Your top 3 favourite gaming platforms of all time?

3: C64 Nuff said

2: Atari ST.....never had an Amiga, but this did everything the Amiga could.

1: PS3 all the way baby
3: C64 Nuff said

2: Atari ST.....never had an Amiga, but this did everything the Amiga could.

1: PS3 all the way baby

My mate had an Atari ST. They were around before the Amiga and were really good for producing music on (aparantly).

The Amiga is what caused the ST's decline though, it outsold it by quite a high margin.
My mate had an Atari ST. They were around before the Amiga and were really good for producing music on (aparantly).

The Amiga is what caused the ST's decline though, it outsold it by quite a high margin.

Change were for still are and you are spot on, alot of people still use them for this.
Someone I know wants to buy a good console. Select one

PS3 vs XBox 360 vs latest Wii

Not an avid gamer. Wants to enjoy games rather than play them 24x7
What genres does he like most?

If he likes third and first person shooters, realistic racers/driving games, WRPGs and strategy games then Xbox 360 (well PC really for the strategy games but out of the three). If he likes platformers, point-and-click games and rail shooters then Wii. If he likes a mix of realistic* and non-realistic* racers, action games and JRPGs then PS3.

IMO anyway.

By realistic racers I mean stuff like Forza and GT etc, and by non-realistic I mean games like Motorstorm and Wipeout etc. I don't know the proper names for them :o
Just tell him to get all three, they're cheap enough now :D There are games that shouldn't be missed on each console.

BTW, by the "latest Wii" I thought you meant THIS, but I just thought you might have mean the upcoming Wii U. If so, ignore what I said since that's not out until sometime next year.
1. PC - better than everything else basically. More power, better input, better multiplayer, mods for games, tinker with games settings. The lot. Battlefield 2, UT2004, GTA San Andreas Multiplayer. So many hours of my life lost.

2/3 tied

Gamecube - Loved this as a spotty youth in high school. Smash Bros Melee, F Zero GX, Mario Sunshine, Rogue Leader. Delightful.

Nintendo 64 - got this when I was seven and lost most of my childhood to it. Mario 64, Lylat Wars, Smash Bros, Banjo Kazooie 1 and 2, Diddy Kong Racing, Shadows of the Empire, Rogue Squadron... I want my youth back!

Was tempted to put xbox360 third but was hesitant because theres nothing really that I play on it that I can't on computer except for Ace Combat and Halo.