What I fail to understand is how some of the people they ripped off failed to realise it at the time. That guy who wrote Dazed and Confused only realized 17 years later! What planet was he living on?
I remember listening to the beginning guitar intro of Starway to Heaven on some youtube soundclip of a song from the 50's/60's.
Taurus by Spirit?
Still fecking awesome though, so they sampled shit and made it better?
Today we'd call that Hip-Hop.
Still fecking awesome though, so they sampled shit and made it better?
Today we'd call that Hip-Hop.
Awesome at putting songs together based on other's ideas and of course good at their respective instruments (including the brilliant Robert Plant with his vocals) but obviously lacking in the ability to genuinely come up with great music on their own (if this is true because I haven't researched heavily into it nor read that article YET).
Meh... music is all about influence. Unless you're Pink Floyd.
I like some of Zeppelins songs but Metallica and ACDC are more epic IMHO.
Now I see why you dislike hip-hop in general...
Meh... music is all about influence. Unless you're Pink Floyd.
I like some of Zeppelins songs but Metallica and ACDC are more epic IMHO.
I've got a confession...I don't like The Beatles, Mockers. Mike probably loves them though....white artists playing black music's fine, but a black person playing black music is a totally no-no.
I really dont care, their music is simply outstanding. There are more cover versions and samplings out there than you can know- most probably music you love has been covered sampled somewhere along the line. It is all about making something sound different. I dont understand bands that cover songs just to make them sound exactly the same- Handbags and the gladrags covered by Sterophonics for example.
I've got a confession...I don't like The Beatles, Mockers. Mike probably loves them though....white artists playing black music's fine, but a black person playing black music is a totally no-no.
What about George Harrison and his My Sweet Lord rip off? That was as blatant as it gets and he lost in court.