Liverpool fans laugh at us for appointing Moyes when their last two appointments have been a manager whose last job was 10 years ago and a manager whose biggest achievement was achieving promotion with a Swansea team assembled by other manager, and they gave a lot of support to both.
But, but...... Brendan invented football, and Moyes is a one dimensional long ball merchant


Executive Manager being kept sane only by her madn
Jun 5, 2000
He seems a bit bland, but maybe he's had a lot to be bland about. ;) It's like losing a parent and having a new step-parent to get used to.

WIll judge him on what kind of football we play.

Hope everyone gets behind him.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
OOOH! You Top Red you, how could you?;)
:lol::lol: It's just that this is not a spur of a moment choice. He has been watching Moyes for years and had him earmarked for his job. No matter how much charm offensive Jose tried to use. Will be interesting to see how nice Jose is about us next season.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
It's hilarious to see Liverpool fans laugh at us for appointing Moyes when their last two appointments have been a manager whose last job was 10 years ago and a manager whose biggest achievement was achieving promotion with a Swansea team assembled by other manager, and they gave a lot of support to both.
and Everton are finishing higher in the league than them.

MDFC Manager

Full Member
Dec 26, 2005
He seems a bit bland, but maybe he's had a lot to be bland about. ;) It's like losing a parent and having a new step-parent to get used to.

WIll judge him on what kind of football we play.

Hope everyone gets behind him.
I think most people, even the ones that arent really happy about the appointment, will get behind him to start with. And thinking about it, we've still got a solid squad and likely will be adding to it. So i dont really think things will turn out too bad in any case for him to not get continued support.