Gaming Yakuza and Judgement (series)

Wanna know the scary thing? Go to Shinjuku in real life… you’ll know the place like the back of your hand… it’s fecking wild
I had that same surreal feeling when visiting Osaka after playing pretty much all the games. Perked up like a child when I saw the main canal area and the restaurant with a giant crab on the shopfront. Was half expecting to get into a random encounter with some Japanese thugs :lol:
I had that same surreal feeling when visiting Osaka after playing pretty much all the games. Perked up like a child when I saw the main canal area and the restaurant with a giant crab on the shopfront. Was half expecting to get into a random encounter with some Japanese thugs :lol:
Yep - did the same thing walking around dotonbori. I just said to my mate… I’ve been here before
Wanna know the scary thing? Go to Shinjuku in real life… you’ll know the place like the back of your hand… it’s fecking wild
Yeah I heard about this, It's definitely in my bucket list!
Hope it isn't corny.
It's Yakuza. If it completely takes itself serious, then it won't be a good adaptation. Yakuza needs some corniness.
Some? There is 10% earnest conversations about the plot. The other 90% is karaoke, tearing your shirt off to fight lads, cracking bikes off skulls, more karaoke, a chicken real estate manager, darts, phone sex and this lad.

Just started with Like a Dragon: Ishin. It's a bit jarring to jump back from a polished Dragon Engine title like Lost Judgement to something that feels more like Yakuza 5, even if it was technically ported to Unreal Engine 4. Especially going back to that awful style karaoke minigame, I thought I was finally free of that.

Not sure if I'm going to enjoy it as much as the main series or Judgement, but we'll see. I don't think I'm ever going to call the main character Ryoma though, it'll always be Kiryu for me. :lol:
Just started with Like a Dragon: Ishin. It's a bit jarring to jump back from a polished Dragon Engine title like Lost Judgement to something that feels more like Yakuza 5, even if it was technically ported to Unreal Engine 4. Especially going back to that awful style karaoke minigame, I thought I was finally free of that.

Not sure if I'm going to enjoy it as much as the main series or Judgement, but we'll see. I don't think I'm ever going to call the main character Ryoma though, it'll always be Kiryu for me. :lol:
My biggest disappointment will always be Like a Dragon. I keep wanting to go back to it but I’m hopeless with turn based combat.