Led Zeppelin - greatest cover band ever?

fecking hell I knew they ripped off all thse old blues guys but I didn't realise they nicked just about everything else.
I knew it was bad but I didn't know it was that bad.
I remember listening to the beginning guitar intro of Starway to Heaven on some youtube soundclip of a song from the 50's/60's.
I was going through their stuff a few weeks ago on Youtube....and to cut a long story short their plagiarism has been covered in detail on YT.

What I fail to understand is how some of the people they ripped off failed to realise it at the time. That guy who wrote Dazed and Confused only realized 17 years later! What planet was he living on?
Taurus by Spirit?

Yes, Taurus by Spirit.

But isn't all early rock n roll derived from Blues music? By those standards The Rolling Stones, Elvis, Dylan are all fraudsters as well. Who cares ... LZ are still the dog's bollocks IMHO.
Still fecking awesome though, so they sampled shit and made it better?

Today we'd call that Hip-Hop.
Isn't there a difference between sampling and taking someone else's song and passing it off as your own?

But you're right in that it won't change anything for fans of the band. Kind of like how you might still eat chicken nuggets even after you know how they're made or whatever.
Still fecking awesome though, so they sampled shit and made it better?

Today we'd call that Hip-Hop.

Awesome at putting songs together based on other's ideas and of course good at their respective instruments (including the brilliant Robert Plant with his vocals) but obviously lacking in the ability to genuinely come up with great music on their own (if this is true because I haven't researched heavily into it nor read that article YET).
They've basically stolen whole chord structures and lyrics verbatim and then didn't credit the original artists, instead putting their names as the writers, and collecting the royalties.. It's hugely damaging to their reputation Adzzz. It's not like they're rapping over it, or changing the genre, they are actually just stealing songs. And it seems like virtually all of them too. It's a bit bonkers
5 minutes into this and it's just fecking nuts.

I used to love 'Baby I'm going to leave you'.


Still fecking awesome though, so they sampled shit and made it better?

Today we'd call that Hip-Hop.

Recording other artists' songs, word for word and note for note, and not crediting them? Nah, that's thievery today, too.
I'm not sure what's more shocking about this; the fact that they actually thought they could get away with it for so long, or the fact that they ACTUALLY DID.

It's mind boggling.
Actually, Melody Maker and Rolling Stone ripped them for this back in the 70s. In fact, music critics in general were particularly brutal to them over the plagiarism on their first album.
Awesome at putting songs together based on other's ideas and of course good at their respective instruments (including the brilliant Robert Plant with his vocals) but obviously lacking in the ability to genuinely come up with great music on their own (if this is true because I haven't researched heavily into it nor read that article YET).

Now I see why you dislike hip-hop in general...
There are lots of examples of things like this throughout the 60s & 70s though. A lot of the great songs were ripped in some way or other from other songs and other bands, usually ones who had toured together. It's just that in this instance it seems to be virtually every song, and in quite a brazen way...And of course taking sole credit (and thus royalties) from songs (or even bits of songs) that they obviously didn't write.

Hotel California, for example, is based on this Jethro Tull song, with whom the Eagles used to tour.

It seems like all my favourite artists are being accused of plagiarism lately. First the deal with Dylan and his paintings and now with Led Zep. Well atleast the Led Zep thing is ages old ... it's been going on since the 70's like Lance mentioned.
The best thing about that thread is how angry people got when you said you didn't like their favorite band.


Read the 35 pages.
Meh... music is all about influence. Unless you're Pink Floyd.

I like some of Zeppelins songs but Metallica and ACDC are more epic IMHO.
Meh... music is all about influence. Unless you're Pink Floyd.

I like some of Zeppelins songs but Metallica and ACDC are more epic IMHO.

Ignorant statement. Lots of artists make good, quality, original music and aren't called Pink Floyd. Besides, there is a difference between influence and stealing. Loads of artists have been influenced by Michael Jackson's brand of pop and his general sound but to copy his tunes/melodies/riffs/beats is a completely different matter.
To be fair, Pink Floyd were amazing. And Mike agrees....Wish You Were Here's one of the best albums, ever, if not the best.

But for now, let the Led Zep backlash continue.
I've got a confession...I don't like The Beatles, Mockers. Mike probably loves them though....white artists playing black music's fine, but a black person playing black music is a totally no-no.
I really dont care, their music is simply outstanding. There are more cover versions and samplings out there than you can know- most probably music you love has been covered sampled somewhere along the line. It is all about making something sound different. I dont understand bands that cover songs just to make them sound exactly the same- Handbags and the gladrags covered by Sterophonics for example.
I've got a confession...I don't like The Beatles, Mockers. Mike probably loves them though....white artists playing black music's fine, but a black person playing black music is a totally no-no.

Indeed I am listening to white people playing black music right now. The Black Keys no less.
I really dont care, their music is simply outstanding. There are more cover versions and samplings out there than you can know- most probably music you love has been covered sampled somewhere along the line. It is all about making something sound different. I dont understand bands that cover songs just to make them sound exactly the same- Handbags and the gladrags covered by Sterophonics for example.

Yes, but when the Stereophonics covered Handbags & Gladrags, they didn't credit themselves as the sole writers of the song and collect all the royalties for it, did they?

I've got a confession...I don't like The Beatles, Mockers. Mike probably loves them though....white artists playing black music's fine, but a black person playing black music is a totally no-no.

Racist. The Beatles weren't black.
I've never agreed with the Echoes/Phantom of the Opera rip, even though Rogers bangs on about it. It's just running up and down the scale, and it's not even all of the same riff. That one can be put down to coincidence if you ask me. Similarities are inevitable in all music. But when a group rips entire songs/lyrics verbatim, it's different to just nicking the opening riff to a T-Rex song, ey Noel?

It's silly to have Lloyd Webber at No1 on that list for "stealing" small bits of melodies here and there and have Zep at No4 for nicking entire sons & lyrics and taking full credit for them.
What about George Harrison and his My Sweet Lord rip off? That was as blatant as it gets and he lost in court.
I reckon subconscious "stealing" goes on a lot too. Plus if someone tried to earnestly write something that was completely and utterly original, chances are it would sound fecking herpes.