Know-It-All Champion May 2009
1. Waffles
2. Waffles
3. Waffles
I fecking love waffles.
2. Waffles
3. Waffles
I fecking love waffles.
What are your favorite top 3 somethings about something?
Mine are (in order)...
Pressing A-B-B-A to cheat at Aladdin on the Megadrive.
That girl who played Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
Ok now you go.
I don't actually like that girl who played Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I made it up to be funny in an abstract kind of a way Nana. I much preferred Christina Ricci. But she wasn't funny. Though she did have very big eyes and a huge forehead. Still does in fact. Only now she's got big tits too.
1. The sound a kit-kat makes when you snap it in two.
2. Those first few seconds after your team scores a goal.
3. Finding money. Of any kind. Doesn't matter if it's five quid or a penny.
How do you know for sure?