
I don't really know what you are arguing for or against here, a sequel could cost twice as much and take in twice as little and still be more profitable than a 6 episode series. I agreed that the third series and film weren't good except the odd chuckle, but that didn't stop them getting their best ratings, and people going to the movie and coming back to buy the DVD/Blu in huge numbers too.

Also, any films profits would equal a bigger budget for Film4 for future films, so yeah, another plus there. Always good to see British productions out there.

I just think that another film would be a bit of a gamble give how ordinary the first one was. I for one wouldn't pay cash to see it. And unless there is a massive quality improvement the 3rd and subsequent installment would probably be marginally profitable (at best) straight to video offerings. British comedy series converted to film is rarely a satisfying experience.
Picture of us remake

Simon, Will, Neil and Jay

Looks awful

So, this Will guy. He's the main character right?


So he's, like, handsome right?

No he's a sort of awkward dorky type character.

Yeah, yeah, right.. but he's handsome.

Well, not really no. It's better if he's unusual looking.

Yeah, yeah, right. Unusually handsome.

Erm, well, no. He's suposed to look like a plain, dorky, outcast.

Gotcha. We'll put him in a preppy jacket.

That's not really what we're going for. He should look more like the guy that played McLovin.

McLovin doesn't look good in a jacket.

Well that's sort of the...

Good. Now, the fat one.

Erm, there isn't really a fat one.

There's gotta be a fat one. The funny one. He's the fat one. The fat one's always the funny one. Like Jonah Hill. Is Jonah Hill available?

Erm, I don't think so. Also he's about 29.


And I think he's thin now.

Ok, we'll come back to that. Girls?


Are there girls?


Slutty girls?

Well, some of ..

Good. I'll get someone from 90210 casting on it.

Erm, its'....well...I think they should just look like normal kids.

Jeez. Don't you know anything about television? They should all look like 25 year old porn stars.

Should they?

Yes. And I want to audition all of them personally. And bring me more coke dammit!!
Why does everything have to have a US remake, are they all too fecking stupid and ignorant to watch something from another English speaking country?
I'm looking forward to their remake of Only Fools & Horses with Trigger re-imagined as a street wise fast talking conman. That surely can't fail!
One of the reasons why this couldn't work as well, asides from the obvious fact that it's American TV and not British, is the drinking age limit and school system.

So, this Will guy. He's the main character right?


So he's, like, handsome right?

No he's a sort of awkward dorky type character.

Yeah, yeah, right.. but he's handsome.

Well, not really no. It's better if he's unusual looking.

Yeah, yeah, right. Unusually handsome.

Erm, well, no. He's suposed to look like a plain, dorky, outcast.

Gotcha. We'll put him in a preppy jacket.

That's not really what we're going for. He should look more like the guy that played McLovin.

McLovin doesn't look good in a jacket.

Well that's sort of the...

Good. Now, the fat one.

Erm, there isn't really a fat one.

There's gotta be a fat one. The funny one. He's the fat one. The fat one's always the funny one. Like Jonah Hill. Is Jonah Hill available?

Erm, I don't think so. Also he's about 29.


And I think he's thin now.

Ok, we'll come back to that. Girls?


Are there girls?


Slutty girls?

Well, some of ..

Good. I'll get someone from 90210 casting on it.

Erm, its'....well...I think they should just look like normal kids.

Jeez. Don't you know anything about television? They should all look like 25 year old porn stars.

Should they?

Yes. And I want to audition all of them personally. And bring me more coke dammit!!

I reckon I'm the only fecker who doesn't get this!

I think it's shite but everyone I know loves it. I'm definately missing something.
This is going to be bad, really don't get why they can't watch a original program. I have recently only just got into the Inbetweeners but it's one of the funniest (US or British) shows for years. The movie was quality and probably good enough to be a stand alone movie without the series since I know people who have watched that without watching the series and loved it.

God that is disgusting isn't it. Can it be anything but horrifically wrong in every single way? I don't even want to think about what they will do to the characters. Absolute blasphemy!

I didn't think the Inbetweeners was all that either to be honest. Not that that anyway. The first 2 seasons were funny. The 3rd and the movie pretty meh. It was one of the better recent UK comedies though.

I agree I think they ran out of steam a bit, but I've been watching a lot of The Peep Show lately and you wouldn't half be surprised at how similar Will (Inbetweeners) & Mark (Peep Show) are, it's like the same character at different stages of his life.
Peep Show is vastly superior though. Towards the end of the Inbetweeners they fell back on relying on silly tropes like people being crazy on weed and not knowing what a blow job was at 18.
Oh without doubt, Peep Show is one of my all time favourites. I think they are going to show a new series of it later this year, can't wait.
Is Peep Show even comparable? it's on an entirely different level to The Inbetweeners. Probably the best British comedy of the last 2 decades.
I wasn't comparing the shows just noting a spooky (some might say cynical?) similarity between the two characters.
I'm surprised they haven't made a US version of Peep Show. It's a far more innovative concept for a start. Rather than just "outcast kids do stupid things at school" which could've been dreamed up by anyone and made without needing to license it.

Bizarrely they tried in 2005, but didn't make it POV, which basically defeats the entire purpose.
Peep Show is vastly superior though. In my opinion anyway. Towards the end of the Inbetweeners they fell back on relying on silly tropes like people being crazy on weed and not knowing what a blow job was at 18.

I agree with this, I enjoyed the Inbetweeners first couple of seasons, probably helped that I was 16/17 when it came out. The third season was absolutely shite.

The US version looks like an absolute abomination.
I agree with this, I enjoyed the Inbetweeners first couple of seasons, probably helped that I was 16/17 when it came out. The third season was absolutely shite.

The US version looks like an absolute abomination.

Looks like and IS. Just like every US remake of british tv. As a general rule of thumb UK and US senses of humour are just different, and what is funny here doesnt always, if ever translate well.
Looks like and IS. Just like every US remake of british tv. As a general rule of thumb UK and US senses of humour are just different, and what is funny here doesnt always, if ever translate well.

Not entirely. The Office was great, Shameless is good, but that's mainly because they've taken them in different directions instead of just trying to copy them outright and add a bit of American cheese to it.

Like Mockney said, there's be nothing wrong with taking the concept of shows like Peep Show and The Office, it's making carbon copies of them that's the problem, such as that god awful IT Crowd pilot they made.
Not entirely. The Office was great, Shameless is good, but that's mainly because they've taken them in different directions instead of just trying to copy them outright and add a bit of American cheese to it.

Like Mockney said, there's be nothing wrong with taking the concept of shows like Peep Show and The Office, it's making carbon copies of them that's the problem, such as that god awful IT Crowd pilot they made.

Im going to have to disagree there, I didnt enjoy either, but thats just down to personal preference, plus my irrational dislike for anything being remade because of a lack of original ideas :):)
I thought American Pie was their version of inbetweeners . The U.S already has so many geek=cool movies that it's not exactly going to be anything that they haven't already seen.