Favourite character

Laughing Man

Awesome series.


Livia Soprano.

Not sure if srs
Why would someone not be serious about Livia Soprano? Fantastic character, in the grand scheme of things, probably top 3 most important in the series.
I thought he was great too. Obviously not Luca or Doug, but still a great character. Shame he went into meltdown so early

Thinking about it, the majority of ER's characters were very well developed. It was a shame that they were so set on making Carter the lead man, as I always found him comparatively dull and unlikeable as a character. Especially in the latter series when he became smug and political.
Thinking about it, the majority of ER's characters were very well developed. It was a shame that they were so set on making Carter the lead man, as I always found him comparatively dull and unlikeable as a character. Especially in the latter series when he became smug and political.

I found him quite sweet really but he suffered by comparison the Doug and Luca
( but then a lot would really )
Awesome series.

Not sure if srs

Bit of a late and random reply (was scrolling through this thread to get ideas for a series to watch), but why not? She was amazing in The Sopranos! Could watch clips of the scenes with her and Tony in over and over again.
Bit of a late and random reply (was scrolling through this thread to get ideas for a series to watch), but why not? She was amazing in The Sopranos! Could watch clips of the scenes with her and Tony in over and over again.

She was on the show far too long. I get why she's an important and necessary character but feck me I cringed to death almost everytime she appeared on the screen.
She was on the show far too long. I get why she's an important and necessary character but feck me I cringed to death almost everytime she appeared on the screen.

Maybe so, but she was fantastic in the first season. Absolutely bat-shit mental.

"Your father was a saint..." :D
Livia wasn't in the Sopranos long enough....no coincidence that her loss coincides with the show dipping in quality a tiny bit. Chase had planned for her up until about season 4*. 4 suffers more without her as I believe he had it planned for her to die in that series so a pretty big plot needed to be filled there and you can definitely feel it as it probably has the most filler stuff from any season, 3 she was so be a witness against Tony.

* Possibly longer considering he only wanted the show to be 4 seasons in the first place -_-
Olek 'The Damned' Skilgannon (White Wolf by David Gemell)

He was cool character, most people prefer Druss but I prefer him, I like an element of darkness to characters. Gets a bit emo at times but happens to the best of us.

Kain (Legacy of Kain - Eidos)


I'm usually not into vampires, they annoy me, but this guy, he owns. Especially in the later games he really starts to rock, he's a son of a bitch, almost bi-polar with his decision making but the voice acting for him is so superb you hardly notice him. I think at one point a character is sent to kill him and is urged not to let him speak, because he'll talk his way out. He's a sneaky, backstabbing, arrogant, ruthless and downright viscous bastard that is ultimately sort of the good guy in the story and you quickly end up rooting for him.