
Finally got round to watching the series. They're absolutely hilarious.
Finally got round to watching the series. They're absolutely hilarious.

3rd series was shite right about when the show got a lot more popular, always happens. Same with little britain, just glad the office didn't do it.
I'm still on series 2, but I'm hoping that there's still some humour that I can enjoy in the 3rd series anyway.
It's exactly the same, it's just that the same jokes get boring. The film is essentially a best bits of the series re-done. Just forget that you laughed at exactly the same joke before and it's fine.
It's exactly the same, it's just that the same jokes get boring. The film is essentially a best bits of the series re-done. Just forget that you laughed at exactly the same joke before and it's fine.

I thought the film was absolutely shite.
I'll probably still enjoy the 3rd series. I am the sort of person who can get laughs out of something, even if it is rather repetitive.
The show got immensely popular way before season 3.....I mean they had already planned for a film before they even wrote 3 because of the hype and feedback 2 got.
The show got immensely popular way before season 3.....I mean they had already planned for a film before they even wrote 3 because of the hype and feedback 2 got.

It was popular before season 3 but I reckon most of their glory came around season 3.
I watched the third series and still found it incredibly funny, even if it was a little bit repeptitive. The camping one was definitely the best of the lot.
It became too slapstick. The camping one where they're all projectile vomiting summed it up for me. Was funny, isn't now.
It was very popular by the second series, however the third series was when it became incredibly popular. The first series was quite low in it's timeslot, while the second series had one or two episodes that were first in their timeslot. The third series completely dominated it's timeslot.
Should have followed The Office and quit after the second series. Maybe throw in the odd special.
If it is true, it'll probably revolve around university with the same recycled jokes.
They'd be far better off making the odd movie. That seemed to find a good audience.
Hope it isn't true... Will still watch it anyway :D
A 4th series will probably ruin it with old, recycled jokes, however I'd still watch it and probably laugh anyway, so you won't find me complaining at all.
All I can think about when someone mentions the third season is that horrifically unfunny projectile vomiting they did. Shitty slapstick humour.
Third season was a drop off and the film was pretty poor I thought. A new season would no doubt be terrible but make money so they'll probably do it.
The third season was when they went for "funny things people do (but actually don't) on weed" gags isn't it? Yeah it was shit.
They're off at University now aren't they? I guess one-off specials could work but not a whole new series.
There fecking closer to 30 now. Should still be funny.
Third season was a drop off and the film was pretty poor I thought. A new season would no doubt be terrible but make money so they'll probably do it.

Yup, first two seasons were ace and when everyone had clicked on to it they went to shit.
Is that Buckley kid already so strapped for work that dropping hints to new Inbetweeners is the only way he can get his name out there?

Kinda feels like when random bit part actors from the Sopranos say "David (Chase), has called me about the Sopranos, telling me he's working on a film" or something, when he's clearly not, it always comes from actors who are struggling or have had financial problems.

Logic says they'll only do films now, a series makes no sense whatsoever after raking in £50m before DVD sales. That's incredible really. Even 2 series wouldn't match that kind of profit.
I reckon 4 or 5 more episodes wouldn't be too bad if they were all done as like one off things and centered around one of the characters each time. Will and Simon doing uni, Jay working with his dad and Neil doing err...something. They could have a fifth where they all meet up again for something but they've ruined any chance of that working with the shitty end to that film.
Logic says they'll only do films now, a series makes no sense whatsoever after raking in £50m before DVD sales. That's incredible really. Even 2 series wouldn't match that kind of profit.

Unless they improve the quality of any films they make they will be lucky to break even soon. The film traded by heavily on the loyalty of those who watched the series and that loyalty disappears very quickly if you produce rubbish.

Series 3 was quite poor and the movie was really quite shit. A few good laughs if you were a bit drunk (which I was when watching it) but as a film rubbish.
Unless they improve the quality of any films they make they will be lucky to break even soon. The film traded by heavily on the loyalty of those who watched the series and that loyalty disappears very quickly if you produce rubbish.

Series 3 was quite poor and the movie was really quite shit. A few good laughs if you were a bit drunk (which I was when watching it) but as a film rubbish.

I don't really know what you are arguing for or against here, a sequel could cost twice as much and take in twice as little and still be more profitable than a 6 episode series. I agreed that the third series and film weren't good except the odd chuckle, but that didn't stop them getting their best ratings, and people going to the movie and coming back to buy the DVD/Blu in huge numbers too.

Also, any films profits would equal a bigger budget for Film4 for future films, so yeah, another plus there. Always good to see British productions out there.