Your top 3 favourite gaming platforms of all time?

Plan M

New Member
Aug 6, 2008
★ ★ ★
What gaming platforms have given you the most joy over the decades? List your top 3 and why.

1. Amiga 500

I was lucky enough to have the Amiga bought for me when I was in school. It was a fantastic machine with some really enjoyable titles - it was the first time I ever tried The Secret of Monkey Island and Beneath A Steel Sky. It also had classics such as Batman The Caped Crusader, Robocod, New Zealand Story and Populous. Yes, these games appeared on formats such as the ZX Spectrum but the Amiga had the quicker loading disks and superior graphics to anything else that was around at the time.

2. Playstation

I bought the Playstation when I was in college on the day it was released. It came bundled with just a demo disk featuring games like Formula 1. It took me a while to buy my first game, I remember going to HMV on Christmas Eve and picked up Wipeout and Tomb Raider with Xmas cash I had been given and was blown away! For me, the Playstation had the most varied and exciting collection of gaming titles to choose from. I remember playing the original Pro Evolution Soccer on the Playstation too (I think it was ISS wasn't it?) and was blown away.

3. Nintendo Entertainment System

Where it all started for me. My humble ZX Spectrum didn't make the cut because there were far too many niggles with it such as loading times and games simply not working a lot of the time. The NES is where I first experience Super Mario Brothers and the superb Mega Man 2 (which would be in my all time favourite games list if I had one). There were so many amazing titles to play on this machine - my friends all bought Megadrives and used to make fun of me cause I still played my NES but I didn't care; it was a fantastic machine; albeit an ugly one!

(The later machines i.e. Playstation 2 and Xbox 360 didn't make my top 3 list because I'm older and don't play games as much as I did when I had more time free as a kid therefore don't enjoy games as much as I did back in the glory days :lol: )
For quality of games for me the current generation of Ps3 and Xbox is number 1

But for most joy and mainly looking back for nostalgic reasons I would say

1. Ps3

Gotta go with the current one. The immersive experiences in today's gaming surpass anything that's been made before, and if you've ever gone back to the early 2000s FIFA games, there's no doubt that we've come a long way since then.

2. Nes

My first love... I remember getting it at age six, playing Super Mario and failing to complete the first level the first few tries because I was unaware of there being a button you could hold in order to run and thus extend your jumps. Imagine that! A time when one didn't know there was such a thing.

3. Ps

The first proper generational leap in consoles. Again, I was fairly young, and I fondly recall the adverts with the science-y angle, warning us about the menaces of the Playstation....... God, how I anticipated the PS' arrival :)
3. ZX Sepctrum 128k+
the machine that started it all for me, where my life long love of gaming began.
cassette based games had so much charm, the psychadelic loading sounds and flashing lights, the anticipation that accompanied every attempted load and the exhiliration when they actually managed to. Personal highlights include Way of the Exploding Fist, Oh Mummy, Colin the Cleaner and Hero Quest

2. Mega Drive
My first console and all time favourite xmas present. i appreciate now that the snes was better in pretty much every way but at the time i was firmly in the sega camp and defended it ferociously. Personal highlights include The Immortal, Fifa, Flashback and Another World

tempted to go with PS3 which does everything this does only bigger and better but the PS2 was a monster of a games console. literally everyone i have ever known owned one (or two) and the catalogue of games was immeasurable. Towards the end of its life it was producing games that wouldn't look entirely out of place on the current generation. Probably the greatest console ever made. Personal highlights include ISS Pro, FFVII, GOWII and Vice City
3. ZX Sepctrum 128k+
the machine that started it all for me, where my life long love of gaming began.
cassette based games had so much charm, the psychadelic loading sounds and flashing lights, the anticipation that accompanied every attempted load and the exhiliration when they actually managed to. Personal highlights include Way of the Exploding Fist, Oh Mummy, Colin the Cleaner and Hero Quest

My first machine as well. I wish I had it in my top 3 instead of the NES now thinking about it.

I didn't leave the house for about 2 weeks when I was bought it for Xmas back in the 80s.
Playstation 2
Had consoles before this one, but the PS2 was the one that got me addicted to gaming.

Original Gameboy
Super Mario, Tetris, Pokemon...

Sega Megadrive
First console, 'nuff said.
1> PS2 - Bought one when they first game out, and although I was never a game addict there was so many really playable games. My favs were GT3, GTA, Need for Speed and Medal of Honour Frontline.

2> Amiga 600. The only regret was I was too late to get a 500 which was a superior machine. Like the PS2 so much playability in the games. Sensible Soccer, Lemmings, Sim City, Worms, and my all time fav, Cannon Fodder.

3> PS3. I've only recently invested in this and so far I've only really played Black Ops. What a game though in comparison to anything else I've played. I'll get a racing game next, and that may push it up the list.

Does anyone else remember cannon fodder??
Dreamcast - Quake III online, RE: CV etc etc.
N64 - G/eye etc.
PSOne - Pro Evo etc.
1) PC. Master race and smug as hell about it.

2) N64. I was young so my memory of it may be bossed by revisionism but I remember it as being a huge technological step forward. It had excellent games and just seemed to be so suited for everyone. I'd like to highlight I never even owned one.

3) GBC. If only for Pokemon games. It was portable, ran on batteries and had colour. What a machine. Again, I was young and can't remember any predecessors or competition (bar the non-colour GB) but it just seemed to be the only option, not for a lack of competition but because it was so perfect. I mean, honestly, everyone seemed to have one and no-one lost enthusiasm for it. The games were constantly made and consistently good.

...I fear my list has been clouded by my childhood memories. I owned a PS2 which was awesome, as well. Probably better than my original grey box PS1.
Amiga; the daddy for me

N64; Zelda and Banjo, Fzero x diddy kong racing.

Xbox; Original one really opened new gaming doors console wise with xbox live. PGR2, Rainbow six, ghost recon Halo 2 refined online play and are all better than the recent incarnations minus the graphics obviously.

The original PlayStation deserves a mention too but had to go for n64 in that era.
Amstrad CPC 464 with colour screen - Not as popular as the C64 or the speccy at the time but IMO was better than both.

Amiga 500+ - Loved this machine, this is probably the machine I spent most time gaming on.

Xbox 360 - Not as good graphically or in terms of raw power as the PS3 but IMO is far superior when playing online & tbh nowadays I spend more time online playing than I do offline.
1) Dreamcast
2) N64
3) Xbox 360, just edging out the Super Nintendo. Just.

I also loved my Sega Nomad. It blew my mind that I could carry around my Sega Genesis games and play them in the car and such.
1. Amiga 500. Fantastic machine, a multitude of great games and Sensible Soccer.

2. Sega Megadrive. My first foray into the world of consoles. FIFA, EA Hockey, Streets of Rage of 2, Golden it!

3. PS2. Just pips the PS3 for a few reasons. The PS2 was an impulse buy and I loved it. It was my first DVD player, it got me hooked to Pro Evo (when it was still great), GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas were 3 of the most enjoyable and fun gaming experiences I have ever had. The catalogue of games for it was amazing and there was always something new to try.

On the subject of Cannon Fodder, I purchased an Amiga magazine that had a coverdisc where Sensible Software put a version of Sensible Soccer on it, but played with hand grenades and all the players looked like the soldiers in Cannon Fodder. Only one game could be played, there was no campaign or league or anything, but I played the shit out of that disc, it was great fun!
1. NES - First console I ever got, think it was 30 quid when I got it for xmas, was like I won the lotto. Had Super Mario 3, George Foreman boxing and Mario bros with the duck shooting game with that red gun. Ah those were the days. Only bad thing was those cartridges were bit dodgy sometimes.

2. Snes- I never owned one but I played it a lot with the mega drive and I always preferred it because of street fighter.

3. N64- Still beats my old PS2 which was the last console I bought probably because of the nintendo factor that some of the games had at that time. Don't think I'll play a better game than Mario 64.

As for new consoles, I stopped playing ps2 around 2005 and only play footie games now. I wonder if I bought an xbox if I'd bother to play religiously like I did before.